New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

Summit of Greatness 2024 | September 13-14 | Los Angeles, CA


Abel James

Play to Your Natural Advantages

Your body is more capable than you give it credit for.

When it comes to exercise and dieting, it’s all about finding out what your body naturally works best with.

Maybe you’ve always been good at sprinting. Perhaps you prefer to run long distances. Or maybe, you’re not a runner, and you prefer to do weight workouts in the gym. Whatever the case, your body is going to have a natural advantage at something. Why not play to that natural advantage?

The same goes for food. Some of you can probably eat diary and be just fine, but for others, a glass of milk means trouble. We all have our different responses to the food we eat. The good news is, you can always find alternatives, and sometimes the alternative is something as simple as buying the same product from a local farm rather than an industrial one.

There are some delicious, natural foods out there, but they’ve been replaced by processed foods that go by the same name. Our palettes have grown accustomed to these foods, just because they are so readily available. But if we took the time to try the real stuff, then we’ll see a positive difference in both taste and health.

Let’s give our bodies the best advantage possible when it comes to being healthy. For this 5-Minute Friday, I wanted to share a clip from my friend Abel James on this very issue.

“When you really learn to appreciate fresh foods, things can taste so much better than you’re used to.” @fatburnman  

Abel James is a New York Times bestselling author, top 10 App Developer, musician, radio show host, entrepreneur, and veritable health coach. Abel’s work has been featured in WIRED Magazine, Paleo Living, and hundreds of media outlets in business, technology, psychology, and health.

Within its first year, Abel’s Fat-Burning Man Show rose to the #1 most popular health podcast in the United States and the United Kingdom and went on to top the charts in more than 7 countries across the world for the past 2 years!

A former strategic advisor to the food and beverage industry, Abel now acts as a consumer advocate who exposes the truth behind deceptive marketing practices, misleading corporate propaganda, and powerful special interests that have accelerated the worldwide obesity epidemic and health crisis. Abel harnesses the techniques he developed for the Wild Diet to achieve extremely compelling results in fat loss and health for his clients and the community.

I had Abel on The School of Greatness back on Episode 158 where we talked about dieting, health, and weight loss. I had just had him on just after I had lost 28 pounds in 28 days, simply by cutting sugar out of my diet.

Want to learn Abel’s secrets to weight loss, health, and dieting? Want to learn how to take maximum advantage of your body’s potential? Join me on Episode 948 to learn how with my friend Abel James!

Some Questions I Ask:

In this episode, you will learn:

Show Notes:

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Abel James

Transcript of this Episode

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Music Credit:

Next Galaxy by Extan

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