New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

Summit of Greatness 2024 | September 13-14 | Los Angeles, CA


Rob Bell

Aim for Wonder Over Success

Priorities matter in life.

We talk a lot about building businesses, physical health, and a champion’s mindset on  The School of Greatness.

What we don’t talk about as often is the part of greatness that is harder to define and explain: spirituality.

But that’s not because it’s not important.

I had never heard of today’s guest until a friend told me I had to get him on the show.

And once I learned about him, I agreed.

“I didn’t ask for success, I asked for wonder.” - Abraham Joshua Heschel @realrobbell  

Rob Bell is an author, pastor, and incredible human being who has not only built one of the fastest growing churches in America, but become a voice for anyone who is seeking to understand faith and spirituality in today’s world.

He has authored several books on these subjects, done shows with Oprah, and toured the world at concert venues giving stand-up performances about spirituality, religion, and faith.

In this 5-Minute Friday episode, I wanted to share a clip from the very first episode I recorded with Rob on the podcast. He talks about the difference between wonder and success, and why we should be aiming for the first in Episode 900.

Some Questions I Ask:

In this episode, you will learn:

Show Notes:

Connect with
Rob Bell

Transcript of this Episode

Music Credits:

Music Credit:

Next Galaxy by Extan

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