New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

Summit of Greatness 2024 | September 13-14 | Los Angeles, CA


Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins On The Habits & Skills To Take Back Control Of Your Life!


There’s a memory from my teens that I quite fondly recall. It’s something that I feel is the reason why I am here today, doing what I am doing to make a positive impact on the world.

My dad bought live tickets to a multi-speaker event in St. Louis, Missouri, where people like Donald Trump, Larry King, and Super Bowl champions and coaches were speaking. It was on a basketball court, and I remember this moment where a tall man with long legs came off the stage, stood right behind me, towering over me, and then he began to speak to the crowd. That experience blew my mind!

I remember how that made me feel, and I had a moment of breakthrough inside me from that energy, passion, conviction, and wisdom that he had. This was 25 years ago, and I still look back with great acknowledgment at this day and moment. If you haven’t guessed it by now, our guest today is exactly that man — Tony Robbins.

I am quite excited by this episode of The School of Greatness with a man whom I idolize. Today, Tony will take us through his morning routine that he swears by and has helped him for years. We will also talk about ways of taking back control of your health and the habits of top performers that will help you stand apart from the crowd. If you are going through a breakdown right now or have previously experienced one, then this episode is just for you. 

Before we delve deeper into the topic, let’s get to know Tony a little more closely.

Who Is Tony Robbins?

Tony Robbins is an entrepreneur, a New York Times bestselling author, a philanthropist, and the nation’s number one life and business strategist. Over the past four decades, Tony has empowered more than 50 million people worldwide through his business and personal development coaching programs and speaking events. 

As an entrepreneur, he leads a holding company that comprises over 70 privately operated businesses in industries ranging from hospitality to education and media production. Combined, the revenue from these companies exceeds $6 billion annually. Tony was named the “CEO Whisperer” by Fortune magazine and was also recognized by Harvard Business Publishing as one of the “Top 200 Business Gurus.”

An author of six internationally bestselling books, Tony is also a New York Times #1 financial bestseller for his book — Money: Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom. His latest book is one out on stands for all to read; it’s called Life Force: How New Breakthroughs in Precision Medicine Can Transform the Quality of Your Life & Those You Love. I recommend you all to check it out as it could transform your lives in more ways than one.

“When you are grateful, fear disappears, and abundance appears.” – Tony Robbins

Philanthropy is a vital part of Tony’s life, and he set up the Tony Robbins Foundation, an organization dedicated to helping people who are often forgotten. Tony also partnered with Feeding America and has helped provide more than 600 million meals in the last six years, well on his way to providing a billion meals by 2025!

I can’t wait for you to learn from this extraordinary and highly inspiring human being.

The Morning Routine That Tony Swears By

A lot of people want to know what really goes on behind the scenes and how Tony does what he does. I am particularly inquisitive about Tony’s morning routine, which I believe is something that can help you too in making a significant change in your life. Let’s find out more about the morning routine that Tony swears by:

“The first thing I do every single morning is that I go into freezing cold water. … When you jump in, it never feels good to go in, but getting out is when you will feel incredible. … I do it to train my brain and to [have better control over my thoughts or fears]. … If you train your brain to do that every single day, then it will be able to take on the more difficult and important things in life.” – Tony Robbins

If the thought of a freezing cold shower makes you anxious, then I definitely think you should give Tony’s technique a try. All you need to do is to get to the other side, past that fear, and once you are there, you will become unstoppable and empowered. I know by now you are as intrigued as I initially was, so let’s jump to Tony’s other morning habits.

“One, I take three minutes and I focus on three different events in my life that I am grateful for. … The next three minutes are called ‘three to thrive’ where I focus on three things I want to be accomplished, … and I see and experience [them] like [they’re] already done. I feel grateful, I celebrate, and it trains my brain. Next, I’d send a text or an audio message to somebody as a sincere compliment. … This makes me constantly look for the good in the people that I work with. … Lastly, I do one thing that I really don’t want to do or find challenging, like handling a problem and resolving it. … This helps in creating momentum for the rest of the day.” – Tony Robbins

These core workouts enable Tony to have more vitality and strength. With the constant buzz from society, it often becomes difficult to get a hold of reality, but with this process, you can help yourself prepare to stride in any environment that you may find yourself in. 

“A belief is a poor substitute for an experience.” @TonyRobbins  

Practice in Private to Be Rewarded in Public

I remember the time when I had a severe fear of public speaking, and it was terrifying. This is when I decided to take a public speaking class which gave me a safe environment to practice in. My coach at the time pushed me to imbibe a mindset of serving others instead of focussing on how I am looking on stage or thinking that I’ll mess up. With time, I learned how to refine myself further as the years went by. 

“When you are focused on others and how to serve them, there is no lack of confidence in you because if it’s not working, then you just change your approach. Confidence comes from doing something or taking an action. … If you actually study [legends like] … Michael Jordan … and Lebron James, … you will learn that they have been practicing in private [to further strengthen their skill] for which they got rewarded in public [while playing their sport].” – Tony Robbins

Tony stresses that the biggest mistake people make is to walk out in the open and be good at everything that they do immediately. That’s not how life works — it takes a lot of practice and a strong intention or purpose to fully realize your potential. 

“What happens to a muscle if you don’t use it? It starts getting weaker and weaker. But what happens when you start making demands on it? It starts [stretching, and you can see] real growth. … So, if you constantly live in fear, your world gets smaller and smaller, and you tend to get more fearful. … I always tell people that a belief is a poor substitute for experience. Giving yourself an experience of [accomplishing] something that seemed difficult or next to impossible makes you [fearless]. … That psychological shift is the most important shift that people make — it’s a shift in your identity.” – Tony Robbins

If you find in yourself the need to serve others, it will give you a strong reason to take a step beyond your fears and possibly overcome them. It’s easier said than done, as it takes a lot of practice to bring that shift in one’s mindset, but the reward is sweet as you find a purpose that leads your way out of the unknown, right into the unimaginable.

Why You Should Listen to This Tony Robbins Podcast Episode Right Now…

Folks, I am as mesmerized by Tony’s presence now as I was when I first saw and heard him as a kid, and I hope you too picked up on some of his energy and enjoyed this episode. We all seek better control over our lives, and though we often fail at it, with the right habits and skills, we might well be on our path to fulfillment. My conversation with Tony was quite detailed and packed with immense learnings, all of which I couldn’t fit in this post. I would recommend that you watch the rest of the episode here.

I acknowledge Tony for being here for this episode of The School of Greatness. It’s also remarkable of Tony for constantly showing up giving his passion, energy, and wisdom, and helping countless people gain back control of their lives and develop a stronger mindset to cruise through life. If you are inspired by Tony and his work, then do check out his website. You can also follow him on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook

Thank you so much for reading this post guys. If you enjoyed it and were able to extract value from it, then it would be great if you could go ahead and give a five-star rating to The School of Greatness on Apple Podcasts. I would also appreciate it if you could tag Tony, @tonyrobbins, and me, @lewishowes, on Instagram with a screenshot of your greatest takeaways from this episode.

Before I end this post, I want to remind you that you are worthy and that you matter.

To Greatness,

Lewis Howes - Signature

“If you know what you want and you get a big enough ‘why’, now you’ll figure out how to do it.” @TonyRobbins  

Some Questions I Ask:

  • Why is it so important for you to send someone a sincere compliment every morning?
  • How can we take back control of our health and life now in the middle of “winter”?
  • What happens to us if we allow our fears to hold us back?
  • Why is identity so important to our human experience?

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The morning routine Tony swears by.
  • How to take back control of your health.
  • The habits of top performers that will help you stand apart.
  • The biggest reason people hold themselves back in life.
  • Why finding a purpose bigger than yourself is crucial.
  • Plus much more…

Show Notes:

Connect with
Tony Robbins

Transcript of this Episode

Music Credits:


Kaibu by Killercats

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