New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

Summit of Greatness 2024 | September 13-14 | Los Angeles, CA


Aubrey Marcus, Kelly Leveque, Dr. Steven Gundry, Dr. Mark Hyman, Dave Asprey

The Science of Biohacking for Optimal Health


These days there are a million ways to live a healthy lifestyle.

Every day we hear about a new diet or strategy. 

How do we know what works and what doesn’t work?  

Information is the key, and with the right information, we can vastly improve our lives. 

What if you were able to put some of the best health and science experts in one room?

On today’s episode of The School of Greatness, I’ve combined key lessons from a few nutrition all-stars: Dr. Mark Hyman, Aubrey Marcus, Kelly Leveque, Dr. Steven Gundry, and Dave Asprey.

“Champions are in a serious relationship with their bodies.” @AubreyMarcus  

Dr. Mark Hyman, Aubrey Marcus, Kelly Leveque, Dr. Steven Gundry, and Dave Asprey are all health care professionals and biohacking experts.

Dr. Mark Hyman, M.D., is the founder and medical director of the UltraWellness Center, Director of the Cleveland Clinical Center for Functional Medicine, and the Chairman of the Board of the Institute for Functional Medicine. Kelly Leveque is a holistic nutritionist, wellness expert, and celebrity health coach based in Los Angeles, California. Her consulting business, Be Well By Kelly, grew out of her lifelong passion for health, the science of nutrition, and overall wellness. Aubrey Marcus is the founder and CEO of Onnit, a lifestyle brand based on a holistic health philosophy he calls Total Human Optimization. Dr. Steven Gundry has worked in medicine for over 40 years. He is the Director and Founder of the International Heart & Lung Institute as well as the Center for Restorative Medicine in Palm Springs and Santa Barbara, CA. Dave Asprey is the creator of the widely-popular Bulletproof Coffee, host of the podcast Bulletproof Radio, and author of the New York Times bestselling book, The Bulletproof Diet.

So get ready to learn how to master your health on Episode 863.

“Get out of your own way: turn off the hunger hormones, balance your blood sugar, and live your life.” @bewellbykelly  

Some Questions I Ask:

  • What are some of the things we can do with our bodies to improve our health? (7:00)
  • Why is mindset crucial to your overall health? (10:45)
  • How can you turn off hunger hormones? (17:30)
  • Why aren’t most people at the fitness level they desire? (25:00)
  • Does it matter whether our food is served hot or cold? (30:22)
  • How can someone be positive when they’re broke and unhealthy? (22:00)

In this episode, you will learn:

  • About the five causes of all disease. (6:55)
  • How to have a champion mindset with your body. (10:00)
  • How bacteria from animal guts can make you younger and healthier. (22:11)
  • Why plants had to adapt to animals. (37:30)
  • About the feedback loop between your brain and your body. (41:23)
  • Plus much more…

Transcript of this Episode

Male Announcer: This is episode number 863 The Science of Biohacking for Optimal Health.

Lewis Howes: Welcome to the School of Greatness. My name is Lewis Howes, a former pro athlete turned lifestyle entrepreneur. And each week we bring you an inspiring person or message to help you discover how to unlock your inner greatness. Thanks for spending some time with me today. And now let the class begin.

[background music]

Lewis Howes: Jim Rohn said “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” And Gandhi said “It is health that is real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver.”

I’m so excited about this because there are so many days where I forget to take care of my health. I’ll eat a lot of bad foods, I’ll stay up late, I’ll have bad thoughts, I’ll have bad emotions, and I don’t take care of my body in the ways that I know I should be doing it. And we all know what we should be doing. We know we should get the right amount of sleep, we know we should be drinking more water, we know we should be eating better, we know these things, we know we should be working out and moving our body and stretching and all these different things. But for whatever reason, we choose not to because it’s easier not to, it’s easier to just eat a box of donuts, like sometimes I do. It’s easier to have the candy bar, it’s easier to stay up late and watch TV all night as opposed to getting into optimal routines, and really optimizing your health so that you can feel better, live better, live longer, all these things that we want. But it’s the energy, and the effort, and the consistency that holds us back. 

Now in this episode, I’ve had some incredible guests on really Biohacking for Optimal Health. People who have done years and years of studies on themselves who have tested these things, to really figure out what works for their health, and they’ve helped millions of people around the world on their health as well. So I want to introduce to you an all-star cast of individuals who have brought this wisdom together for this single episode.

Now, Aubrey Marcus is the founder and CEO on Onnit and he’s done incredible things through all of his different research and studies that he’s done on his own body, his own health, but with tons of athletes and members through his Onnit Community. 

Kelly Leveque is a holistic nutritionist, wellness expert, and celebrity health coach. And she’s done consulting for so many big individuals and celebrities to help them truly be in the health they want to be in for their roles, for their lives, for everything. 

Dr. Steven Gundry, he’s worked in medicine for over 40 years and he’s the director and founder of the International Heart and Lung Institute, as well as the Center for Restorative Medicine in Palm Springs in Santa Barbara. And he has written a few best sellers including The Plant Paradox, and another book all about anti-aging. 

We’ve got Dr. Mark Hyman, who’s a practicing family physician, a 10 time – I think it’s 11 time now. A number one New York Times bestselling author, and director of the Cleveland Clinic Center for functional medicine. 

We’ve got Dave Asprey, who’s the creator of Bulletproof Coffee, host of Bulletproof radio, and author of The New York Times bestselling book, The Bulletproof Diet.

And in this episode of these all-stars, we talked about the pervasive root cause of disease and how self-awareness can transform our lives. The importance of having a close relationship with your body to intimately know what you actually need and what you might need is different than what someone else might need. The science behind fasting and how it strengthens the immune system, the surprising things nature does to signal what we should and shouldn’t be eating, and how your body and brain process energy like a battery. 

So excited for this because I believe that when we optimize our health, when we truly crack the code on how to have a functional healthy living life then we can manifest what we want in our life, the relationships, the wealth, the career, those things start to fall into place when we truly optimize this point.

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And thank you to our sponsor over at Lending Club. You can refinance your credit cards with a personal loan and set a target date to become debt free. I remember when I did this over about a decade ago, I had three credit cards, I was living off of and I just want to get out of debt, but I didn’t know how to. And I finally created a plan and that started to help me really get on track. And with Lending Club, you can consolidate your debt and pay off credit cards with one fixed monthly payment. And since 2007 Lending Club has been helping millions of people regain control of their finances with affordable fixed rate personal loans, so you don’t have to take a trip to the bank and there’s no high interest credit cards which I love. All you gotta do is go to, tell them about yourself and how much you want to borrow, then you pick the terms that are right for you. And if you’re approved, your loan is automatically deposited into your bank in as little as a few days. And Lending Club is the number one peer to peer lending platform with over $35 billion in loans issued. Go to right now. You check your rate in minutes and you borrow up to $40,000. Again, that’s All loans made by web bank, member FDIC Equal Housing lender. 

Again, big thank you to all sponsors and I’m so excited about this interview episode with our All Stars of health experts. Let’s dive into the science of Biohacking For Optimal Health right now.

[background music]

Dr. Mark Hyman: I’m functional medicine doctor. You know, I run the Center for Functional Medicine in Cleveland Clinic. And so we look at the root causes of disease and they are many, right? There’s environment, there’s lifestyle, there’s genetics all effect these systems in your body, right? So we always say there’s five causes of all disease based on how they influence your genetics and combined with your lifestyle. Toxins, so environmental toxins, that’s not your fault. That’s just the fact we put 80,000 chemicals in the environment not testing them. We have 3000 food ads we eat every year, as Americans about three to five pounds of it, which is frightening. And you know there are heavy metals and pesticides everywhere. So we’re exposed a lot of toxins. They make people sick.

Infections, which we can get whether it’s viral infections, and bacterial infections, Lyme disease, tick infections, allergens which are increasingly common, and or food sensitivities, things where your body screening, immune response with gluten or dairy, those are big, and then poor diet and stress, all of those are contributing to disease. But by far the biggest cause is food, by far. What’s amazing is it’s not like a little bit. It’s like they all my migraines, or my arthritis, or my irritable bowel you don’t connect the dots between how they feel and the food they’re eating. And then when you switch, people have transformations very quickly.

Lewis Howes: Yeah. You know, they notice it quickly.

Dr. Mark Hyman: Quickly. Yeah, I mean in –

Lewis Howes: Pain goes away, the weights goes off, all these things.

Dr. Mark Hyman: Yeah, I mean I always say food is medicine. It’s not just like a medicine and worse, faster, better, and cheaper than almost any drug. I mean, we have people who are off insulin, who are type two diabetics within a week.

Lewis Howes: Wow.

Dr. Mark Hyman: You know, and in get off all their medications. I mean, there was a huge study just published on a ketogenic diet, intervention for type two diabetics. And I don’t think ketogenic diets are right for everybody, but in extreme situation where your metabolism is so broken it can help reset things basically reducing carbs to 30 grams a day, 70% fat, and help in the context of a healthy plant rich diet. And they were able to get 100% of the people in a year over diabetics off of the main diabetes medication, and 94% off insulin or dramatically lower with an average weight loss of 30 pounds about 12% of body weight, and this is unprecedented in the research because food if you know how to apply in the right way, the right dose for the right person, it’s the most powerful drug.

Lewis Howes: Yeah. And here’s the thing you talked about in the book that you’ve been studying food for 35 years. 

Dr. Mark Hyman: Forty now.

Lewis Howes: Forty years.

Dr. Mark Hyman: I was like, “Oh, I did the math.” I was like 2018. I started in 1978 in college, and then I’m like that old.

Lewis Howes: Here’s the thing. You’ve got 11 New York Times bestselling books; you’ve probably done how many books total?

Dr. Mark Hyman:  Fourteen.

Lewis Howes: Fourteen books, 11 New York Times including this one food – what that I [inaudible] and for 40 years, you’ve been studying food and you say even the experts are confused by the science. 

Dr. Mark Hyman: They are. They are.

Lewis Howes: So how come –?

Dr. Mark Hyman: How can I figure out?

Lewis Howes: How did you know all the answers?

Dr. Mark Hyman: I don’t think about.

Lewis Howes: After 40 years, I don’t think –

Dr. Mark Hyman: Yeah, I don’t think I know all the answers, but I don’t have a bone to pick. 

Lewis Howes: Yeah, yeah.

Dr. Mark Hyman: In other words, I haven’t spent my life dedicated to the low fat diet. I haven’t been dedicated my life to –

Lewis Howes: Paleo.

Dr. Mark Hyman: Veganism. I mean, I’m looking at, like what worked? And the other thing I know is that I’m not an academic. Well, I do research, but that’s not how I started. I’m a practicing doctor. So what’s happened over the years is the latest thing comes in, I try it, see what happens, see what happens to the patient, so seeing 10s of thousands of patients, doing thousands and thousands of lab tests over the years, seeing what happens when people change their diet, and how their biology responds that’s the best laboratory I’ll ever see.

Lewis Howes: Right, right.

Dr. Mark Hyman: And I even noticed that myself. I was a vegetarian for 10 years. And I see pictures of myself when I was 28, and I am so scrawny, even though I ate really healthy, I ran five miles a day, I did yoga all the time, and I look at myself now doing far less exercise, and I’m far more muscular, and have more muscle mass than I did when I was 28 because I’ve learned how to change my diet. And we know that, that’s a right kind of high fat diet and adequate protein actually increases muscle mass. 

Lewis Howes: Wow.

Dr. Mark Hyman: Yeah. I mean, I literally just got off the phone with a friend who says, “You know, I went on a vegan diet and three days into it like I can’t lift anymore.”

Lewis Howes: Yeah. But then you see some like, you know athletes that are all vegan –

Dr. Mark Hyman: That’s true.

Lewis Howes: — who gained muscle mass and gained strength in your life what is it?

Dr. Mark Hyman: Maybe they’re taking steroids I don’t know.

Lewis Howes: Who knows? So you think living a vegetarian or vegan, fully vegan or vegetarian lifestyle that it’s hard to gain muscle mass?

Dr. Mark Hyman: I think it’s hard. It’s hard. It’s not impossible. I mean, if you really work at it, and really work out, and they are great vegan athletes out there, but there’s never been a historically voluntary vegan society ever. And when you look at —

Lewis Howes: Something Blue Zones or –?

Dr. Mark Hyman: No they were never exclusively vegan, right?

Lewis Howes: Really?

Dr. Mark Hyman: They always had some animal food.

Lewis Howes: Like fish or something?

Dr. Mark Hyman: Yeah. And you know, as hunter gatherers, we ate hundred species of plants. So we had a very plant rich diet.

Lewis Howes: Umm.

Dr. Mark Hyman: But we also included wild animals when we can catch up, right? [laughs] exactly, you know. It’s part of our evolutionary history and our bodies are well adapted. And the protein in vegetables is different. So for example, there’s something called leucine, which is an amino acid. That is the rate limiting amino acid for muscle synthesis. In other words, in order to build muscle, you need this amino acid. And it’s very low in plant proteins, very high in animal proteins.

Lewis Howes: Right. Why not just live a plant based diet, and then have the supplements needed?

Dr. Mark Hyman: You could, you could. And I, you know, eat herb vegans, monks.

Lewis Howes: Yeah.

Dr. Mark Hyman: I mean, I’m not going to force people to not eat it, but it’s much harder to do and you have to know what you’re doing. And I see people over time initially when they switch from a processed American diet to a whole foods vegan diet, they are going to get so much better, right? 

Lewis Howes: Of course, yeah.

Dr. Mark Hyman: But the real issue is compared to what? 

Lewis Howes: Right. 

Dr. Mark Hyman: Right? And they’ve looked at over time, I mean these big studies looking at animal, and plant proteins, and stuff over time looking at what people do it weather there was a vegan, the vegetarian omnivore’s study, which was 24,000 or 25,000 people. It was an observational study, but they didn’t find any difference in outcomes.

Lewis Howes: Umm. 

Dr. Mark Hyman: Other study 42 countries study looking at food pattern consumption over long periods of time showed – actually the people at animal fat and protein did far better than people who focus on cereal grains in their diet, less heart disease.

Another study, the PURE study just came out recently 135,000 people, at was five continents, I think 18 countries, 10 years. And there was actually an improvement when people have more saturated fat, and more good fats, and less hero grains, and more animal protein. 

Lewis Howes: More animal protein or –? More animal protein, yeah.

Dr. Mark Hyman: Yeah, it was not a risk factor.

Lewis Howes: Right.

Dr. Mark Hyman: These are difficult studies to interpret sometimes because they’re observational, but you look at interventional studies where you intervene by giving people high fat protein diets with lots of plant foods. People do better metabolically. 

Lewis Howes: Really?

Dr. Mark Hyman: Yeah, and then it’s very hard to eat a low glycemic diet if you’re a vegan. You can, but it’s very hard. I have a friend, who’s a keto vegan, and she’s a Type 1 diabetic, and she’s rocking it, but you have to know what you’re doing. 

Lewis Howes: It’s so discipline, yeah.

Dr. Mark Hyman: Yeah, super discipline, super smart about it.

Lewis Howes: That’s challenging.

[background music]

Aubrey Marcus: And I say a serious relationship because I think we often have turbulent and casual relationships in our body, you know, where it’s sort of like an arm’s length gentle truce where we don’t really trust our body. Our body doesn’t really trust us. We don’t really know like, “What the hell’s going on today?” I don’t know I’m that this thing is going on. But champions demand performance on all aspects and they demand like unified performance from their but their bodies got to support what their mind is doing, no matter what’s going on, and their mind has to support what their body’s doing. 

Lewis Howes: Right. 

Aubrey Marcus: So I’ve noticed with these champions, they know their body. It’s like that long term 25 year relationship where these people know each other inside and out and champions have that relationship with their body. And I noticed that when I started hanging out with Bode Miller. And Bode Miller, you know, he does all of the different tests. So test his lactate level, checked his ketone level, so check his heart rate, but he’s done that so many times. It’s like a human biometric. He’s like, “Yeah, you know, I’m pushing lactate numbers around, like eight.” I’m like, “What are you talking about dude?” I’m not just gasping for air, you know? And he’s like, “Yeah, I’ve been in this, you know, heart rate band of about 200 to 220 for this, which is optimal for this.” And he just knows his body that way.

Lewis Howes: Wow. 

Aubrey Marcus: Like he knows when it’s time to go on a ketotic diet and do this kind of – he does like a ketotic cleanse every now and then and he’s just so amazingly in tune with his body, that it actually allows him more slack than a lot of other people because he likes the party, he likes to hang out too. I mean, that’s part of the Bode Miller legend, but he knew his body so well. He knows when he can push his body in all aspects. He knows when he can take time off and when it’s time to go because he just has that kind of relationship where he can ask his body like “We’re going to be all right here? How much sleep do I need body?” and body be like “Well, man, I mean six would be great, but you got four will do it.” And he’s like “Okay, body I got you.”

Lewis Howes: Wow. 

Aubrey Marcus: So they have that kind of intimate relationship.

Lewis Howes: How can we start understanding how to have that relationship with our own bodies? What can we do? What tests what, you know, on a basic level, so we thought we have a general understanding maybe some of these extreme things we won’t be able to do right away? 

Aubrey Marcus: Yeah. 

Lewis Howes: What can we do? 

Aubrey Marcus: Well, it depends on your field you know, if you’re an athlete, yeah, lactate numbers are going to be important. Knowing your heart rate, knowing these different thresholds, but, you know, knowing different central nervous system markers and things like that. But for most of us, it’s going to get a lot more simple like, knowing what creates those energy resources? What causes the brain fog?

Lewis Howes: Yeah. 

Aubrey Marcus: You know, so really understanding on a fundamental level, how the input equals the output? What you’re putting in your body? What kind of foods? You know, paying attention to like when you have that kind of foggy tired feeling, diagnose it like “Okay, what did I do? What was different? Was my sleep different? Was my food intake different? Did I eat something that perhaps caused the inflammation, which then travelled into my bloodstream and it’s clogging up my brain?

Lewis Howes: Right. 

Aubrey Marcus: With my – was my digestion working too hard? You know, and so that really, that’s a big piece of what the total Human optimization picture is it’s just identifying these different correlations between the input and output in your body. And it can also be mental too like what kind of frame of mind is best for my body, because so much evidence is out there that mind-set is crucial to physical health.

Lewis Howes: Yeah. And Aubrey actually has an exercise we put in the School of Greatness book. So for those listening, you can have the book in the chapter on mastering your body and your health. There’s the exercise at the end to find out what’s missing in your health –

Aubrey Marcus: Um-hmm.

Lewis Howes: — to figure it out how to optimize it. So you guys can also go through that chapter that exercise, and figure out what’s missing in your health right now, to optimize it, take ticket to that is next level. 

Aubrey Marcus: Yeah, our bodies are like cars. 

Lewis Howes: Um-hmm.

Aubrey Marcus: You know we got to look at them more objectively.

Lewis Howes: Right.

Aubrey Marcus: It’s like, your car is going off, like anytime you’re tired or anytime something’s weird, think of that like an engine light and then you’re the mechanic though, so you gotta go fix that shit.

Lewis Howes: You got it doctor [inaudible] help, you know.

Aubrey Marcus: Those are like the master mechanic. But for daily maintenance, it’s on you, buddy.

Lewis Howes: You got it bro.

Aubrey Marcus: You gotta figure this [***] out on your own. 

Lewis Howes: You gotta go make sure you’re putting gas in the engine, the right type of fuel.

Aubrey Marcus: Yeah, the right type of gas, the oil change.

Lewis Howes: Exactly. Fluids.

Aubrey Marcus: You know, doing everything you need.

Lewis Howes: Everything. 

Aubrey Marcus: Yeah, all of it. You know, we talked a little bit about Kane Waselenchuk, one of the most dominant athletes, maybe the most dominant athlete in the world, in any major sport. And racquetball may not be a major sport, but it’s enough of a sport. It’s account.

Lewis Howes: It’s a hard sport.

Aubrey Marcus:  It’s a hard sport.

Lewis Howes: It’s physically demanding.

Aubrey Marcus: Yeah. And the dude just hasn’t lost in seven years. And so as I said, he doesn’t have anybody that he practices against because it’s only making worse.

Lewis Howes: It’s insane.

Aubrey Marcus: But his ritual then because then you would think, man, how do you even practice like what causes him to, you know, what does he do at that point? And he has a very specific ritual. He grabs six racquetballs, brand new. He gets as many racquetballs as he wants, it’s not a matter of cost, you know?

Lewis Howes: Yeah.

Aubrey Marcus: So he gets six racquetballs, he puts on his headphones, and he puts on his headband, and he comes into the racquetball court and we have a racquetball court and on it, so I’ve watched him do this.


Lewis Howes: Has he done this?

Aubrey Marcus: Oh, yeah, many many times. And he’s like, racquetball courts gonna be out for a couple hours. I don’t know how long. And he plays, and he just hits corner shots, full speed, and practice serves until all six balls are popped. 

Lewis Howes: Oh my goodness!

Aubrey Marcus: He does not stop until all six balls are popped. So sometimes that takes two hours.

Lewis Howes: Yeah.

Aubrey Marcus: You know sometimes that takes four hours but he will not leave that court until all six racquetballs are popped and that’s his practice session. He just comes out dripping sweat. You know after and watching him just hit the same shot, bang. And again it goes back to the land. Bang corner, bang, corner, kill, kill, kill same thing over and over again. Till all the balls have popped and he walks out, big smile on his face like, “Oh, I like practice over for that.

Lewis Howes: It’s insane, man.

Aubrey Marcus: It’s insane. It’s unbelievable.

Lewis Howes: You think other athletes in racquetball would start trying the same thing?

Aubrey Marcus: Yeah, I’m you know, that’s the thing that separates though. Like would you be really willing to do that for four hours a day with –?

Lewis Howes: By yourself.

Aubrey Marcus: — by yourself? I spent that much money in this sport either. You know, I mean, he’s not like, he’s doing well because he’s the best of the best. But, you know, you really have to want it. And you really have to create some kind of ritual that will get you there. 

And you know, I think a lot of athletes, every athlete has these certain rituals and certain things. I was no champion in the grand scheme by anything in any means of basketball, but I had a good career, particularly in high school and got a lot of honors. And I remember I had even a little ritual where I would not – if I touch the ball, if I touch the ball, I wouldn’t leave the court until I hit three pointers in a row. Like I would just wouldn’t do it. It was like, that was my ritual. And so what ended up happening is, you know, through sophomore and senior year, I was one of the best three point shooters in Central Texas. That ritual created a result and it was just like this thing, this code that I didn’t break.

Lewis Howes: Um-hmm.

Aubrey Marcus: And that’s the beauty of these rituals. It’s you don’t have to think about it anymore. There’s no mental fatigue associated with it. It’s like right, “Okay, now it’s the three, three pointers. That’s what I got to do. So I can leave this court. I don’t care how hungry, or thirsty, or some girl I’m supposed to meet, like it doesn’t matter. I don’t break the ritual.

Lewis Howes: Right, right. Exactly.

Aubrey Marcus: [inaudible] Kane doesn’t leave the court until the balls are busted.

Lewis Howes: It’s crazy.

Aubrey Marcus: So I think that’s an important attribute of a change.

Lewis Howes: What do you think or maybe three or four rituals that most champions do in their daily life that we can apply as normal human beings to get that? 

Aubrey Marcus: Yeah, yeah, I think you got to come up with like, the most important health ritual for you for sure. Like, what is that thing that you that you must do, every day? And you know, for me, that’s really been a focus on mineralization. So I know that every day as a ritual, I’m going to wake up, and I’m going to drink lemon water with salt. You know like that.

Lewis Howes: A [00:21:41 – unintelligible] salt. 

Aubrey Marcus: A [00:21:42 – inaudible], yeah. I think it gets my mineral, to get my mineralization, and alkalization going at the start of the day, and that becomes like a health ritual. And I think all athletes will have their kind of specific thing and all entrepreneur. Everybody who really wants performance, have something where they know that that’s how they’re going to get things going.

Lewis Howes: Okay, so that’s one. 

Aubrey Marcus: That’s one, I would say.

Lewis Howes: Health.

Aubrey Marcus: And I think there are certain practice rituals that all of them have, you know, whatever that may be, whether that’s writing in a journal if you’re in that, or whether it’s one of the practice actual sport rituals that that we have. You know, something, some kind of practice that’s that you do every day. 

Lewis Howes: Right. 


Aubrey Marcus: It’s pretty crucial.

[background music]

Kelly Leveque: First of all, I think they all work. And I think a lot of them are really the same. 

Lewis Howes: Yeah.

Kelly Leveque: Like if we take Paleo, we take Mediterranean, and we take –

Lewis Howes: Keto.

Kelly Leveque: Atkins, and we take Keto.

Lewis Howes: It’s the same thing.

Kelly Leveque: Like, if you really look at the psychology of it –

Lewis Howes: Good for like the beans, or the cheese or whatever, yeah.

Kelly Leveque: Yeah, you can look at the biology of it and simplify it to the inputs, which what I do in my book. As I talk about protein, fat, fiber, and greens like green vegetables, things that are deep in color and phytochemicals and nutrients to fight basically oxidative stress. But it really comes down to like, ditching the drama and saying, “Okay, Lewis, would you rather have bison over wild salmon?” Cool you can have that. It’s going to break down to amino acids in your body that are going to be used for muscle growth, that’s going to be used to synthesize collagen ,that’s going to turn off for hunger hormones in your body and cool. Let’s not go tit for tat over what’s better and why. They both have Omega 3’s. And if you’re sourcing good quality food, we don’t need to like have a fight about it. 

Lewis Howes: Yeah. 

Kelly Leveque: Right? And I think that’s where people get caught up is they look at health in a silo and they read one article that says, they need to add turmeric, or acai, or matcha or something and then all of a sudden they’re having all these weird tonics all day long.

Lewis Howes: Yeah, exactly.

Kelly Leveque: To get it in. 

Lewis Howes: Yeah, especially here in LA.

Kelly Leveque: Yeah, yeah, exactly. So for me, it’s really – I worked with people to turn off hunger hormones and we do that with –

Lewis Howes: What does that mean? Not being craving food all the time?

Kelly Leveque: Yeah, because the new research is showing –

Lewis Howes: Gosh, I’m so hungry all the time. 

Kelly Leveque: Yeah. And their new –

Lewis Howes: Starving.

Kelly Leveque: Okay, well you can fix that. [laughs]

Lewis Howes: Not all the time, but yeah. 

Kelly Leveque: Yeah. Well…

Lewis Howes: So how do you fix it if you’re hungry all the time? Is that call the hunger hormones? Is that what you called?

Kelly Leveque: Yeah, you actually have about eight hunger hormones in your body, and they’re regulated by different things. So for example, when you drink fat like in your Bulletproof Coffee.

Lewis Howes: Yeah.

Kelly Leveque: You’re releasing [unintelligible] – it triggers the release of cholecystokinin, which calms hunger, if you eat. Yeah.

Lewis Howes: Right. We have fat, and it releases that.

Kelly Leveque: Yeah. And then if you have like fiber or something that stretches your stomach, like the physical stretching of your stomach, it calms the production of ghrelin, which is another really strong hunger hormone.

Lewis Howes: You have fiber and fat, combined.

Kelly Leveque: Yeah.

Lewis Howes: Then you can, not in for a week and you’re fine. 

Kelly Leveque: Right. And then there’s protein, and protein turns off a number of hunger hormones. And for example, Neuropeptide Y, we crave carbohydrates when we don’t have enough protein. So then we add protein and we’re not craving donuts, and pizza and –

Lewis Howes: I love pizza and doughnuts. 

Kelly Leveque: I mean they’re great. Don’t get me wrong. [laughs]

Lewis Howes: Gosh. The challenge is,here’s my challenge, I just will have like, a whole pizza and then I want to have more because I’m it’s never satisfying enough. 

Kelly Leveque: Sure. I mean…

Lewis Howes: I can eat like unlimited donuts. 

Kelly Leveque: Well –

Lewis Howes: Until I get sick and then I’m like, why did I just do this? Because I can’t just have a few because I’m not full. I’m like –

Kelly Leveque: No but it’s also you can’t – there’s no off button with those type of fast carbohydrates. You just have the release of dopamine, which, okay, you’re going to have that release of dopamine if you do illegal drugs like cocaine or have an orgasm, or you decide carb donut.

Lewis Howes: Or have a hug?

Kelly Leveque: Yeah, or dopamine from a hug, or a laugh, or looking at pictures. So you think about the other ways that you can release dopamine. But yeah, I mean, if you’re having donuts or pizza, there’s really no off button. But if you sit down to like a Texas barbecue, you’ll probably stop at some point or your body will start sweating. 

Lewis Howes: Right. 

Kelly Leveque: So, you know, to each their own. But yeah, I just keep it simple. I say protein, fat, fiber, and greens those four things if you put them on your plate together –

Lewis Howes: Greens or grains? 

Kelly Leveque: Greens.

Lewis Howes: Greens.

Kelly Leveque: Like green leafy greens.

Lewis Howes: Right.

Kelly Leveque: There’s a sulfur based sugar leafy greens that feeds probiotic bacteria in the gut. And there’s been some, like 50/50 research on whether probiotics on the market are actually inoculating into gut bacteria. We think that there’s a belief that like your, the acid in your stomach is completely obliterating that bacteria and it’s not staying alive. But we do know that resistant starch and the sulfur based sugar, and leafy greens feeds it. So you are just a walking ecosystem of gross bacteria. 

Lewis Howes: Wow! 

Kelly Leveque: Let’s keep it thriving and flourishing. [laughter]

Lewis Howes: Now cooked or uncooked, doesn’t matter?

Kelly Leveque: It doesn’t matter. 

Lewis Howes: It doesn’t matter how you consume it?

Kelly Leveque: Yeah. 

Lewis Howes: Sauted, cooked, fried?

Kelly Leveque: I mean, not fried, but –

Lewis Howes: But hot or cold, or anywhere in between doesn’t matter? 

Kelly Leveque: Yeah.

Lewis Howes: How you eat your food?

Kelly Leveque: Yeah. Well, I mean, it depends on what you’re getting like because people will say, “Oh, well, I’m going to eat the vegetables raw because there are enzymes and enzymes help to break down and unlock the natural nutrition and that food.” Or “I’m going to sprout it, or soak it because that gets rid of anti-nutrients like phytates, and helps me absorb those nutrients better.” Or “I’m going to cook it because I don’t have the stomach acid or enzymes production because I’m always stressed out and it’s hard for me to digest that kind of a thing and eating raw vegetables makes me really bloated.”

So really, I mean, this is what I do with my clients all day long. I can make a case for why you should do all of those options. So let’s just get down to like what you like to eat

Lewis Howes: Um-hmm.

Kelly Leveque: And go back to the basics because we don’t-

Lewis Howes: Pretty simple, yeah.

Kelly Leveque: Yeah, like why – you should be refocusing your energy on building your business, seeing your family, like being with your friends, and obviously like putting high quality food on your plate is super, super important and not having to worry and think about when is my next meal or crashing into lunch and trying to make a good decision but you have low blood sugar so you’re going for the wrap or the pizza or something as opposed to make healthy choices.

Lewis Howes: Right, candy bar or whatever.

Kelly Leveque: Right, and get out of your own way. Turn off the hunger hormones, balance your blood sugar, and live your life.

Lewis Howes: Should people be testing things, blood tests or anything else. Or do they not need to do that to go do this?

Kelly Leveque: I mean if you want to optimize, I’m a big fan of being a lab rat. So I love a Cyrex food allergy test. You can do 180 foods. And it’s actually a blood, and an antibody test. So it’s looking for antibodies, your immune system, what it’s fighting in your blood versus a prick test.

Lewis Howes: Really?

Kelly Leveque: Yes. And our LCAT and MRT testing is – the thing with labs is they just have to be reproducible; they don’t have to be efficacious. So the doctor decides whether the lab is useful for them, the lab doesn’t have to prove that what they’re giving you is correct. So like an MRT, or an LCAT test is actually putting like a dried food product on a slide, dropping a like a drop of your blood on it, looking through a microscope and saying, “What’s happening to the blood cells?” I mean, that is absolutely reproducible but is that telling me if I’m allergic to coffee or gluten or peanuts? Absolutely not. 

So, but that’s accessible to a lot of acupuncturists, and Eastern medicine docs, and people want testing done. So they do it but do I think it’s the best? Probably not.

Lewis Howes: What’s the best? 

Kelly Leveque: I like Cyrex. 

Lewis Howes: Cyrex. 

Kelly Leveque: Yeah, Cyrex.

Lewis Howes: What is it?

Kelly Leveque: It’s they’re looking for antibodies in your blood. So they’re not putting it on the side and looking at what happens to the cell. They’re actually looking for markers on immune cells for specific food groups. And they can break it down – I mean, they can break down gluten too or like wheat to gluten and gliadin.

Lewis Howes:  Really.

Kelly Leveque: They can break down dairy to casein and whey, lactose. I mean we get specific.

Lewis Howes:  Is it just a prick or is it?

Kelly Leveque: You give a vial of blood and it goes to a lab. 

Lewis Howes: Oh wow, okay.

Kelly Leveque: Yeah.

Lewis Howes: So you have to go somewhere and get a vial?

Kelly Leveque: Your doctor getting call for the test. I mean, I have phlebotomist. They can go to my client’s home and take blood at their house and –

Lewis Howes: All right, good. Sure. 

Kelly Leveque: — we could be here, let’s bring them in.

[background music]

Dr. Steven Gundry: You now know that you can take bacteria from young animal’s guts, and put them in old animals guts, and the old animals will become young.

Lewis Howes: No way. I’m like –

Dr. Steven Gundry: It’s the fountain of youth.

Lewis Howes: No way, so they’ll like their cells will get younger? 

Dr. Steven Gundry: Yes. 

Lewis Howes: Or they’ll have youthful energy or what? 

Dr. Steven Gundry: All of the above. They will actually extend their lifespan by about 30%. 

Lewis Howes: What!? 

Dr. Steven Gundry: Yeah, because here’s the deal, what I’m trying to get people to understand is this is not about you and me or what we can see you as us. This we’re just a condominium for the people who really run us and these are all these little one cellular organisms. And what we’re beginning to realize is we’re a condominium for these bugs. And we’re their home. We’ve exchanged them living in us and actually taking care of us for food and shelter for them.

Lewis Howes: It’s crazy.

Dr. Steven Gundry: I know. And the really cool thing is, so we can take bacteria from young animals and put them in the old animals, and the bacteria say, “Man, this place is decrepit. I need to do a complete total renovation here, because this is where I’m stuck, and I better make the best of it, and I want everything to be nice.” It’s like, you know, gentrification of your neighborhood.

Lewis Howes: Yeah, yeah, pour of it.

Dr. Steven Gundry: And this actually –

Lewis Howes: So what do they do?

Dr. Steven Gundry: So they actually instruct – here’s the take home message. They actually send text messages to the mitochondria, and you probably know all about mitochondria, the little energy organelles.

Lewis Howes: Yes, in the brain, right? 

Dr. Steven Gundry: They’re in every one of you, but the brain has the most of it.

Lewis Howes: Yes.

Dr. Steven Gundry: And these produce energy. These mitochondria are actually in gulf bacteria. And as strange as it may seem, the bacteria in your gut, send text messages to the mitochondria that say, “Guys, new sheriffs in town, clean up your act. We want you guys work on an hormone and all, you know, eat cylinders. It’s kind of like General Kelly coming into the White House and total disarray.” And it’s going, Okay guys, no more of the silliness.” And so we now have discovered some of those compounds that the bacteria in your gut signal the mitochondria to regenerate themselves. And I mean, it’s opening up a whole new areas that we never even dreamed of. 

Lewis Howes: Wow. So you’re really like 170 years old, huh?

Dr. Steven Gundry: Yeah. Well, people –

Lewis Howes: Coz you’ve just been manipulating all this for the last 15 years now?

Dr. Steven Gundry: Well mine – I’ll show you a picture and when we’re all done. It was me and Mehmet Oz standing together when I did a show a few weeks ago. And one of us has 12 years older than the other person. And you would not guess by looking at our skin, who’s the old person, and who’s the young person. 

Lewis Howes: Wow. 

Dr. Steven Gundry: And I was showing this picture to David Sinclair from Harvard, who’s one of the great anti-aging researchers in this country, and actually in the world, and we were discussing some ways to manipulate mitochondria in the brain. And I said, “Let me show you a picture.” And he’s looking at he says, “Okay, so man, that’s a lot older than you, right? And I said, “Wait right here, let me show you my driver’s license.” He said, “Wait a minute, how old are you?” And he said, “Can I have this picture?” And I said, “Yeah”, he says, “I’m going to put it in all my talks.”

Lewis Howes: Wow.

Dr. Steven Gundry: Because what I’ve been doing for the last 17 years, is giving my bacteria what all the research that I’ve done, and many other people have done, would predict that my bacteria are pretty doggone happy with what I’m doing for them. 

Lewis Howes: Wow.

Dr. Steven Gundry: And they’re exchanging that happiness to say, “Man, this is a great place to live. And we’re going to keep this place buff – 

Lewis Howes: Nice and clean.

Dr. Steven Gundry: Nice and just happy. 

Lewis Howes: Yeah.

Dr. Steven Gundry: And so – 

Lewis Howes: Wow!

Dr. Steven Gundry: Yeah. 

Lewis Howes: And so you lived in a Blue Zone is that right? The Marmolada? 

Dr. Steven Gundry: Yeah, Marmolada is a Blue Zone, that’s correct. But when I was living in that Blue Zone, I was eating a low fat vegetarian diet. I was running 30 miles a week. I was one of these Clydesdale runners. I weighed 70 pounds more than I do now. 

Lewis Howes: Really? 

Dr. Steven Gundry: Yeah, I was quite a fit.

Lewis Howes: There’s a lot of unhealthy people in Blue Zones too? 

Dr. Steven Gundry: Oh, yeah. 

Lewis Howes: They have the vegans that just are overweight, and you’re like, how are you so weak? 

Dr. Steven Gundry: Well, it actually is because you’re giving your bacteria the wrong stuff. And that’s really part of the plant paradox. The plant paradox is that there’s certain plants that absolutely positively do not want us to eat them. 

Lewis Howes: At all, in any circumstance? 

Dr. Steven Gundry: Under any circumstance. 

Lewis Howes: Whether you cook them, or chop them, or slice them, or skin them, doesn’t matter.

Dr. Steven Gundry: They were here first, and they had a really great before animals arrive, because nobody wanted to eat them. And you know my research at Yale was in Human Evolutionary Biology. So, plants have the same evolutionary drive as animals. They want to grow, and they want to have baby seeds. 

Lewis Howes: And they want to protect themselves.

Dr. Steven Gundry: And they want to protect themselves. 

Lewis Howes: So they don’t die. 

Dr. Steven Gundry: Exactly.

Lewis Howes: Right.

Dr. Steven Gundry: So when animals arrived, they had a problem. Because animals can run, they can hide, they can fight. The plants are stuck. But plants or chemists have incredible ability. So they can turn sunlight and matter like round your wall here.

Lewis Howes: Wow. 

Dr. Steven Gundry: And so what they use is chemical warfare to actually – 

Lewis Howes: Defend themselves, yeah.

Dr. Steven Gundry: Defend themselves and to even make animals do their bidding. Because for instance, just throwing an example, most plants want you to eat their fruits, because the fruit contains –

Lewis Howes: To receive them.

Dr. Steven Gundry: To go receive them. 

Lewis Howes: Yeah. 

Dr. Steven Gundry: So you’ll eat their fruit.The seeds and the fruits are inedible. And you’ll either spit them out or if you swallow them they’ll survive going through your intestines, and you’ll poop them out someplace else.

Lewis Howes: Fertilize.

Dr. Steven Gundry: And it will fertilize, it’s perfect. 

Lewis Howes: Yeah.

Dr. Steven Gundry:  And they’re away from mom and dad – so for instance, if an apple falls underneath the apple tree, that poor kid doesn’t have much of a chance because mom or dad is going to shade them the next year. But if it gets carried off even 100 feet away, and then it gets dropped, the plant does this on purpose.

Lewis Howes: Crazy.

Dr. Steven Gundry:  And in fact, you and I love fruit, because you and I were designed to eat fruit once a year in the summer to gain weight for the winter. So it was a really good trade-off between, for instance great apes and plants.

Lewis Howes: Yeah, yeah.

Dr. Steven Gundry: But the fascinating thing is manufacturers food chemists know this and we are drawn with color vision, and only animals that are fruit predators actually have color vision because you want to know when the fruit is ripe, when it has the highest sugar content. 

Lewis Howes: Right. 

Dr. Steven Gundry: And the plant wants you to know when it’s ripe because that’s when the seed finally has an impenetrable shell. And it doesn’t want you to eat it before that time. So it tells you “Okay, now’s the time.”

Lewis Howes: Shiniest object, it’s time to eat it.

Dr. Steven Gundry: Yeah, you know. So what colors does it use? In general, it uses reds, and oranges, and yellows to denote ripeness. So the next time you’re going down the snack aisles looking for all the great munchies stuff, you’ll be shocked that most of the companies use hit oranges, reds, yellows, to get your attention because it goes direct into the deep center of your brain and says “That color means I should eat it. I’m going to get a lot of calories, and I’m going to be the big winner for the winter.”

[background music]

Dave Asprey: We have these things called mitochondria. And these are things that were bacteria a couple billion years ago. And we somehow incorporated them into ourselves. And there’s all sorts of like, but 10s of thousands of pages of academic debate about how this happened, because this is the genesis of all life on Earth. 

Lewis Howes: Right. 

Dave Asprey: Somehow, we became able to carry batteries around with us so that we don’t have to have roots in the ground like plants do. Well, those little batteries were red rod shaped bacteria. We incorporated them into ourselves, or they invaded ourselves, which is probably more like what happened, they took us over. And these little bacteria, there’s about 15,000 of them per cell in the brain, and only 1000 of them per cell and the rest of your body except the heart. So the eyes, the brain, and the heart have this incredible density of these little things that control everything about you. 

Lewis Howes: That give us energy?

Dave Asprey: That give you energy, but they also decide if cells live, or die.

Lewis Howes: Wow.

Dave Asprey: They make hormones not the only part of you that makes hormones but they’re actually in control the hormone factories, they decide whether or not you’ll get cancer, they control cellular aging. And literally those little guys call the shots and they don’t really care much about what you want, they care about what they want. You’re a walking petri dish for them, and they’re going to make sure that the petri dish stays alive. 

Lewis Howes: Wow. What are these called?

Dave Asprey: They’re called mitochondria.

Lewis Howes: And they’re in your brain, they’re in your whole body.

Dave Asprey: Yeah.

Lewis Howes: They’re cells.

Dave Asprey: Well, they’re inside your cells.

Lewis Howes: Inside your cells. Got you.

Dave Asprey: So each one of your cells has all these different components in it, it kind of like they’re the like a carburettor or a battery inside each cell. So about 10% of your body weight is your battery, and these things are the battery in the body.

Lewis Howes: They charge the battery to give you energy.

Dave Asprey: To give you energy.

Lewis Howes: To keep you awake. 

Dave Asprey: Yeah, they take the food, and they take the air, and they take light even, and they turn it into electrons. The same electrons that power your iPhone, power your body. 

Lewis Howes: Wow. 

Dave Asprey: And it turns out these little guys are semiconductors. We didn’t know this until about five years ago. And that’s why they’re affected by electromagnetic fields, by lights, by electricity, and by temperature and all these other things that you can manipulate. And since they don’t listen to you very well, but they listened to the world around you, you just change the world around you, and all of a sudden your brain has more energy. And when you get these guys hacked, you feel it first in your brain and you feel it second, right in the chest, like in your emotional center, you feel it in your heart. You put your heart into something. 

So by doing this, of course your muscles are going to benefit because they all have battery needs. It’s just they don’t need very much to move. Thinking is actually a harder work than moving. So what if you were to give yourself a battery upgrade? You’d be a better athlete, you’d be a better lover, you’d be a better spouse, and frankly, a better human being because you have more energy to say no, when you have one of those urges to go out and do something you shouldn’t do.

Lewis Howes: Right, right, right, and so this helps you – but it all starts from the brain first. The brain muscle and mass is not optimized and you’re saying that the rest of our body will not have the energy. Is that what you mean to say?

Dave Asprey: Well, if your brain isn’t working, the rest your body will not be working and vice versa. So it –

Lewis Howes: So it can be back lived? You can start to –

Dave Asprey: Yeah, It starts in the brain. It starts with the brain.

Lewis Howes: If you’re have no sleep, and you’re eating horrible foods, and you’re not getting any sunlight, and you’re stressed out all the time, which you’re working really, really hard, you’re working out really hard and you’re trying to build your body, the brain is not gonna have the energy to recover, or you’re not going to be fully optimized or something, there’s gonna be breakdown so it’s gonna be –

Dave Asprey: What will happen is these little bacteria throughout the body, these is mitochondria, they’re going to sense that you’re stressed, they’re going to sense they don’t have enough recovery, they don’t have enough energy, like they’re not getting enough food or enough light, or enough of the other things that they rely on to be a healthy colony. 

Lewis Howes: Yeah. 

Dave Asprey: When they don’t get that they’re going to communicate with each other. Life sucks. Get ready. There’s like, get ready for a famine, like there’s a threat. There’s some ominous threat and they’re bacteria. They’re stupid. They don’t know what a threat is.

Lewis Howes: Um-hmm. 

Dave Asprey: So they’re going to change your physiology to have higher cortisol, lower testosterone, less focus, less energy, you’re more optimized to fight and to run away, and you’re going to you’re going to be crankier.

Lewis Howes: More reactive, resentfully.

Dave Asprey: Yeah, your blood sugar is going to swing because like, “What do I need to fight? What I need to run?” And here’s the thing that comes out of this research that just fascinates me: There’s only three things you need to do to stay alive, if you’re a cat, if you’re a bacteria, or if you’re a possum, or a tree, it doesn’t matter. It’s always only three things: Run away from or kill scary things and plants do that by making poisons, or spines and things like that and they can’t run away because their plants sorry, right? 

And then let’s see, you have to eat everything to make sure you don’t starve to death, right? So I’ve certainly done both of those behaviors. You get all the donuts, oops. And then the third thing is have sex with everything that’s left to make sure the species doesn’t die out, right? So —

Lewis Howes: Right. Reproduce. Yeah.

Dave Asprey: Right. So can you think of anything you’ve ever done and you’re ashamed of that didn’t come from one of those three behaviors?

Lewis Howes: I mean I’ve been ashamed of a lot of things I’ve done but those three behaviors –what’s the first one again? 

Dave Asprey: It’s run away from or kill things.

Lewis Howes: It’s run away from or kill thing. No, I mean, I was gonna say getting angry at something but that’s in that category, right?

Dave Asprey: That’s what it is, right.

Lewis Howes: Like clashing out, or being reactive, or being frustrated, I didn’t get what I wanted or something?

Dave Asprey: Yeah.

Lewis Howes: The second one is eat everything.

Dave Asprey: Um-hmm.

Lewis Howes: I’ve done that a lot. I mean I was a sugar theme my whole life.

Dave Asprey:  Totally.

Lewis Howes: And, you know, I cut out sugar for this last 45 days, and what a transformation in my mind, and my body, and my health just by not having sugar. And then wanting to reproduce? Yes, I’ve been there too. 

Dave Asprey: Yeah.

Lewis Howes: Like really going on that thing?

Dave Asprey: Exactly. The thing is we take responsibility for those things. And those are things were responsible for.

Lewis Howes: Yeah.

Dave Asprey: But they’re not you. They’re emergent behaviors that come from what bacteria want, because the bacteria are the puppet masters in our bodies. And when you realize that, you better take care of those little bastards because they have control over you in some way. But when they give you enough energy and in return for this symbiosis they have, you can then have enough energy for the human adult parts of your brain to easily take over and easily control things and we call that willpower. 

So when you feel the urge to flip the guy off in traffic, or to yell at your spouse, or eat all the doughnuts, if your batteries charged all the way you’re like, “Oh, I got this. It’s not even that big of a deal. I’m just going to say no.” And it’s those times when you’re browning out a little bit like “Wow, you know, it’s the end of the day. I’m a little tired. Fine, I’ll just have half the donut.”

Lewis Howes: Right.

Dave Asprey: And you dive in and –

Lewis Howes: You have no will power. 

Dave Asprey: Yeah, there’s frosted stuff all of your face and colored sprinkles on your shirt, and you know, oh man, what –

Lewis Howes: What are say the thing you wish you didn’t say, or whatever happens, yeah.

Dave Asprey: Exactly.

Lewis Howes: Fascinating. So how did you, how have you applied this into your life? What are the main things that you’ve done on a daily basis that you’ve seen a transformation in your life because you’ve done a lot of biohacking and mind hacking for years?

Dave Asprey: Oh yeah, for years.

Lewis Howes: So what is this new stuff that you’ve been doing? To be honest, I’ve – we’ve probably seen each other maybe 10 times like in person. I’ve known you for a while but we probably been interacted in 10 times in person. This time, you look younger than I’ve ever seen you know. And we met you when you came in. You look stronger; you look like you have more energy, you look clear, like you never looked as clear as you do now. For some reason you look very clear, high energy and youthful. I haven’t seen it before you just look like even, you know more youthful. So one of the things that you’re doing that is allowing you to have this energy of abundance that you’ve never had before?

Dave Asprey: I’m doing a lot of stuff. And one of the things that – it’s a fair criticism of biohacking, is how do you know if it works? Like you just said there’s evidence that something is working. 

Lewis Howes: Yeah. 

Dave Asprey: Can I tell you that one of the 45 things I’m doing is the one because it wasn’t the one. There’s something called synergy and there’s amplification. And if you do A, it doesn’t work very well. You do B, it doesn’t work very well. And shockingly if you do A and B, it works. But the double blind reduction is like Western medicine thing. I swear there’s like some guy in a white lab coat, he’s like there was no such thing as bread. Here’s why, I baked the water and nothing happened. I baked the flour nothing happened. I baked the yeast and nothing happened. Therefore, there is no bread. Like maybe if you mixed them and then bake them there would be bread, right?

Lewis Howes: Um-hmm. 

Dave Asprey: But no. That’s more than one variable. I can’t do it; I have to test the single variables. Our bodies are incredibly complex systems. So what I do and what this program and headstrong, the two week program is, is let’s do many of the things that make your mitochondria stronger all at the same time.

Lewis Howes: Yes. 

Dave Asprey: Instead of messing around with just one thing.

[background music]

Lewis Howes: My friend, I hope you got some value out of this. I hope you got one thing from one of these experts to help you optimize your own life to optimize your health. 

Again, we have thousands of problems in the world that we face on a daily basis but when we are sick, when we are unhealthy, when we are injured, we have one problem. And you all know when you’ve gotten sick one time you’ve been on the couch for two weeks, you’re like if I just can get healthy again, I promise I will eat healthy, I promise I’ll be consistent working out if I’m just not sick anymore. And then somehow we get healthy again, we get consistent, and then we fall off. I’ve been there; I know you’ve been there. Now’s the time, it’s time to start applying these principles and doing something daily that’s a non-negotiable. And when you make a non-negotiable, you’ll do whatever it takes to make it happen. So you just got to get to that place to make it a non-negotiable for you.

If you enjoyed this, share with a friend text one friend today, who you think would be inspired to optimize, and biohack their health in a better way. Just send it to a friend, text a friend and you can really be a hero for someone in their life. Think of someone who might be struggling, or stressed out, or overwhelmed or just isn’t as consistent as they should be in their health. Send them this and say, “Hey, I love to get your thoughts on this, let’s work on this together, let’s be accountable together.” You can text the link You can text them that link right now, or just copy and paste the link on Apple podcast or Spotify, wherever you listen to the podcast, and share with your friend there. You tag me on social media @LewisHowes and follow me on Instagram, and watch the full YouTube videos over on YouTube as well. 

And also we’ve got this amazing offer with our sponsor today. If you haven’t checked this out yet, I recommend checking it out, it’s really cool. You can go to Special offer from Les Mills on demand where you get 21 days free access to their fitness app, again, that is powerful. There’s no more excuses. They’ve got all the strength training martial arts, core training, yoga, high intensity, interval training, dance, ballet inspired training, mind body, kids workouts, you can work out with your kids there as well. They’ve got the latest research and science back moves. All Les Mills programs are safe and effective. Try them out right now, 21 days free access to their fitness app at Again, check it out at 

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Your health is the most important thing in a life. And if you don’t have health, it’s the biggest problem that you’re faced with. It’s the thing that you think about the most, more than finances more than anything else because that is the safety of your life. You were born with one body you have one body. That’s what Jim Rohn said “Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live.” And Gandhi said “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” 

Fall in love with yourself and fall in love with your health. I hope you enjoyed The Science of Biohacking for Optimal Health. I love you so very much and you know what time it is, it’s time to go out there and do something great.

[background music]



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