New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!


Lewis Howes

The Millionaire Habits That Changed My Life!

Are you afraid of money?

When I was younger, I had no idea how to make money. I knew I wanted as much of it as possible over a short time, but I didn’t know what it took to achieve that goal. And what held me back the most was my mindset around money — I didn’t know about the strategies I could use to create a life aligned with who I wanted to be.

It’s not the pursuit of money but the fear of money that keeps us back. There is a prevailing sense of taboo regarding talking about money or planning your long-term wealth. Money is often discussed in hushed whispers, which is not the right approach. It’s time to bring it out of the bubble, discuss it openly, and share as much knowledge and ideas for well-rounded growth as we can.

Wondering where to begin? It’s simple — all things are achievable in the world if you master the correct habits. If you ask someone successful how they reached where they are, they are most likely to tell you the habits that worked for them. Your finances may be all over the place right now, but if you start taking the proper steps, you can turn your fate around pretty quickly. 

And that’s what excites me the most about today’s episode of The School of Greatness, where I will be opening up about the things that I have learned. I’m sharing all about the good investments, the bad investments, and the mindset that has helped me throughout this entire process around money. And of course, I will be introducing you to some of the millionaire habits that changed my life. Let’s get into it —

Overcoming the Fear of Money

When I think about what shifted in my life that helped me go from being broke to actually having money, the biggest thing for me was overcoming the fear of money. I didn’t understand money initially, as my parents were paying for things, be it food, rent, or any other expense. I didn’t know anything about the language around money, about accounting, saving, or investing. I was so afraid to talk about it and wanted to run away from any conversation around it. 

If you don’t understand money and don’t have a sense of peace when you hear or talk about money, or when money is in your hands, and if you constantly feel afraid, then how will you control and handle it? To get over my hesitancy, I found a few things that were very helpful for me, and which I would now recommend to you:

Number one is to surround yourself with people who have more money than you. Usually, when you are around people who have it, you can start finding out and learning about what it is that they are doing differently. One way of doing that is by asking questions. 

Number two would be to talk about it constantly because if you start talking about money, it stops being scary, and you can have more peace of mind. If you resist something or do not talk about it, then the process will be much more challenging.

Number three would be to read and learn about it. Money is a language because of the terminology and the way people communicate about it. I consumed a lot of books, listened to a lot of podcasts, and watched a lot of TV just to try and learn from the people who were making money and to hear their language.

Number four is to be patient and be prepared for the money. I remember the time when I was lost and overwhelmed with the stress of not having enough to pay for things. That’s when my mentor, Chris Hawker, said to me, “Money comes to you when you are ready.” This means that you have to be prepared for money to come by learning and talking about it before it comes to you.

Number five would be learning how to earn it, spend it, and invest it, along with a gradual shift in mindset. When you start attracting money, it’s going to be hard for you to utilize it well, but if you start learning about investments and the best way to spend your money, you will have taken a very practical step toward a life of abundance.

The Best Investments of My Life

My best investments have always been in myself and my business. I have invested in building teams and making tools for them and in software to automate things within the team — these have always been an excellent investment. Putting back into the business is always rewarding because it allows you to reach out to more people.

That being said, I also invest back into myself. Health takes the forefront in this, because without health, it is hard to build wealth. As long as you are unhealthy, your entire energy is focused on getting better, and you don’t have the time or energy to focus on building wealth. . But when your health is on track, you can boost your skills because you are in a position to get in touch with even more people.

A rich life is about much more than just financial riches. It comes down to having a fulfilling life and doing things you enjoy doing — things that inspire you and make you feel alive. For me, I think about how I can enrich myself with activities, hobbies, adventures, and magical moments that bring me more joy.

Another thing I strongly believe in is investing in your friends and loved ones. Whether it involves taking them out for lunch or coffee, investing financially, or just investing my time and energy into the people I love, those investments always pay off.

Finally, I also like to invest in experiences and adventures. I’ve experienced so many cool things in my life because I invested in travel. I invested in experiences, trips, and adventures with good people, and it’s great to be able to have these memories and experience these moments consistently. This is all a part of investing in myself, and that has been the best investment for me in life.

“A rich life comes down to doing the things that make you feel more alive.” @lewishowes  

Three Important Things to Start Building Your Wealth

Something I will always go back to and will remind you of is to surround yourself with a mentor and learn from them. It’s tough to do something that you have never done before without having a role model or a mentor to guide you. At the very least,  you can watch from afar and learn from the people that inspire you either by watching their content or reading their books. I always try to surround myself with the people who are the masters of the skills that I am trying to learn so that I can observe and apply them.

The other thing would be to create a game plan involving structures and processes around building your wealth from all this information you are learning. You should begin by getting clarity on what you want and why you want it, and then put a date around that goal. When you have a specific goal, you already have a structure, which will allow you the time and space to create and reflect on it and to grow exponentially.

The last thing that’s very important to me is to be joyful and service-focused. When you are trying to build wealth, you are trying to generate more revenue for your business. No one wants to do business with someone negative and low-energy, who is distracted and always complaining. People want to be around someone joyful, who has positive energy — someone who is happy and grateful. If you learn nothing else today, remember this: the millionaire mindset comes from a place of joy.

Even if you don’t have other skills or opportunities, joy can be your ticket and the key to unlocking the door to riches. Zig Ziglar said, “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help other people get what they want.” By doing so, all that wealth and abundance will come back to you, and you will be surrounded by the right people who will then help you accomplish your goals.

Why You Should Listen to this Solo Episode Right Now…

Money is definitely an energy and a journey. Money comes and goes. The more you hold onto it, the less it is going to come to you. The more you’re willing to invest it, spend it, and let it flow, the more it will flow to you. It’s important to learn the balance. You don’t want to spend it all the time, but you want to make sure you’re willing to invest it in certain things that make sense. I hope that this short episode is impactful in your special journey to achieving wealth.

To catch up on the things you missed, I recommend that you watch the complete episode here. And if you found this episode to be valuable and motivating, then I would really love for you to tag me @lewishowes on Instagram with a screenshot of this episode and your greatest takeaways from it.

I would also appreciate it if you could leave me a five-star review on ApplePodcasts. And finally, share this episode with your friends and family — you never know who might need to hear this message!

Before I sign off, I want to leave you with this quote from Maya Angelou who said, “You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you.” When you find the things that you love, the passion comes out from inside of you.

To Greatness,

Lewis Howes - Signature

“The world makes room for passionate people.” @lewishowes  

Some Questions I Ask:

  • What shifted in your life that helped you go from broke to having money?
  • What mindsets around money did you have to overcome?
  • What do you do differently now that you didn’t when you were poor?
  • What are the best investments you’ve made?
  • How can someone 10x their income if they run their own business?
  • If someone is an employee, how can they start making more money?

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How to overcome the fear of money.
  • The best investments I’ve made in my own life.
  • The 3 most important things you can do to start building wealth.
  • The strategies I recommend for multiplying your income, whether you’re an entrepreneur or an employee looking to get a raise.
  • And so much more…

Show Notes:

Connect with
Lewis Howes

Transcript of this Episode

Music Credits:

Music Credit:

Kaibu by Killercats

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