New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

Summit of Greatness 2024 | September 13-14 | Los Angeles, CA


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I met today’s guest over 6 years ago when we were both young and learning about how to run businesses. The difference was that he already had a growing company with a handful of employees.

But neither of us could have known how big it would become.

Ryan Holmes is the founder of the social media tech company Hootsuite. It is now almost 1000 employees big and a major player in the online business space.

I stayed with Ryan in Vancouver when we were both attending ManTalks recently and finally got him on The School of Greatness.

I’m glad it took me so long to have him on the show because I was able to get amazing perspective from him about how he has grown his businesses.

Ryan has a huge heart, is deeply sincere, and has a great mind for business and entrepreneurship. So I had lots of questions for him.

But of course it wasn’t all business focused. We also got into the hardest experiences of his life and how they have shaped him.

Be sure to take notes on Ryan’s advice for young entrepreneurs as you listen to Episode 321.

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The School of Greatness Podcast


“Life is self-serve.”

Some questions I ask:

  • If you could only ask one question for every new hire you interviewed, what would it be? (16:08)
  • How important is your personal health to the success of your company? (26:23)
  • What would your one piece of advice be for young entrepreneurs to succeed? (32:20)

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • How to build a team that does all the stuff you don’t want to do (14:40)
  • The rule of 10 when it comes to management and scaling (15:35)
  • What Ryan learned from his near-death paragliding accident (18:30)
  • The massive impact of Millennials in the workforce (24:11)
  • The difference between good hustle and bad hustle (26:47)
  • Plus much more…

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