New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

Summit of Greatness 2024 | September 13-14 | Los Angeles, CA


Sarah Livingstone and Matt Cesaratto

Building The School of Greatness Empire


How do you enroll people in your vision?

How do you ask for more than what your limiting beliefs think you deserve? 

How do you accomplish dreams even though you feel unprepared? 

It’s all about pushing past what you think you can do.

You have to ask.

And you need to surround yourself with people who will help you accomplish the impossible.

The School of Greatness wouldn’t be what it is today without the help of my executive team.

On today’s episode of The School of Greatness, I talk about the journey of The School of Greatness with my friend and COO Cesar and my amazing assistant: Sarah Livingstone.

“We believe that we can pull it off, and somehow we do.”- Sarah Livingstone  

Sarah Livingstone has been my assistant for the last six years and is now moving on. She doesn’t love the spotlight, but I wanted to stretch her by having her as a guest on The School of Greatness. 

She says the keys to being a great assistant are thinking three steps ahead of others and believing in the message.

So get ready to learn more about Sarah and how The School of Greatness has become what it is today on Episode 821.

“Get comfortable being uncomfortable.” - Sarah Livingstone  

Some Questions I Ask:

  • What’s been the biggest lesson from the last four years? (11:00)
  • What was the highlight of the second your for you? (29:00)
  • What advice do you have about being a great team player? (35:30)
  • Who was your favorite guest on The School of Greatness? (43:00)
  • Was there ever a time you wanted to quit? (46:00)
  • What advice do you have for me moving forward? (56:00)

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The story of how Sarah and I met (15:00)
  • About the “champagne” story (19:00)
  • Sarah’s highlight of the six years (24:00)
  • About the evolution of Sarah’s mindset (40:00)
  • What’s next for Sarah (1:00:00)
  • Plus much more…
Connect with
Sarah Livingstone and Matt Cesaratto

Transcript of this Episode

Lewis: This is episode 821 coffee conversations with my internal team on what it’s been like building the school of greatness empire. Welcome to the school of greatness my name is Lewis Howes a former athlete turned lifestyle entrepreneur and each week we bring you an inspiring person or message to help you discover how to unlock your inner greatness. Thanks for spending some time with me today, now let the class begin.

Margaret Mead said “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people could change the world, indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” Mother Theresa said “None of us including me ever do great things, but we can all do small things with great love and together we can do something wonderful.”

We’ve got another coffee conversations back on the school of greatness podcast and usually it is just me and Cesar.

Matt Cesaratto who is my head of operations just runs the business and runs everything here at school of greatness HQ. It is usually sharing behind the scenes of what’s been working, not working and the strategies. 

Today we are bringing in a very special guest Sarah Livingstone who is my former executive assistant. She supported me for the last 6 years from really the beginning of the School of Greatness podcast. She was around when it just started. She managed my life, travel, schedule and she’s done everything you can imagine.

Prior to working with me she was international realtor, property manager and live all over the U.S and Guam. She’s a proud Midwesterner from Wisconsin and now based in San Diego. She’s been an incredible gift to my life and to this brand and to this mission of the school of greatness. She really helped impact people to live a better life. How people heal from the past and have a more loving and meaningful relationship.

We got her to open up a lot about reviewing everything from the last 6 years and what’s she’s done with me and what’s worked. All the adventures and business, the highlights we kind of covered everything from the early years to now.

The power of building the right team we talked about the drive to connect with our audience and how out of it the summit of greatness was born. We talked about effort versus skill and which one always wins and she shares things about me that I never heard.

Before we dive in a big thank you to our sponsor netsuite. Now, if you don’t know the number on your business and you really don’t know the business because the problem that growing businesses have that keeps them from knowing their numbers is the hodgy podgy of business systems. You have one system for accounting another for sales and another for inventory and so on, it is just really inefficient mess that takes up too much time and too many resources and that hurts the bottom-line.

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We are getting close to the summit of greatness we are less than 2 months away. Summit of greatness September 5 through 7 Columbus, Ohio. I am telling you if you don’t have your tickets yet you got to get your tickets guys. 

Marissa Pear one of the top 10 most downloaded podcast of all time on this podcast. She is coming to keynote.

We’ve got Jesse Itzler and more speakers go check out who they are.

Now is the time for you to step up and if you feel like you need something more in your life that you are ready to get things to another level and ready to grow out where you’re at then you’ve got to figure out a way to get there.

I’m excited about this conversation the coffee conversation with Cesar and Sarah.

Lewis: Welcome everyone to coffee conversations.

Cesar: Yes.

Lewis: We’ve got Cesar and a special guest Sarah Livingstone.

Cesar: The lovely Sarah.

Lewis: Sarah has been my assistant the last 6 and a half years.

Sarah: 6 years.

Lewis: 6 years 3 days ago?

Sarah: Monday.

Lewis: And it’s June 19 we are recording it and you’re leaving us forever, you’re moving on to a new adventure in your life and it’s an amazing 6 years so thank you for being here.

Sarah: Yes.

Lewis: Your biggest challenge to come on the show, because you don’t like being on camera.

Cesar: She’s so great at it that’s the thing.

Sarah: No.

Lewis: It’s golden.

Cesar: People love it when they get to know you.

Sarah: I have successfully dodge every camera, photo you know for 6 years. 

Lewis: I was looking for an assistant 6 and a half years ago and I was asking everyone.

Cesar: I remember when you were looking for an assistant before. I think you wanted somebody who is all in and dedicated and you’re finding people that are part time half in and half out and that was a struggle.

Lewis: And I was like this is what I need. I need someone who can do anything at all times.

Sarah: Yeah.

Lewis: My [?] at the time Trish, I was telling her she was like working on my back or something and she was like ‘I think I know someone in Utah.’ And I was telling her all the details of what I wanted, then you came out for a visit I think a week or two later.

Sarah: I was scheduled to come out because I was looking for, I was coming out to interview massage therapist and I just happened to be in town and we set.

Lewis: It was a week or two later.

Sarah: The timing was perfect.

Cesar: You were telling me she was the one who literally gave you the mobility back in your wrist from the injury that you had.

Lewis: We met at earth bar and I was asking questions.

Sarah: I was just gonna come to L.A to do the school and then go back to Utah and then you enrolled me.

Lewis: But weren’t you going to school and working at the same time?

Sarah: Not here. I think I was gonna try it out and see.

Cesar: The cool thing I am hearing right now is that you are saying ‘Lewis enrolled you.’ The second you meet Lewis it’s like a tractor beam.

Lewis: She had a whole other plan and I just said ‘no, I need you here.’ So, I’m glad you came on board it’s been 6 long years and we have a timeline of a lot of things I want to talk about and then we have some questions from our inner circle members for you. What’s been the biggest growth for you in the last 6 years?

Sarah: I would just that reaffirming that everything and anything is possible that you stretch me to get outside of my comfort zone when you know. For me, I would never ask those questions or never push that hard and never ask for a deeper discount you know. So, you stretch me to get out of my comfort zone and you know knowing that there’s always a way and you know a lower price or a better deal. I would have limiting beliefs and you know and charm we trust and sure enough you ask.

Lewis: Most of the time.

Sarah: Yes.

Lewis: What’s an example of something you asked for that you didn’t think was gonna happen?

Sarah: I think just being more recent histories negotiating for the events and venues. 

Cesar: Somethings come up with me because you know Lewis says and you always repeat this to me ‘Lewis is [?] of requesting from anybody’ and it starts like this ‘if you have a pen and paper use this because it works.’ And your request come in the form of what are the chances based on what you’re saying is possible? What are the chances we can double or triple?

Lewis: Yeah.

Cesar: Think outside the box or come up with some crazy outlandish idea or dream and make it happen.

Lewis: Yeah.

Cesar: People they want to stay in their comfort zone, I mean I see myself doing it and I just continue to want to push and I think we always go back to the athlete mindset. What’s has been working with us and this dynamic.

Lewis: Right.

Cesar: I mean came on a couple of years after you but I know this athlete mindset is like ‘let’s just push.’

Lewis: Yeah.

Cesar: So, I don’t know back to you I just have to say that literally this coffee conversation for me is just a straight out celebration of you, because I have to say the ripple impact you had on me and the entire team, we say this as a term of endearment for you: you’re the HBIC which is head belief in charged. I have to say that the 2 things that come in mind about you are thoughtfulness and effort. And every part of the way that you do is telling with such thoughtfulness and care as it if was your family.

Lewis: Yeah.

Cesar: And then it’s just the effort to just do what it takes. I mean the first story you told me about how you guys met and I have to say.

Lewis: Since day 1.

Sarah: Yeah.

Cesar: Day 1.

Lewis: June 17, 2013.

Sarah: What are the chances you can pick some shaving cream and razors? Proceed to and knock on his door and nothing but a bathrobe and proceeds to tell me that he needs to shave his entire body.

Lewis: Yeah.

Sarah: It’s gonna be an adventure.

Lewis: Most of the time I was part of a workshop with Chris Lee in L.A and we had to do an experiment to essentially shut our ego and dress where we would be really uncomfortable seen as, and for me that would be a girl. So, this was an experience in workshop that I was going through and this isn’t like daily life and she just happen to be there as it was happening. 

Cesar: Did we have a picture of this? 

Lewis: It was crazy. That was your first day. We are talking about what are the chances, so 2013 was the first year you came halfway through the year.

Sarah: Yeah.

Lewis: I was in an apartment down street and we just had a kitchen table and a couple of mic set and that was the first podcast launched 5 months before that.

Sarah: Yeah.

Lewis: People come over there and I was doing skype.

Sarah: A lot of skype calls and audio-only at that time.

Lewis: When did we move here?

Sarah: 2013. That was my first task to find a place.

Lewis: That’s right. 

Cesar: You have done this transformational training literally after that.

Lewis: So one of your first opportunities was to figure out what’s a good house or apartment and you found Dominic, who we been friends now for 5 or 6 years. He went to the same workshop like everyone we knew went to that and he found us this place.

Sarah: We were looking on other places and this wasn’t even on the market.

Lewis: I remember we went to other places but I didn’t like any place. 

Sarah: Yeah.

Lewis: We stayed here for an hour looking out the view.

Sarah: And it changed quite a few times.

Lewis: This was just a box and now it has evolved to what it is today. Anything else that year? House holiday bash?

Sarah: Yeah there was a lot of people. I was indulging in some champagne and the next day came I was like ‘who was pouring champagne down my throat?’ So, that was yeah.

Lewis: In 2014, what I have here is we launched School of Greatness academy. So you were the only one still working with me, I think I kind of brought someone else on to [?] operations and it wasn’t a good fit, we launched School of greatness academy year 1 in 2014.

Cesar: That was 2013 when you were shedding your old business.

Lewis: I sold my business to my business partner. The podcast was growing and people said ‘we want to be part of the community.’ So we created the course it was a 6 month program that now is an 8-week program. So many people have gone on from that first round of SOGA and launched books and done ted talks and so many cool things they’ve done.

I sold my first book deal in 2014 the book came out in 2015. That was a cool win for me to experience my first big book and you were a part of that.

Sarah: For the team and then making NYT best-selling list.

Lewis: I still remember calling you guys because I was in Denver.

Sarah: We were waiting for the release.

Lewis: We also started a webinar course and that started to take off as well. 2015, the book came out and that was like our whole lives for 6 months. You were on the team right?

Cesar: I just started. You had a significant team I think you had a team of 5. We had a graphic designer, a PR but we didn’t really even worked with a paid acquisition agency. 

Lewis: That was a big year because it was a lot of work we were saying yes to everything.

Sarah: Yeah. We found people that you have made a post about who could host and then whoever in those cities we collaborated with.

Lewis: 4 years ago.

Cesar: Almost, October 4 years ago.

Lewis: So you join the team and we launch a book that was pretty much the main thing of that year. When did I go to Spain? That was 2014, I went to play professional handball a little bit in Spain in 2014, 2015 the book came out the book tour. 

Cesar: We built some online courses at that time. 

Lewis: We started doing the podcast 3 times a week that year I believe. So, 2016 we had the summit that year that was the first year. That was crazy we had no clue what we were doing. 

Sarah: But I think that was the highlight of the 6 years was the completion of the year 1 summit.

Lewis: Really why?

Sarah: Just because not knowing what we were up to or how like we were so naïve. The core team and you know, so we’re coming together and just the accomplishment of that.

Lewis: Bonding and experience. So many things were last-minute like figuring it out behind the scenes.

Sarah: That’s the magic of this team and that we believe you can pull it off.

Lewis: We can probably.

Cesar: Checking out new opportunities for a business because you just continued to evolve and grow over time and brought products and courses in based off of the man. Summit of greatness was born because you had such a powerful, and I remember you telling me about it ‘you had such a powerful connection of seeing people in person’ because after your school of greatness launch you met everybody.

Lewis: Yeah.

Cesar: That year your sister Katherine who was our event planner, we went 2015 to world domination summit which is where you spoke. You on stage was great and spoke on some smaller events but that stage was like. 

Lewis: Crazy.

Cesar: I think some were born for just you having gone through the School of Greatness book launch and then going ‘I just want to get everybody together.’ You want to give back to your hometown because a lot of what you want to do is always going back to your roots, I think the Ohio ground in you [?].

Lewis: Yeah.

Cesar: Summit of greatness is September 5 through 7.

Lewis: 2016 we did the summit, we also launched Mask of Masculinity book deal, we launched the legacy course and we [?] at the end of the year.

Cesar: Yeah.

Lewis: That was another big year.

Cesar: Again, based on demand people asking for this and that. All we had was video courses of training with you then we had a couple of office hours with some of our courses where they get a virtual group call and now here we are.

Sarah: All the while he’s getting pulled in a million directions. 

Lewis: You came on set for a few different things.

Sarah: All of the things that are working there are many things that you’re working trying to make happen or exploring and you know.

Cesar: Working your magic behind the scenes.

Lewis: You never know what’s gonna work until you do it and we’ve done a lot of things that didn’t work.

Cesar: A couple of weeks ago we had our offsite where we were just diving into what our core business is and it’s like we have this option, there’s so much we could do but it pulls us in so many different directions and inevitably pulls you in so many different directions. 

Lewis: That’s it. 2017, we did the second year of Summit of greatness, we launched the mask of masculinity book tour which was intense but we had a better footing on what to do.

Sarah: Yeah.

Lewis: We launched another book later the millionaire morning. We launched our monthly membership of inner circle which has been incredible and we did the mastermind year 1.

Sarah: I think it’s the mastermind having been involved in that and like Kat your sister, amazing planner and seeing her in action at the summit and recreate the experiences for the mastermind members here in L.A.

Cesar: You crushed it. Every single weekend you created for that mastermind community have been top-notch. 

Lewis: Your attention to detail and your ability to connect with each mastermind members what makes the difference for them I think.

2018, summit we move to a theater. So we did the same event in a new space. It was very exciting and beautiful venue.

Sarah: It never fails to be exciting and still get that.

Lewis: It’s gonna be amazing this year.

Cesar: It’s like you have this amazing consumption these keynotes speakers that are filling your soul with possibilities and opportunities in your life to grow.

Lewis: So that was 2018 third year summit. We launched talk show on Facebook ‘inspiring life with Lewis Howes.’ 

Cesar: That was cool.

Lewis: That was an awesome experience.

Cesar: It was great. The one thing that resonates with me as a small team of entrepreneurs we can get so much done so much quicker, so when you’re kind of like waiting around for the process that was the most daunting thing just waiting game. 

The reason I love this is because we have power to just move and make massive changes quickly in a business.

Lewis: I like it.

Cesar: I always go back to that.

Lewis: You have a partner you have to create a win-win. So, we did that and the mastermind 2nd year and then that was in 2018. What else was last year? The talk show was a lot of time and energy.

Sarah: That was a lot of work.

Lewis: This was all about doing the podcast 3 times a week over the last 4 years.

Sarah: And everything just hanging out there waiting. 

Cesar: And it’s always focusing on the podcast the one thing we’re not talking about is the continuation of the podcast. So, we had to get ahead for that time you were gonna be in Brooklyn and New York. And we just didn’t know how long and then at the last minute we realized that our team is the sole support on launching on this platform.

Lewis: Do our best. So that was 2018, and then 2019 this year we’re working on another book. 

Sarah: Handball.

Lewis: And we’re working on summit of greatness year 4. 

Sarah: So many meetings. 

Lewis: It is crazy all my free time is meeting. You also you told us 3 months ago that you were transitioning out, so this has been a short year for you.

Sarah: Yeah.

Cesar: You’ve been in complete support of the process and that transition. I am sincerely grateful for that because I mean you could have just said ‘I’m out.’ 

Sarah: No way.

Cesar: You always continue to hold us high.

Sarah: It’s been my tag line keeping Lewis Howes alive since 2013.

Lewis: What are some things coming up for you? What advice would you have?

Sarah: I just think doing whatever it takes and whatever your title maybe that might mean you do other things.

Lewis: What’s been the biggest challenge year after year?

Sarah: There are challenges at time because you’re a dreamer and you dream big and you continually stretch me and the team. So, the challenge at the time is [?], but then when we pull it off it really feels good, so the challenge is really an opportunity for growth.

Lewis: What do you think is the biggest challenge you faced internally over the last 6 years that you’ve now overcome? 

Sarah: I think just being on this podcast right now.

Lewis: Maybe something in the first 3 or 4 years.

Sarah: Just not feeling like I belonged in this world. You know I had no idea what to expect coming into this but you know having the skill set of just being a supporter and you know loving to cook, just loving to take care of people and being nurturing. A lot of the courses that we use in the program and platforms not having experience in those things and thinking like ‘I’m just the assistant and I don’t have that skill set.’ So, feeling like I didn’t belong but realizing that all those little things matter and I support you at the highest level which I got really clear in the leadership program. Through you I’ve been able to impact people and I am proud of the work you do and I am a part of that. So, you’ve given me a place and purpose.

Lewis: It’s been amazing. What questions do you have for Sarah?

Cesar: Questions? I don’t know.

Lewis: What do you think will be helpful for people to hear?

Cesar: I think be supportive and that the contribution as Sarah was saying like you know ‘I didn’t know these platforms’ but I think just the willingness to do what it takes like she said. The willingness to insert the effort instead of the knowhow at times wins out almost all the time.

Sarah: Yeah.

Lewis: Yeah.

Cesar: Hire somebody who is just willing to do what it takes and effort wins out over skill or intellect.

Lewis: Skill.

Cesar: I’m happy to allow somebody to learn and grow on the job and insert themselves in your business and really learn the business. I think the question for you is, what does it take for your heart to have that? What do you have to shed and let go of? What’s your mindset? I think that’d be a really powerful to share.

Sarah: Well it shifted over the years just because my role, I mean what I do today versus from day 1 it has evolved and you know other than being like shooting the podcast, I’ve been involved in almost everything in some capacity. So, it’s just change and transitioning from being more in studio to virtual and the different it just change, but I think the mindset is doing whatever it takes. How am I going to be in service today and also check my craft at the door? Like we all have bad days or personal issues but my role is to make every day a good day for you. So, I just come in like how can I support? Whether it’s a cup of coffee or you know booking your travel.

Lewis: Right.

Sarah: Seeing the needs, seeing you, assessing you and yeah.

Lewis: What you really did is you always try to think 4 or 5 steps ahead of me, which I think is very powerful for your [?].

Sarah: If you had asked me for something I would have taken that.

Lewis: What was the greatest perks for you over the last 6 years? Benefits of like outside of getting paid to do a job. What was like the perks? 

Sarah: I think just seeing the amazing people come through these doors and sit in this sit.

Lewis: You learned a lot listening to podcast going through personal challenges yourself.

Sarah: Back in the day every book. 

Lewis: You used to do all the research. You were the one reading the books and writing the questions.

Sarah: Page to page. Handwritten note cards

Lewis: Crazy that was like 5 years ago.

Sarah: The pencil is a promise [?]. That was such a privilege taking. I still take it though.

Lewis: We took the team to Guatemala and Tiff was there as well. It was a fun time. What did you experience there?

Sarah: Just the children, I mean the community in general just having so little in way of material things but the happiest people you can. Also, I believe it was the first school you built and dedicated.

Lewis: We saw.

Sarah: And getting to see that and the impact and just I obviously know what you’re up to and the impact you’re making and pretty much big deal in my eyes, but in the day to day it’s you don’t really realize to see you and the impact you’re making and the people’s feedback and hearing the stories.

Lewis: Yeah.

Sarah: How you’ve impacted their lives just like and then again I feel that I’ve also had a part in that.

Lewis: Of course.

Cesar: Who’s your favorite guest?

Sarah: One of my favorite interviews, I think it was when you were in the Santa Monica place but Brandon [?]. They were giggly and I just I don’t know [?].

Lewis: Funny.

Sarah: I just.

Lewis: I did something different with that too.

Sarah: Yes.

Lewis: We were just dying laughing.

Sarah: It was the banter and I don’t know he’s just really funny.

Lewis: He blown up since then. So, he’s one of your favorite?

Sarah: The favorite podcast.

Lewis: Who else? Favorite female podcast?

Sarah: I really like the Barbara [?], she was again funny I just like the humor but obviously a lot of value as well.

Lewis: What were some of the challenges you overcame?

Sarah: Always remain a challenge is the, sometimes lack of preparation and your big ideas in [?].

Cesar: The runway it’s like taking a 747 tiny airport.

Sarah: Again, it always workout.

Lewis: Is there a time that you wanted to quit? Did I ever push you too much?

Sarah: No, not that you’re a jerk but yeah you pushed me a lot, I mean that’s just again the big dreamer just big dreams that we had.

Lewis: I used to scare Sarah a lot.

Sarah: Yeah.

Cesar: I remember that a lot. In the studio like in the morning and just listen to my phone or at a phone call. That scream is like a bloody murder scream.

Lewis: What were some of the things maybe 3 or 4 things that you notice over the last 6 years that really allowed our business to grow?

Sarah: I think bringing in Matt.

Lewis: Huge. Why was that powerful?

Sarah: I think because he was able to rain you in an organize way to take your ideas and make them a reality.

Lewis: Yeah.

Sarah: Obviously it’s your input and stuff but he made it happen in an organize fashion. 

Lewis: I was trying to organize team and manage team and be the creative content person and it was just a lot for me.

Sarah: I think that allowed you the freedom focus on what you do best. You really wouldn’t like pop off or just be calmer and.

Cesar: You wouldn’t pop off but I could see like you’re so tenacious and relentless and it could be a text message and something like this and like a podcast comes up and a wrong link or something but when it does happen, you’re just like so ‘why did it happen?’ Every single question you have is trying to the court problem and then relinquish that problem so it doesn’t repeat.

Lewis: What do we need to do so that this never happen again?

Cesar: You tend to kind of repeat the same question and you have the answer. It’s that tenacious part of you.

Lewis: Not doing mistakes all the time.

Sarah: He’s just mellower.

Lewis: Until it happens like multiple times then I’m still like, there’s a breaking point for me where it is not acceptable anymore especially when I’m paying a certain amount. What else have you seen that makes our business really stand out?

Sarah: The consistency of the podcast like non-negotiable like 3 episodes and you know doing whatever it takes to get the guest and just always leading with love and how you can be of service.

Cesar: I think our team meetings have been really impactful. I remember when we came I didn’t even know you guys had team meetings.

Sarah: We have whatever we had.

Cesar: It’s so impactful and powerful.

Sarah: And the challenges you brought in the huddle.

Lewis: Yeah the end of the week.

Sarah: That’s kind of like where you are out there and we can speak freely and our grievances.

Cesar: I just see you on team calls and my experience of you like on team calls like ‘if it’s not [?] on the point within 15 minutes you’re just like.’

Lewis: I got to go take the action.

Sarah: We know like we lost you.

Lewis: What are 2 or 3 things that you observed the last 6 years or last year that you would advise you would give us moving forward without you?

Sarah: I mean it’s just gonna be better just by way of, I am really excited for the new team members and you know the skillset that she has, but just the communications and just everyone being on the same page you know and some bringing everybody together. We did a few times like team outings we did the helicopter ride.

Lewis: That was fun.

Sarah: Yeah.

Lewis: Why those are good?

Sarah: I think to have the, doing stuff like that.

Cesar: Helicopter ride you didn’t get sick? You got like motion sickness right?

Sarah: Wasn’t that bad.

Cesar: You were just sweating you just could not get out of this funk.

Lewis: I was so out of it.

Sarah: He’s hot and cold.

Lewis: I felt like I was in mars for days.

Sarah: How are we gonna get through the desert and it was like no charging station.

Lewis: What could we do?

Sarah: I’m on hold forever when it comes to service.

Cesar: Can triple A actually give us a boost?

Lewis: From the state?

Sarah: We’re trying to go down the hill.

Cesar: We made it.

Lewis: I remember I was passed out during the charging time too I guess?

Sarah: That’s when we went to the mall.

Cesar: That was on the way back because you had to like speak. I took the train back.

Lewis: Other advice for us moving forward? How can we grow?

Sarah: A little preparation.

Cesar: That’s important.

Sarah: When we can, I think you know we gotten really good at just pulling stuff off and we make it work but I think there’s room to really elevate and you know control the controllable and things come up and last minute, but I get you’re pulled in so many directions.

Cesar: He’s like bottom of the 9th like I want to touch [?]. It’s like you have prepared for those moments and thrive in those moments. So, we just got used to preparing on the wings for every possible moment.

Sarah: Every scenario.

Cesar: Every key person on this team is here to support you obviously as a business owner and we just need to grow and find ways to work around it, but preparation is key obviously in any business to really be successful.

Lewis: Yeah.

Cesar: This is what we got and you’re like ‘I got it.’

Sarah: What did speech did you at 5?

Lewis: Wanderlust, we did that greatness event here. I think we were driving to the facility and [?].

Cesar: It was like the 5 G’s of something

Lewis: I just made it out but they all work extremely well.

Sarah: I didn’t believe you really just made that up.

Lewis: People loved it and I saw other people taking the same content and using in other places. It doesn’t make you feel peace.

Sarah: Yeah.

Lewis: But for some reason it brings me focus and the last minute I focus on those moments and I don’t know the pressure is on.

Cesar: That’s a part of you, you’ve harnessed your own weakness into a strength.

Lewis: I was always a last-minute guy.

Sarah: I didn’t think about that.

Lewis: In school I didn’t write my last 5 pages of a paper until like 3 hours before. 

Cesar: It must be like [?] book ‘procrastinate on purpose’ there’s pieces of you harness your procrastination into somehow working for you.

Lewis: Any final questions for Sarah?

Cesar: I don’t know. I think I’m just curious, what’s next for Sarah Livingstone? 

Sarah: I don’t know that remains to be seen. I really want a family so it’s getting clear on that and what that’s gonna look like.

Cesar: You are going to be unbelievable. Last week with Bella I mean she fell in love with you in just 2 seconds.

Lewis: She won’t get off of me.

Cesar: She cried when you left.

Lewis: Any final questions for us?

Cesar: I’m proud of you for getting to the podcast, I think it is such tremendous value to just talk behind the scenes. It’s been an unbelievable 6 years. 

Lewis: You guys went through a lot together.

Cesar: Yeah, we were really friends before actually starting working together.

Lewis: Because you weren’t working with us.

Cesar: It was almost a year and a half before.

Lewis: What was that like being friend and then having Matt worked with you and kind of also managing part of your work experience?

Sarah: He came in just super [?].

Lewis: And then it became like [?].

Cesar: I kind of came here like observe and like let’s go.

Lewis: How did you guys handle conflict between each other?

Sarah: I think it was just like, we would just talk.

Cesar: Talked about what the upset was.

Lewis: When were you most pissed off at me?

Sarah: I’m sure.

Lewis: In your life like I’m really mad.

Cesar: Here’s the challenge I know that personal assistant/executive assistant is such a, like her first point of contact and support is you, business second. Everybody else is kind of business first. So, for me I just remember a couple of instances where it’s like I came on and my whole identity was around shedding the stress of you know people management from you.

Sarah: Right.

Cesar: And making sure that any conversations you have will be a sensitive conversation.

Lewis: Right.

Cesar: So there was this part where I was, I remember a couple of times there was I’d be talking to Sarah and she’d be like ‘oh if Lewis is upset he can just talk to me.’

Sarah: There was.

Cesar: At the end of it you guys talked about it but I would just be there to support in any possible way.

Lewis: We have one of those moments didn’t we?

Cesar: It was a few years ago.

Lewis: You remember where this was? I can’t remember but we had like a sit down talk. Do you remember the moment?

Sarah: Yeah.

Lewis: How did we resolve that?

Cesar: I can’t remember.

Sarah: Not having upset and for me again coming in with huge energy is huge and you’re super sensitive to energy. If somebody is off that throws you off.

Lewis: Yeah. That’s good.

Cesar: Just outline what the request going forward and can you honor that request or not and then just try to keep moving.

Lewis: Sarah Livingstone. We appreciate you, we acknowledge you and couldn’t have done this without you.

Cesar: There’s like a little piece of us, Sarah is a part of our team and family like we’re gonna do what it takes to keep her here.

Lewis: I remember thinking ‘I have the opportunity where I can be the biggest jerk in the world and try to [?] to stay.’ If I really wanted to I would figure out anyway.

Sarah: The two of you like what you just told me getting on this podcast.

Lewis: I knew like this is a lot for you to talk about, I was like ‘if this is really a big deal to you then and like do I want to be that supports someone? Or do I want to be selfish because you’re like the greatest thing we have here.’ So, I remember that moment I was happy for you.

Sarah: Yeah. He started it and you shut him down.

Cesar: I respect that because you’re right. I know it came through a lot of thought and I’m sure you were looking for the ways to make it possible but you just need to allow yourself for the space to see what is possible and not have anything else pulling you away from the next step that you want for your life. I don’t think we’ve seen the last but.

Sarah: I’m gonna be at the Summit and I hope I am still part of the team with the events.

Cesar: I am committed to that.

Lewis: Part of the team just not full-time part of the team.

Sarah: That’s hard even in this training process like just letting go of that. It’s been always like mix emotions but not wanting to let go but having to let go.

Lewis: Yeah. We appreciate you and thank you for everything. Anything final before I ask you the final question?

Cesar: Sarah you have literally built this podcast with us almost from day 1 and now it’s over 100 million downloads and over a million listeners across the world.

Lewis: Yeah.

Cesar: I hope we still continue to be friends. I’m having a hard time letting go here but I’ll let you close it out.

Lewis: Anything else you want to share?

Sarah: I just appreciate the opportunity and it’s given me purpose and given me a platform to use all my skills.

Lewis: Organize. 

Sarah: Just all these things I love to do you know showing me that there is something that I am a leader and they can be monetized.

Lewis: What’s the greatest skill you acquired over the last 6 years?

Sarah: Never taking no for an answer. Just keep trying and be comfortable you know. So, I’m just gonna take that in my next chapter and you know just be relentless with what I want for myself.

Lewis: What’s your definition of greatness? Okay, what’s the greatest answer that you’ve heard that you really liked? 

Sarah: I can’t think of the actual guest who said it but I think just, I just think that it’s just right now feeling the fear and doing it anyway. I’m like terrified with to let go of this, just you know trusting the process and that there’s a higher power that’s guiding me and you know just being open to the signs and trusting the process and trusting that everything’s gonna work out and feeling the fear and doing it anyway.

Lewis: We love you and appreciate you.

Cesar: We love you.

Sarah: Yeah. 

Lewis: Cheers.

There you have it my friends I hope you enjoyed this coffee conversation building the School of Greatness Empire with my executive assistant Sarah Livingstone. One idea to launch one episode and hopeful to get one listener has grown into what it is now.

Our 4th annual summit of greatness, a NYT best-selling book and another book. We just keep growing and growing and it all starts with the power to take one step to do one thing with a vision, and that’s what we’ve done as a team.

I am very excited and grateful for what Sarah has done for us and she is still a part of the team in a different setting and she’s taking more time for herself in her next chapter. and you can always tag me @lewishowes on Instagram.

A big thank you to our sponsor Right now they are offering you valuable insights with a free guide ‘7 key strategies to grow your profits’ at You can go to and download this free guide. 

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The most inspiring event of the year and top speakers in the world, people fly in from every country all over the world to attend. Go to  

Margaret Mead said “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people could change the world, indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” Mother Theresa said “None of us including me ever do great things, but we can all do small things with great love and together we can do something wonderful.”

If you’re starting right now just yourself or with a small team you can make a massive impact.

We had a small team just me and Sarah to get started and we’ve built a massive impact over the last 6 years with just a small team. You don’t need a lot but you need to give a lot and that’s up to you how much effort are you willing to give. What are you willing to do?

I love you so very much and you know what time it is, it’s time to go out there and do something great.


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