New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

Summit of Greatness 2024 | September 13-14 | Los Angeles, CA


Oh man. I wasn’t going to post this episode.

In fact, during this conversation, I repeatedly found myself opening up and saying things I was not comfortable sharing.

But since this is The School of Greatness, I knew I had to share all the lessons I am privileged to learn myself, even the ones that aren’t comfortable.

What could I have been talking about that was so scary to share?

Relationships . . . of course.

I met today’s guest, Neil Strauss, after he had already been a NYT bestselling author 7 times.

He is best known for becoming a pick up artist by going underground into the world of that game for 2 years and then writing a book about what he learned.

But by the time I met him, he was happily engaged to his now wife, and those days were behind him.

In this episode, we started by talking about his new book, which counters his former bestseller, revealing the uncomfortable truth about what makes relationships work.

Soon into the conversation, however, the tables turned and we started discussing my experiences in relationships.

Not the kind of thing I was expecting to discuss for thousands of people to hear.

However, I learned so much from just this one conversation with Neil about myself, my relationships, and how to improve my future ones, that I knew I couldn’t keep it to myself.

Here’s the raw, vulnerable truth about relationships, my life, and the lessons Neil Strauss has learned from his own in Episode 242.

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The School of Greatness Podcast


“You shouldn’t be researching science to decide what to do with your heart.”

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • Why our parents’ relationship deeply affects our own perceptions of intimacy
  • How our brain templates are formed in young childhood
  • The power of removing blame from your parents for what isn’t working in your relationships
  • What pathological accommodation is (and how it sabotages relationships)

“Your job is not to make someone happy.”

  • The importance of recognizing your own issues, not your partner’s
  • How you can create a conscious coupling (just like you can create a conscious uncoupling)
  • Plus much more…

Continue Seeking Greatness:

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Wow, I’m still terrified of this conversation and what we talked about (even though I know it’s true). Did you relate at all?

“If you’re psychologically unhealthy and have issues, no kind of relationship will work for you.”

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