New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

Summit of Greatness 2024 | September 13-14 | Los Angeles, CA


Webinar Book Cover Design Contest!

My new book “The Ultimate Webinar Marketing Guide” (sponsored by comes out in early March. I’m extremely excited to share with the world how to finally get the most out of webinars including:
  • How to generate thousands of new leads each month
  • How to connect with your audience on a personal level
  • How to add life back in your brand and turn it into a company people rave about
  • How to increase sales (like you’ve never seen before)
  • How to become the go-to company in your industry
  • How to attract top affiliates and thoughts leaders on your webinars
  • How to spend less time working – with help from webinars
  • And much more fun webinar marketing strategies
Based on a thread  I posted on Facebook there was a huge demand for people who wanted to submit a version for the book cover.

Here are the Contest Rules:

1.  You can submit up to 2 versions of your cover design (Final date to submit is Friday February 3rd at 9pm EST) 2.  Use the name “The Ultimate Webinar Marketing Guide” somewhere on the cover. 3.  Add my name “Lewis Howes” somewhere on the cover. 4.  Share your designs on 5.  The top 5 people with the most likes/comments on their uploaded design by Friday February 10th at 3pm EST will be submitted to a panel of experts.My top 10 webinar marketing affiliates (some of the biggest online marketing experts and industry thought leaders) will judge the top 5 and announce the final winner on February 13th.

Winner Benefits?

This book will receive major media exposure, A LOT of downloads, and will be in the hands of some of the biggest influencers and business owners around.  Here is what the winner wins:
  • Their design will be the final cover of the book (unless there are minor edits needed).
  • A mention inside the book with full name and website
  • A mention on my blog post announcement of the book
  • Posting on Twitter and Facebook from me
  • And I’m sure many other side benefits will come from the contest exposure
Start submitting your design to Facebook today and I look forward to seeing how creative you can be!
– Lewis

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