One of the greatest guitarists and motivational speaker of all time, Jimmy Hendrix, once said, “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”
The great spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, said, “World peace begins with inner peace.”
I’m a big believer that we create the world we want to see, which is why we talk so much about cultivating mindset and leadership on this podcast. Each week on The School of Greatness, we host an inspiring person or motivational speaker to help you discover how to unlock your inner greatness. I’m so excited to share with you today’s guest: someone who I think has gone far down the path toward greater inner peace.
In this episode, I talk about purpose with a former NFL football wide receiver and one of the most impactful and motivational speakers of this generation: Trent Shelton. Trent’s videos have received more than a hundred million views and have changed the lives of tens of thousands of people who have gone through different struggles in life. We will be discussing how to externally reflect your internal beliefs and stand for something to be the greatest you.
“If you are looking for a miracle, you are that miracle.” – Trent Shelton
The first time I interviewed Trent was in 2018, and I’m so grateful to have him back on The School of Greatness. It took a few years, but I finally found the opportunity to have him on my show again for another inspiring conversation with a motivational speaker!
Trent is a former American football player who is the founder and president of Rehab Time, a Christian faith-based, not-for-profit organization. Through his voice, Trent has inspired and helped transform the lives of thousands of people struggling in their lives. Based in Fort Worth, Texas, his hard-hitting videos reach over sixty million people weekly.
Trent is the author of The Greatest You: Face Reality, Release Negativity and Live Your Purpose. In this book, Trent takes you on a journey to discover the best version of yourself. It was great to have Trent on the show, and I am excited for you to learn from this amazing man.
Trent’s public speaking and videos often draw on experiences from his personal life that have taught him some hard lessons. Ten years back, Trent was unfaithful to his partner. He was dating someone and had a baby with (his now wife) Maria at the same time. The infidelity nearly destroyed his relationship with Maria.
Trent eventually decided to face the situation instead of avoiding it, but, at the time, he blamed others for his mistakes. This is when he had a wake-up call and decided to be the father that his son deserved.
“I had a conversation with Maria … and we both came to an understanding … that we don’t have to be [in a relationship to raise our son]. … [Eventually, Maria and I] grew closer to each other and got to know each other. … We put all our differences aside, … [connected] on a deeper level … and realized that we really had chemistry and love for each other. Now we have been [happily] married for three years, [parenting two wonderful kids, with another one on the way]. – Trent Shelton
Trent found himself in a dark phase where he was struggling to become a provider for his family. But Maria really motivated him and encouraged him, which led him to grow as an individual — and do the internal work that would inevitably allow him to become a better partner to her.
“She had my back when a lot of people didn’t. … [I hadn’t treated her well before and] during her pregnancy, but she went past all that. She saw the good in me, believed in me, and decided to support me. And never made me feel [inadequate].” – Trent Shelton
Through this, Trent learned to treat people the way he wanted to be treated. He’s an advocate for giving others the respect you wish to receive. Through this experience, Trent knows how important it is to reflect on what we believe in and stand for and make sure to pass it on to other people.
My friend Matthew Hussey, a relationship coach for women, says: “Make a list of all the qualities you want in a person, then do those things, and you will attract the same from others.” Try it, and you might be pleasantly surprised.
As a kid, Trent always wanted to be a professional athlete. But then things got off-track, and he got cut from the team. He had to figure out what to do next — he needed to find his purpose.
If someone has a dream that they start to pursue, but it suddenly stalls out, things can feel dark down. There’s a risk that their entire identity transforms into something else or that they abandon the dream for a new purpose. However, Trent believes that your purpose is just to exist.
“Purpose is [not] something that you will necessarily find, the world [may not] have your purpose, and you might end up getting lost when you start looking for it. … [I believe that] you were born on purpose … [and that] you are the purpose. … [You must] live [your] full potential, and actually make a difference and … use[ your] life to bring betterment to the world.” – Trent Shelton
This ideology has helped Trent not to become attached to a single goal and to live a life of purpose. Growing up, he had never thought of becoming a public motivational speaker. But looking back now, Trent realizes that so many people told him that he could become a powerful motivational speaker one day.
“There is a magnet inside of you that attracts people. … And when you understand that magnet, that’s when your power is released. … People [had felt that magnetic pull in me], but I was too blind and wrapped up in what I wanted to then that I couldn’t even see it.” – Trent Shelton
You can have lots of people telling you what you are good at, but none of that matters if it doesn’t resonate with you. Figure out a different mechanism for your gift by trying out different things and finding what you like. This way, you won’t get stopped by small obstacles standing in the way of your dream: Instead, these obstacles will empower you.
How often do you experience imposter syndrome? I know that I often feel like there are others in the room who are more experienced than me, who have more resources than I do, or who are just better than me altogether. However, this mindset leads to fear — and, as Trent says, fear is what holds you back.
“Fear [lies in] … creating a known result from a situation that you haven’t experienced yet. You [basically] tell yourself what is going to [happen] even before you [have done something]. So you will end up not doing it, [because you already fear the outcome].” – Trent Shelton
You have to believe in yourself, develop the mindset of a champion, and go all in. Don’t let fear stand in the way of realizing your full potential.
“[While approaching an unknown situation, I use a] little trick to hack fear, … by focusing on repetition. … Sometimes fear comes from not being prepared, [so find your calling and get down to mastering it through repetition or practice].” – Trent Shelton
Mentally prepare yourself, take the first step and walk through the door. You may fall on your face — you may be embarrassed more than once — but even if you don’t win, there is still great value in trying. Ask yourself questions like, “What’s in it for me?” That is the mindset that takes you to greatness: a willingness to face your fears and learn.
Based on Trent’s experience, he shares the five mindset principles that successful people have.
Commit to your own words and follow through if you expect big results.
“Stay loyal to what you said you were going to do, long after the mood you said it in is gone. … It’s powerful for us when we [commit to something].” – Trent Shelton
Find small things to commit to, like going for a daily run, following a diet, waking up early, etc; and staying committed to that one small goal.
Trent stresses that as much as discipline is about saying yes to good habits and following them through, it is also about saying no to things that you may like in the moment, but that is bad for you in the long run.
“There are a lot of bad habits [out there], … but you have to get good at saying no to things … [despite the] temptation. [By giving in to temptation you get] a false sense of fulfillment that moves you nowhere.” – Trent Shelton
You may like to party a lot or indulge in other activities, but you must stop for a moment and ask yourself, “Where is this taking me?” If the answer is “nowhere,” take steps to improve your discipline and shift your focus.
Follow up on your word or goal and work towards it through consistent action.
“Consistency is [about] anchoring your actions in greatness, so [that you put in nothing] less than your best [each day]. You don’t have to be the most talented, but if you are consistent, it pays off and makes you a go-to person.” – Trent Shelton
When you are consistent, you become reliable. And when you become reliable, you become a trustworthy person.
If you are putting in the effort, creating the right habits, and making the right sacrifices, then growth is definitely taking place, even if you cannot see it on the surface.
“Faith for me is believing [that] the odds are beatable, even when the odds say [that] it’s impossible. [There’s something] I learned from my grandpa … [called] the ‘gardener’s mindset’ — it is about being able to plant a seed and watering it. … You may not see any growth happening on the surface, but if you have the right mindset and the knowledge, … then you will know that there is growth taking happening [beneath] the surface. … And it’s the same way with your business.” – Trent Shelton
If you are doing the right thing, following the proper habits, and believing in yourself, it will keep you focused, and you can experience massive growth taking place.
Having a heart is all about finding the strength to give more, even when you have nothing left.
“[It’s like having a] marathon mindset, [when you feel that] you can’t [go on] anymore, but you have to [push yourself], and use the leverage questions in your heart. … Your personal life might not be going right, … but you know that as long as you keep pushing through and moving forward, [you will achieve] a breakthrough.” – Trent Shelton
At times you may feel that things are getting tough, there is pressure in your life, and you can’t go ahead. But as long as you practice daily and keep pushing through, you will know that the breakthrough is near. And sometimes, it is important to have a breakdown in order to have a breakthrough. That’s a champion’s mindset.
His son’s birth made Trent realize that his life was bigger than he was. Now, someone else depended on him. His son’s birth is what caused Trent to start to learn these principles and put them into action.
“[My son] Tristan really made me into a man, … [and taught me about] responsibility. … I didn’t want him to grow up to be like me, [and to achieve that, I had to alter my actions]. [Kids] are always watching you, [they pick up your habits and learn from you]. … So I’m not just talking to him, I’m living it [in front of him], [and I am] leading by example.” – Trent Shelton
To change your surroundings, you first have to look inwards and make that change in yourself. You should live the change, believe in it, and impart your knowledge and learning by showing rather than telling. If you learn from your past experiences and do what you believe in, others will also start believing in you.
Trent goes on to explain why and how we need to burn bridges in our lives. He doesn’t mean ALL bridges: just those that can take you down a path of destruction.
“There are certain bridges in life … that lead you back to pain, … and to a toxic place in your life. … [It could be] addictions, [or your] mindset or your habits, … but you have to [learn to] burn them [and move on] because these bridges don’t serve you [well]. … When you do that, you have no choice but to move forward and build bridges [that you need].” – Trent Shelton
By burning the bridges that bring misery and hold no value in your life, you open up space in yourself to grow. Build new bridges that are valuable and stand true to your purpose. You also have to let those people go who make you feel unhappy, drained, and unfulfilled.
“[On the other hand] there are people who bring energy, positivity, and growth into your life. … Even though [these people] don’t always say what [you] want to hear, they might be telling [you] things that [you] need to hear. They challenge [you] and make [you] see the bigger picture. [And these are the people you need].” – Trent Shelton
You need to make a list of the people, activities, habits, addictions, and other things in your life and analyze the value that they add. By doing a self-analysis, you will understand what’s worthy and what’s not — and you can go down the path of finding your inner peace.
The greatest thing in Trent’s life is peace. If you have all the success in the world — fame, money, family — but don’t have any inner peace, life can feel a little empty.
“[Inner peace] is the top priority for me. … Peace is [about] getting to my core self, … it is about who Trent Shelton really is at the core.” – Trent Shelton
Whenever you start to feel stressed and overwhelmed, pull yourself back and seek peace within yourself. The power of peace and the four A’s allow you to balance your life and make sure that you and everyone around you are happy and healthy.
How you start your day influences the rest of your day. This brings Trent to what he calls “The four A’s,” which are simple and easy to integrate into your routine.
“The first A is ‘appreciation’ — [you must] wake up with gratitude … [for all the people around you and] appreciate it for life. … The second A is ‘affection’ – … A hug a day keeps the pressure away. [So get out] and hug your [family], … or a co-worker, [and spread the affection]. … The third A is ‘accomplishment’ — set your day up for a win. … It would make [you] feel powerful if [you] started your day with a win. [And the fourth] A is ‘activity’ – … movement is very critical when it comes to mental health, get outside, [travel, explore] nature, or [anything else] and protect your peace.” – Trent Shelton
Everyone should be focused on their own selves first; otherwise, you won’t have anything to give to others. The four A’s give you a way to carve out space for finding your inner peace and practice self-care.
Take your game to another level by being more diligent, committed, disciplined, consistent — and believing in yourself. Create a routine that allows you to reach your goals and find a real sense of purpose. Remember, the bigger the challenge, the more committed you become to achieving something greater than yourself. Even if you fail, you’ll end up gaining confidence, belief, poise, and grace.
This interview with Trent was so educational and enlightening. I am so grateful to him for not allowing success to make him lazy, and I honor his commitment to not taking the easy way in life and encouraging so many other people to do the same. Listen to this whole episode, and don’t forget to share it with someone who needs to hear it.
I am extremely thankful to Trent for joining us today on this episode of The School of Greatness. Do not forget to follow Trent on Instagram @trent shelton, as well as on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. Check out his website for more inspiration with this motivational speaker.
Before signing off, I asked Trent for three truths that he lives by.
“Number one is … ‘self-responsibility’ … [and to remember that] everything starts with you … and the world owes you nothing. Number two is ‘protect your peace.’ And number three is ‘your life is never over’ until it is really over. [You can always rewrite a new story and die a peaceful death].” – Trent Shelton
And I will bid adieu with this quote by Albert Einstein, who said: “Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding.” Find your inner peace, and greatness will follow.
To Greatness,
Lewis: This is episode number 790 with Trent Shelton. Welcome to the school of greatness my name is Lewis Howes, a former pro-athlete turned lifestyle entrepreneur and each week we bring you an inspiring person or message to help you discover how to unlock your inner greatness. Thanks for spending some time with me today now let the class begin.
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.” Jimmy Hendrix. Dalailama said “World peace begins with inner peace.” And Albert Einstein said “Peace cannot be kept by force it can only be achieve by understanding.”
Welcome to this episode we got my man Trent Shelton in the house, who is a former NFL football player a wide receiver who founded a movement called ‘rehab time’ with over 10 million people following him over on Facebook, millions on Instagram and YouTube, and all over the place online. Some of his videos get a hundred million plus views and he change the lives of tens of thousands of people who have gone through different struggles in their life.
In this interview we cover how to be a reflection of what you believe and what you truly stand for and stepping into that reflection. Also, we talked about the right ways to treat people and how to treat yourself. How to believe in yourself once you’ve found your purpose and how to find your purpose, we cover that whole process. The top 5 ways to stay focus and to develop a focus mindset. And the power of peace and why it transcends top priority. When you find that inner peace you can take over anything in the outer world.
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As you listen to this episode and make sure to share with your friends Without further ado let me introduce to you the one the only Trent Shelton.
Welcome back everyone to the school of greatness podcast we’ve got Trent Shelton in the house. You got a new book out I’m excited about this because last time we talked we kept saying like ‘when’s the book gonna happen?’ This is called the greatest you make sure you guys check it out, it’s out right now. You’ve been inspiring people what is it 5 or 6 years now?
Trent: It started 10 years ago in 2009, but I would say in 2011 is where I really focus.
Lewis: And it take off. All your videos seem like they have 100 million views and you’re really intentional about your message and you speak to people heart. I think a lot of people are struggling right now this voice and message because you struggle as well. In your book you talked about this but you’re married and got some beautiful kids right now. Back in the day you weren’t this perfect husband/boyfriend can you tell us the story you were dating someone and had a baby with someone else at the same time. What was going on?
Trent: So it’s my first year in the NFL life that was lifestyle. I mean growing up that was the picture of success, you know money, cars, and women. We thought that was success and I wanted to get all those things, and so I got so caught up in that lifestyle and at 22 years old I had an off and on relationship, and she actually live in New York and I was in Indi. So, it kind of gave me room to do what I want to do and live my life at the point.
Lewis: Indianapolis?
Trent: In Indy. When I first saw her ‘she’s bad.’ We mess around and we were friends and ended up getting her pregnant.
Lewis: While you were dating someone else?
Trent: That was really tough because even on a deeper level the girl I was dating our families are really close and I know her since I was born. So, it became very much a lot of friction.
Lewis: The betrayal.
Trent: Everything and I was just hurting more than just hurt, so now my mom and her mom are not, well they’re friends now but at the time they were going back and forth at each other because each was trying to protect their child. I have to face my reality like I can’t keep living like that, let me face it and I faced it and it was really bad.
Lewis: What happened when you told the girl you were dating?
Trent: I told her and I actually got kicked out from her apartment at the time and I had an instant karma, fly back to Texas there was a snowstorm in New York and I got stuck in the airport that day it was bad.
Lewis: She’s screaming at you and hurt.
Trent: It was bad. Of course overtime even me being not a [?] to Maria too, I’m blaming her and telling her like ‘It’s your fault.’ The first 5 or 6 months in her pregnancy I wasn’t too active. I had a wakeup call because I have no excuse my father was there for me my whole entire life, and I’m about to have a son and I refuse to be that guy. So, I had a conversation with Maria and I said “Listen we don’t have to be together, we don’t have to like each other but let’s make this about our son Tristan.” And we both agreed on that and we came to an understanding as time grew we grew closer to each other to really know each other and pill back to all the layers of our past and everything. I mean we are married now 3 years going 4.
Lewis: So how long were you together with your first child just being co-parents?
Trent: 7 years.
Lewis: So you weren’t together in those 7 years?
Trent: Parenting off and on. So, probably 3 of those years we were together.
Lewis: Why did you break up?
Trent: We didn’t broke up. So the first 4 we were just friends off and on like friends and enemies like all of that stuff. We finally came to like I feel a mature place and then we put all of our difference aside and we realize that we really had chemistry and love for each other and we got to know each other on a deeper level and started our relationship and we’ve been together ever since.
Lewis: Okay, so 3 or 4 years ago you started the relationship? Did you get married?
Trent: We got married 3 years ago
Lewis: So you got together and got married and then you had a second child and now third on the way?
Trent: Yeah.
Lewis: Amazing man.
Trent: Yeah, we definitely got. That story beat the odds man, so I understand co-parenting. Tristan he live in Minneapolis for a while and I was in Seattle playing and it was funny because every time I would bring and try to make it work I got cut, so it was like not meant to be? So, I understand that but also like I really want to fight to be in his life and it wasn’t about making a relationship work for Tristan because I knew that wouldn’t keep us together.
A lot of people that get into relationships get married because they have a kid together and they think that the kid is gonna keep them together that is absolutely not, like it can bring you together but that child or children cannot keep you together.
Lewis: What’s gonna keep someone together?
Trent: I think in a relationship first of all is connection and selflessness, and really understand that you really love that person.
Lewis: When did you realize that “oh this is just my baby’s mom that I am co-parenting.’
Trent: I can’t remember the exact feeling or moment but it was around the time when she move down to Texas and she said ‘it wasn’t for me.’ So, she move down and when I realize that men it’s how much we put our immaturity aside and become mature. She had every right because I was struggling, like she had every right at that point to like beat me down, I really can barely provide for my child.
Lewis: When was this?
Trent: This was probably 2011.
Lewis: This is like 500 a week maybe.
Trent: So, I’m struggling with that I am trying to train kids on the side. So, I’m in a vulnerable position as a man and not be a provider and she had every right to be like ‘Okay, this is my time to shoot shots at him and tear him down’ but instead she build me up.
Lewis: Really? How so?
Trent: Just by encouraging me. So she was there at the beginning with me making t-shirts and helping me write every single name on a package and go to post office all of that.
Lewis: She was there for you even when you weren’t together?
Trent: Big time. In the ugly moment because when I met her I was a football player that was my highlight, I can say “Well, maybe she’s with me because of that” but when it was the dark moment of my life and she was still there for me, she was like “I don’t know what it is you’re gonna do but I will help support and I believe in you.” So she like held it down.
Lewis: That’s inspiring.
Trent: So it’s always my goal to flip and be like ‘you don’t have to work anymore’ and now she’s an influencer but it’s cool to be able to do that. But yeah she had my back when a lot of people didn’t. So that gain a lot of like I’m big on that man.
Lewis: Very inspiring what do you think it’s about that’s inside of her that made her be able to do that without being resentful or angry at you?
Trent: I don’t know man.
Lewis: Is that like a female quality in general or is that like you go lucky with her accident kind of?
Trent: I think it can be human quality with people I think it depends on the person with their heart. I think she really had genuine love for me, and of course I’m the father of her son. Her dad passed away when she was 14 and so maybe she thinks or maybe she knows that you know make sure that Trent is there as a man.
Lewis: Did she always want to be with you? Was that part of her vision?
Trent: I believe she was attracted to me and I believe she wanted to be with me, but I think after all the mess that was going on and that whole thing within span of years I think she got to the part where she didn’t want to be with me.
Lewis: What do you regret about those couple of years where you were the nasty version of yourself to her?
Trent: The things I regret is just hurting people. You know how it feels to be hurt as far as anybody’s watching this. So, why would I want to put that on other people when I wouldn’t want that put on myself by other people? And so I always tell myself ‘treat people how you want to be treated.’ A lot of people say ‘I want loyalty’ but they don’t give loyalty. So for me it’s going back to the saying ‘be a reflection of what you believe and what you truly stand for’ and make sure you pass it to other people and set that tone.
Lewis: I think I talked to Matthew a friend of mine he’s a relationship coach for women. He told me one time that a lot of women ask him “How do you find the one?” He’s like make a list of all the qualities you want from that person and then go be those things. If you want a loyal man be a loyal woman, if you want a giving, caring and compassionate guy you know be that towards other people and you will attract that.
You’ve had your vision your purpose was to be an athlete, right? But then things got off track and you got cut and played arena ball for $100 a week or whatever you are getting paid. Did you get injured there?
Trent: So I got sign to the UFL, so I left arena. I went and sign with the voodoo but I never made it to the voodoo’s training camp.
Lewis: When someone has a purpose or a dream that they pursue and then they get a taste of it and then their identity shifts to something else, how do they figure out what their purpose is now?
Trent: So I have a take about purpose and I want to touch on it. A lot of people I haven’t really heard said like this and it’s actually in the book, I actually wrote the chapter of the book and went back. So I get that question a lot ‘how do I find my purpose?’ My thing is this I don’t know if purpose is something that you necessarily find and I don’t know if the world has your purpose. So, I think when we look forward like that we can end up lost or finding something that might be a pretend purpose or something that are you know our wants. I think you are purpose as a person, when I said that it kind of change my life. If you’re looking for that miracle you’re that miracle like do you realize that? When I really embodied that and really like understood that, I realize that my purpose isn’t rehab time because that can be lost, my purpose can’t be football because that can’t be lost. My purpose is Trent Shelton at my pure.
So, that’s help me in the process of not getting attach to something and allowing something to become a temporary identity, so either they can live here now and be that purpose.
Lewis: What’s the placement? What’s the mechanism?
Trent: Exactly, and I just feel that with that you know it kind of a deeper soul search though like me being a speaker I never wanted to be a speaker. When I look back now I realized how many times people have put the calling in my life for this or people have identified because I am naturally an introverted person, but when I speak people would say “Man, you’re gonna be a powerful speaker.” So, I think in that magnet that you have inside of you, you start to realize the call of the magnet because it’s what attracts people to you. And when you understand your magnet that’s when your power is release. So, I realize people identifying my magnet way back then I was just too blind and too wrapped up into what I wanted to do that I couldn’t even feel that.
Lewis: Try different stuff and see what you like. I think at the end of the day you can have a lot of people telling you what you could be good at too like, but it’s got to resonate with you at the end of the day. So you could figure out a mechanism in a different way with your gift and try different stuff. So maybe it’s like you love writing and everyone said “You should go write books” and you try it and you really didn’t enjoy the process, but you like writing movies. So, I think that’s a great idea of saying ‘I am purpose.’
Trent: Yeah, it just empowers you.
Lewis: So how does someone when they figure out ‘okay, this is the gift that I have and I am born with purpose because I am that purpose.’ How do I actually believe in myself and develop a champions mind? How do I develop that mindset when there’s so much competition?
Trent: So this is a pactful question man. So there’s a lot of ways, I mean I think one thing you can do I think fear is a part of that right? Might not go all in because you’re fearful of like you said you might not be as great as someone else or you might not succeed in that field. So for one understand what fear is which for me is basically creating a normal result from a situation. So you’re telling yourself what is gonna be if you’re gonna do it.
Lewis: If you believe this result will happen it’s gonna be bad.
Trent: Exactly. Like playing football like you go out there and like we’re gonna lose or I’m having a terrible game. So, I always said if fear is a door and behind this door was all these negativity things that I’m saying I’m never gonna walk through that door. So in order for me to walk to that door even though the door is super scary I have to make empowering things on this side of the door. I’m gonna learn I’m gonna grow even if I don’t win there’s gonna be some value within it, so let me walk through this door even though it might not be perfect still gonna find growth inside of it. So to me that’s like a small little to trick to really hack fear and get over fear and also Brendan talks about this a lot like not just repetition but like really focus repetition, like finding that area and saying ‘You know what I’m gonna get better at this’ because sometimes fear comes from being not prepared.
Lewis: Yeah
Trent: I mean if we go back to sports if I’m going to a game then watch tape and do this stuff I’d be pretty scared. So, preparation also is a part of that. One way to go out there and do it I use leverage questions.
Lewis: Like what?
Trent: So, I go all out like this might be over the top stuff. So with leverage questions it can be anything like it can be the simple leverage question that tomorrow is not promise, like that is one of the best ones. If I’m not going after it then I’m gonna die incomplete, I’m going to die being the person I wasn’t created to be. I want to meet the greatest me, I want to meet my full potential. So, I told Tom this yesterday about I would literally go to cemeteries, after my friend committed suicide death became so surreal to me because it was somebody that was like next to me. I would go to cemeteries sometimes with my friends and walk around.
So, gain leverage in your life like what’s something that’s gonna make you move? That’s all you have to do is move take that first step. Everybody who’s experienced greatness has been through that. So go through that and study people who have been through it to give you that confidence.
Lewis: How else do you develop a champions mind for yourself? Like how do you push through your dad? All these stuff how do you stay in that mindset consistently? And do you drop off ever?
Trent: Yeah, of course I drop off. But of course I don’t have perfect days. I have days where I am lazy, I have days where at times I doubt myself and all these things. So everything I talk about I can practice at myself, sometimes I’m making video I am preaching to myself. But how do I keep a championship mindset is understand these 5 principles in the championship mindset and understanding these words that everybody’s heard before.
I study high level people like I’ve been around athletes and people as you and we all have these qualities. So number 1 is commitment and commitment staying loyal to what you said you were gonna do long after the [?] left.
Lewis: Yeah being a word.
Trent: Exactly. So you got to find commitment and I would just challenge people like find something small to stay committed to. I mean fitness is a great thing and stay committed to that because if you can’t be committed to the small things don’t expect big things and big results to happen.
The second thing is discipline. My definition of discipline is probably the easiest definition ever ‘Just good at saying no to the things that get you a yes.’ And that is very hard because there’s temptation out there, there’s bad habits that are just waiting for you to start doing. So maybe it’s your friends maybe you got to start saying no to your friends, and maybe you know your friends aren’t bad friends just when you are around them they are not doing the things that you want to do or not a place where you have to go. Discipline is you know you saying no to the cake or the pie that you really love, like discipline is not saying no to the things you hate, it’s saying no to the things that you love or like that will get you to a place that you would love to be.
Lewis: That’s good.
Trent: Third thing is the magic word for everything consistency. And my definition of consistency is ‘anchor your actions and greatness so daily you produce nothing than your very best.’ So when you’re consistent you become reliable, when you’re reliable you become a more trustworthy person. People always ask like “What was your thing with the rehab time? How did you grow?” I just tell people I’ve been consistent and living a purpose. Consistency makes you a go to person. If I was an off and on person and came with off and on switch and 1 minute on my page I’m talking about positivity and the next one talking about something just to go viral, people wouldn’t come there. So be consistent like you don’t have to be the most talented or whatever but if you’re consistent it will always pay off.
The fourth thing is faith. Faith for me is believing the odds are beatable even when the odds say it is impossible, and that is simply faith. Faith is knowing that even though you can’t see it even though it’s not right there in your face it’s gonna happen. You have the mindset the knowledge to know that ‘if I’m doing these things, if I’m putting the work and creating the right habits there’s growth taking place that I can’t even see.’ One day that fruit comes up.
You got to know if you’re doing the right things it’s going to happen, and for me that’s always kept me you know focus just understanding that faith like men I am doing the right stuff so it’s gonna payoff.
The fifth thing is heart and heart is finding the strength to give more even when everything else even yourself says you have nothing left. My demonstration of that would be kind of that marathon mindset.
Lewis: Catches out to you.
Trent: But you keep pushing on and through. Everybody talks about the why and the reason and you have to use those leverage questions in your heart, because there’s gonna be a time when life sucks there’s gonna be a time when everything in your business and personal life might not be going right. When the pressure is on your life which we have to know that as long as I keep pushing through as long as I keep moving forward the breakthrough is near. Sometimes in order to have a breakthrough you got damn near breakdown. So that’s the championship mindset those are things that I remind myself daily to practice and to keep in place with my life.
Lewis: You training for a marathon right now?
Trent: I’m actually running a half marathon on Sunday with Rachel and Dave.
Lewis: In Texas?
Trent: Yes. They asked me and I was like I said yes before I thought about it.
Lewis: What did they ask you?
Trent: They ask me like a few weeks ago in Puerto Rico. I was like I should have waited before I said yes first.
Lewis: I think it’s powerful for us when we make commitments on things that scares us before we are ready because then we get ready. So you’ve probably more discipline in the last 4 weeks than you were before that? Because you knew you had something at stake.
Trent: And I don’t want to go through that process of like not being in shape that’s hard.
Lewis: I think a lot of us don’t have a lot at stake in our life. We don’t have enough at stake that’s why I think it’s important to challenge yourself every year with big challenges, something that’s like ‘can I do that?’ It doesn’t have to be a marathon. I think the bigger the challenge the more committed you become to your life. Like you step up to something greater than yourself. When you fall through on some big challenges like this for yourself you gain so much confidence and belief and poise and grace and when you continually do that week or month or year after year you just become better and better, you become the best you when you have stakes in your life.
Trent: I definitely agree with that.
Lewis: It’s almost like I have a baby before I was ready to get married but then you like lean into it and grew up and got ready for the marriage and the relationship.
Trent: Big stake.
Lewis: You wouldn’t have risen to who you are now without having a child.
Trent: I wouldn’t have. Tristan made me really become a man and man up because my life became bigger than me and somebody else’s life depended on me. The first thing that I told Tristan he can talk but I told him in my head “I don’t want you to grow up to be like me” and that like hurts as a father.
Lewis: So you needed to become the example that you’re speaking in and everything.
Trent: I like to see him watch me you know and just like. So, he’s seeing that and that example so now he wants to go do more and he’s seen what it takes. You want to make it to the NFL? You better start getting on it. But now he sees it in me and I’m not just talking I’m doing it and that’s the best way to influence is to actually be the example.
Lewis: You talked about burning bridges. Why do we need to burn bridges in our life and what does that mean?
Trent: Let me be clear about this part. You don’t need to burn every bridge in your life. Don’t burn certain bridges but there are certain bridges in your life that lead you back to destruction, that lead you back to a toxic place in your life, those bridges that don’t serve you you have to burn them because if you don’t, don’t think that you are so strong than you can have this in your life and go back here. No, you got to let it go, you have to literally burn up the boats and let it go. So what are those bridges in your life? Maybe it’s friends, habits, addiction. You have to burn those bridges because when you do that you have no choice but to move forward and build bridges in your life like it need to be build. Like I wouldn’t be able to build the bridges that I built with you and other people if I would have the same bridges.
Lewis: What can people do to evaluate those parts in their life? Should they write a list of their closest friends, families of like habits?
Trent: So a simple they can do is write a list of people or habits and just put a DRE by it. D is for drain is E is for energize. A relationship should be reciprocated they should pour back into you. You’re gonna have people in your life that drain you that need to stay there, but there’s people in your life you know consistently bringing drama, gossip, problems to you like you’re never happy and fulfilled around them you have to let those people go. And then energize are these people bringing energy to my life, bringing growth into my life.
Lewis: So just make a list of the people in your life first and then the activities in your life and energy or drain from.
Trent: Your text message group like I literally had to realize a lot of my text messages with certain people like I would do the history like non-sense. And then I have a group of people about gold, growth, family and things like that, so you know I want more of these conversations in my phone and less of this.
Lewis: Now you’ve gone into a place of your life it seems where you’ve got such clear energy, I mean since the last time I saw you you’re no longer. You’ve got like clarity in your face like your skin is different, your eyes look different. What’s the greatest challenge for you at this point in your life to get to the next level? What is the thing that challenges you maybe in your marriage?
Trent: Probably I think the growth and success thing for me. So what I mean by that, so for me it’s always making. Of course growing up my definition of success was totally different now.
Lewis: Making money, being famous.
Trent: Exactly. So even with that part of it it’s like I have a business and employees to take care of. So of course you have to make money if you have a business or you will not have any business. But for me of course I get this massive growth and I feel a lot of times it can take you to a place where you don’t want to be at.
Lewis: Like where?
Trent: From the standpoint, I wouldn’t say going against your morals but the tension that you get like all the extra stuff that I don’t care anything about. So, I’m the guy that is shying away from that, being content with stuff versus being pushing. How much do I need to push? I have that battle I mean it’s just so hard every single day I create videos, I can impact people and speak and all that, but is that really worth it? Bob Golf has this quote “I don’t want to be successful at the wrong things’ and his quotes is a lot more beautiful than that.
Lewis: So what is the greatest you then? Is it constantly reaching the next level and impacting more people? Or is it being content and living like a balance life and making sure you are healthy and happy.
Trent: Peace is the greatest you.
Lewis: If you don’t have inner peace with all the success what’s the point?
Trent: That’s the definition I came with last year with success it’s peace. It’s getting into my core cells like I’m interested who is Trent Shelton at the core without all these stuff over the last 34 years that’s been added on and all these ideas in the world like I’m just like hungry for that.
I am always asking myself lately ‘what really matters?’ like at the end of life what’s really gonna matter? Like my mom being sick that really opened my eyes to a lot just like what really matters. So that’s the battle and it’s a lot because everything is coming at you every type of way.
Lewis: What if you’re reaching for the next level and you’re not losing yourself you continue to explore yourself and you unlock new things and you’re growing. So, it’s maybe an answer for each person it’s different for every person.
Trent: I think the definition is in your meaning of what you want out of life.
Lewis: Yeah. I still have the desire to have kids but I feel like 1 day this is probably gonna change my life and my whole priority will probably change for like a deeper meaning of family and like intimacy with a small group of people.
Trent: Yeah and that’s why I sacrifice so much in that. I want to make sure that he always knows even despite everything I had going on I was always present in his life. So success to the world means absolutely nothing to me successful to my world. So that is the balance factor of my life in trying to figure out, I’m the type of guy where I probably could be like somewhere with my family and disappear and be good.
Lewis: Be happy.
Trent: But then there is a side of me too that I know requires me to fulfill the call I have in my life being in the spotlight or making these videos like that doesn’t. I’m an introverted person actually.
Lewis: That’s part of your purpose it’s like if you’re in an island by yourself would you be doing a disservice to your purpose?
Trent: Exactly.
Lewis: So it’s kind of trying to figure out the balance for yourself. Being content with the impact you are making and happy the way you’re making now and also being present for your life and your family and how much to push. It’s tough man I think our minds play tricks on us too.
Trent: That’s a great question. Actually, when I was here last time I was going to New Zealand I asked everybody in the audience the question like ‘what’s enough?’ and everybody gives different answers.
Lewis: I feel it’ll never be enough in a sense that when I give something to humanity. I’m always gonna be working towards something to help people, whether that’s helping 2 kids at the youth program or coaching them as opposed to coaching the world or if it’s continually impacting more and more people or serving people through a product or whatever it may be. But I feel like even if a billion dollars planted in my bank account I would still want to do something for people. It’s not necessarily about the money anymore now that I’ve got money but it’s about showing up every day and knowing that I am here for a reason and fulfilling that ‘I am purposed.’ The contribution like what’s the point? It’s not about like what is enough it’s like how much are you willing to give. How much can you consistently give I think.
Trent: I prioritize like my top priority like is peace and it takes and I know I lose a lot, I feel like I lose a lot of game in the external realm of stuff but I prioritize my peace.
Lewis: That’s smart. So how can I have peace in my heart and how much can I give with peace in my heart maybe. Inner peace should be the focus.
Trent: Right without it I mean life.
Lewis: How often have you felt lack of peace in the last 12 months?
Trent: Maybe a few times because I am more conscious of it and what I want with that and I set my day up for that, like I literally set my day up before 12 like my family knows it’s my time. So when you come back home to me you’re a fresh at peace and it makes it better.
My wife has realize that and see how better I am for her and for the kids.
Lewis: What are your 4 A’s?
Trent: So really simple but it worked. So always say how you start your day and influence your day. So the first A is appreciation obviously. Wake up gratitude thank god and whoever you thank thank them.
Two is affection. Always say hug a day keeps depression away so it usually with my wife and kids, you might not have somebody then go hug your co-worker or somebody. 3 is accomplishment. Set your day up for a win or do something. So that’s accomplishment is 3 and 4 is activity and that’s usually my workout, always say ‘movement is very critical when it comes to mental health.’ So, that’s like protecting my peace.
Lewis: Protect the peace I like that man. I think everyone should be focus on themselves first otherwise they don’t have anything to give anyone else.
Trent: Exactly.
Lewis: Make sure you guys get this book the greatest you. Trent Scott has the most inspiring videos online right now and lot of other friends. Are you on YouTube too?
Trent: Yeah.
Lewis: So make sure to check all that stuff out. I think I asked you the 3 truths last time but I’ll ask you again. If you could leave the world behind with only 3 messages, 3 lessons and no one had access to your content anymore because you had to take it all with you when you die. Billions and video views with all these great messages and books you create everything you want in your life at the end of the day you take it with you, you can’t leave them behind and you get to leave behind 3 truths. What would you say the 3 things that you would leave behind to be the lessons you leave behind?
Trent: Number 1 it all starts with you. Self-responsibility the world don’t owe you nothing. Number 2 would be protect your peace and number 3 would have to be your life isn’t over.
Lewis: What do you mean by that?
Trent: Just no matter what you’re going through in your life know that it’s not over. Sometimes in the storm, we feel like it’s gone and done, but your life is never over until it’s over.
Lewis: You can always rewrite a new story?
Trent: Exactly every day is a new beginning, every day is a new page.
Lewis: Who is your biggest inspiration right now?
Trent: Outside of my family because that would be a typical answer. The biggest inspiration J Cole.
Lewis: Who is this?
Trent: He’s a top rapper outside of Drake.
Lewis: I’m sure I heard the music.
Trent: J Cole just for the simple fact that I love his message, I just love to see people at such a high level but don’t lose themselves. He always giving back to school things he just does everything against the grain as far as like going against the machine and calling other things that need to be called down. You can be a regular human being and still do great things.
Lewis: That’s cool. Well, I want to acknowledge you Trent for constantly showing up and improving your life because the last time I saw you-you’re still doing big things but I see your health at another level and meet your wife it was cool to see that. You haven’t let these successes and fame and all the people following you hold you back from having this strong bond with your wife. It’s like I love seeing men keep a tight bond with their family and keeps them focus. So, I acknowledge you for all that man and I acknowledge you for doing the right thing and writing a book it’s not that easy, and for everything you do. All the stuff you do is not easy so I acknowledge you for not allowing your success to make you lazy necessarily in your health and relationships and things like that and not taking the easy way out.
Trent: Trent Shelton but you can follow rehab time too. Trent Shelton is my main.
Lewis: Final question what’s your definition of greatness?
Trent: You do what you’re created to do. I think that’s greatness and being who you are created to be.
Lewis: T-money in the house.
There you have it, my friends, I hope you enjoyed this episode. I love always asking my friends and influencers the deeper more challenging questions to get them to really open up. So I’m glad that Trent was able to share more of the vulnerable and open up about stuff to help you in your own life.
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Back to the beginning, Jimmy Hendrix said: “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.” Find that strength within yourself to have love for yourself, to have love for others, to let go of the anger the resentment the frustrations that you have in the world because that means you won’t have the inner peace, and until we have inner peace we can never have world peace, said the Dalailama. And Albert Einstein said, “Peace cannot be kept by force it can only be achieved by understanding.”
I love you all so very much and you know what time it is, it’s time to go out there and do something great.
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