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This past weekend,  The School of Greatness turned two years old!!

I’ve said it before, but this podcast has been one of the most enjoyable things I’ve ever done and I am so grateful to all of you listeners for the support.

To celebrate another amazing year of episodes on the podcast, I wanted to put a highlight reel together of the answers of the last question I ask all my guests.

You know the one.

What is your definition of greatness?

So in today’s episode, we’ve compiled some of the best answers guests gave this past year.

You’re probably going to listen to this one twice. Or three times.

Thank you so much and please enjoy Episode 130, the Greatness Definition Roundup of year two on the School of Greatness.

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The School of Greatness Podcast


“Final Question: What is your definition of greatness?”

Episodes featured in this roundup (in order):

Continue Seeking Greatness:

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School of Greatness

  • Music Credit: T.B.I.F. by Duvoh & Damien Anthony

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Thank you so much for your support of the School of Greatness over the past two years! Would love to hear what your favorite episode has been in the comments. And if you haven’t yet, please leave us an iTunes Review so we can spread the message of greatness even further. You rock.

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