New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

Summit of Greatness 2024 | September 13-14 | Los Angeles, CA


Twitch Boss

Hip Hop Dancing Legend on Creating Success Your Way

There is nothing like watching an incredible dancer dance.

I have loved dance my whole life (even when I was bad at it), and if you listened to my interview with Jenna Ushkowitz, you know I’m a huge Glee fan.

I have just as much admiration for dancers’ work ethic as I do for their awesome moves.

Which is just one reason I was stoked to bring one of the top hip hop dancers in the world onto The School of Greatness.

If you’re a fan of the hit TV show So You Think You Can Dance or Ellen, you’ve already seen him.

Yes, I’m talking about the one and only Twitch.

“Sometimes your heart is going to be your biggest fan.”  

First of all, his legitimate last name is Boss, so you can already tell what a stud he is.

Second, his moves are incredible (he’s been featured in Step Up movies, Magic Mike, and more).

Third, he is the resident DJ on Ellen, which is a skill he picked up for the show.

These are just a few reasons to love Twitch and everything he does.

But on top of all that, he’s a devoted husband and father. And one of the nicest, realest guys you’ll ever meet.

I loved hearing Twitch’s story of breaking into the Hollywood dance scene through pure passion, hard work, and (he admits) some naivete about the odds.

I also really liked what he said about family, relationships, and what matters most.

If you somehow haven’t ever seen Twitch dance, check him out, and get ready for a positive, powerful perspective on success in Episode 406.

Some Questions I Ask:

  • What separated you from all the other dancers who were out in LA trying to get jobs? (3:56)
  • Were you bullied or made fun of by guys for being a dancer in Alabama in high school? (19:24)
  • What is your practice before you go to an audition now? (25:16)
  • Do you think your drive came from your dad not being around? (34:13)
  • What are the biggest lessons your parents both taught you about being a parent? (37:07)
  • Did you ever wonder if marriage and family would get in the way of achieving your dreams? (39:04)
  • What is it like to be married to another dancer? (43:58)
  • What’s the thing that inspires you the most about your wife? (45:33)
  • What’s your message to young dancers who are trying to make it work? (47:35)
  • What has it been like working with Ellen? (58:30)
  • What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned from her? (1:03:58)

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Why Twitch still dances, even when he’s not prepping for something, by himself (6:51)
  • What Twitch learned from being raised by a single mom (32:24)
  • The perfect timing of when Twitch met his wife Allison (41:22)
  • Twitch’s biggest internal struggle (53:37)
  • Why it’s so important to keep cultivating your roots (1:06:09)
  • Plus much more…
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Twitch Boss

Transcript of this Episode

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