New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

Summit of Greatness 2024 | September 13-14 | Los Angeles, CA


I fly a lot. And I see a lot of airport bookstores.

Last year I saw a lot of cool orange book covers with the catchy title Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain.

Naturally I wanted to know who the author was. I was not expecting what I found when I read the book.

Ryan Blair‘s life reads like an award-winning documentary (which it is):

When he was 13 his dad left his family.

When he was 14 he was in a gang.

When he was 16 he was in juvenile hall facing 4 years in prison.

When he was 19 he started his first company.

Today at 37 he is the multimillionaire CEO of ViSalus, after he sold it and bought it back years later, and a NYT best-selling author living the life in the Hollywood Hills.

How does stuff like this happen? I was dying to know and today’s interview on The School of Greatness is one of my favorites so far.

Ryan is one of the most humble, sincere, loving guys I know. We discussed everything from prison to mentors to crazy stalkers.

Not only did I get to hang out with Ryan at his beautiful house, but I got to hike with him up a canyon beforehand. He’s that cool of a guy.

If you’ve ever wondered how someone like Ryan Blair gets to where he is, the answers are in Episode 107.

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The School of Greatness Podcast

Ryan Blair on The School of Greatness

“It’s more important for you to learn what NOT to do than what TO do.”

Some questions I ask:

  • Why do you think you haven’t found love yet?
  • How did you emotionally handle making that much money that quickly?
  • What are your daily rituals?
  • What are the things you are working on healing through prayer?
  • What’s the best way to get in touch with a mentor?
  • What does your perfect day look like?

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • The astonishing start to his writing career at age 16 (he avoided going to prison by writing a letter to the judge)
  • How he used his federal grant money for college to start his first company
  • How taking care of his family fuels his drive for entrepreneurial success

“My whole world revolves around other people and that’s the reason for my success.”

  • Why he doesn’t feel he’s made enough money yet
  • Where he gets business insight from (hint: podcasts are mentioned!)
  • Why keeping yourself humble is so important to achieving success

“I never thought I’d be so successful that people would try to sue me for 240 million bucks.”

  • His philosophy on waking up early
  • How he prepares for giving a speech
  • How he makes time for working out
  • How his Autistic son has affected his life
  • Plus much more…

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Did you enjoy the podcast?

Wow. Spending time with Ryan (in his house no less) and hearing him tell stories of his business success and personal life was amazing for me. What about his story surprised you the most?  Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

 “I ain’t done sh*t compared to Mark Zuckerberg.”

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