New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

Summit of Greatness 2024 | September 13-14 | Los Angeles, CA


Lewis Howes

My Biggest Wins and Losses of the Year

Create gold out of dirt.

It’s the end of another year.

You have to take time to reflect.

Celebrate your wins. Embrace your losses.

If you don’t, you’ll miss out on an amazing opportunity. You have the power to mold your ideas into reality every single moment of your life.

Growing up, I never wanted to lose. But it wasn’t until I learned to reframe the loss as a lesson that I was able to really get to the next level.

You alone are responsible for your life.

On today’s episode of The School of Greatness, I talk with you about my wins and losses from the last year.


“If you want to grow, you have to invest in YOU.” @lewishowes  

I share how, this year, I chose to invest in myself. I partnered with people of the highest level to help my social media, my voice, my nutrition and more. The results were incredible.

I also talk about struggling with saying “no” in the past year and how I failed to be upfront in my partnerships and relationships.

Everything I’ve done has lead me here. And I couldn’t have done it without you.

So learn how to celebrate your wins and reframe your losses on Episode 739.

“Being where you need to be is much better than beating yourself up for your mistakes.” @lewishowes  

Some Questions I Ask:

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The healthiest way to look at your mistakes (2:00)
  • My wins from 2018 (7:00)
  • The things I’ve had to say “no” to in 2018 (21:00)
  • Why it’s important to partner with people at the highest level (23:00)
  • The proudest moment of my life (30:00)
  • The lessons I learned this year (34:00)
  • Plus much more…
Connect with
Lewis Howes

Transcript of this Episode

Lewis: Episode number 739 on my biggest wins and losses of 2018. Welcome to the school of greatness my name is Lewis Howes, a former athlete turned lifestyle entrepreneur and each week we bring you an inspiring person or message to help you discover how to unlock your inner greatness. Thanks for spending some time with me today, now let the class begin.

Welcome everyone this is the final episode of 2018 and I hope you had a great year, I hope it was filled with tons of lesson tons of wins, lots of incredible memories because that’s what we’re here for. We’re here to experienced life to live a life that’s meaningful to us and there’s a quote I read about little meeting pocket book that my friend in Q whose been on the show a couple of times. He came to me the other day the book is called ‘Heart of a Buddha.’ It’s a little quote book I thought it was really cool and I opened it up this morning and I read this quote that says “Everything that happens to us is the result of what we ourselves thought, said or done. We alone are responsible for our lives.” So everything that’s happened to us this last year we are responsible for. It’s happening because of what we thought will be said and what we’ve done, what we think in our mind, how we speak things into existence and the actions we take that reflect our experience and our outcomes. I realized earlier in my life that I didn’t celebrate enough of my wins, I was always the one who was never happy when I would achieved something big because I wasn’t pleased with myself, I was unhappy with myself in general, and when I achieved something I was expecting myself to feel something and maybe I did for a few minutes and then it was gone and I was angry and mad.

So, I just started chasing more and more things I just said I need to something bigger and go for the next thing and just automatically focus on the next thing. Now, I really focus on celebrating my wins and I think it’s important to us to write down our wins and talked about them on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. You know when we really think about the hard work we put into the energy we put into, how we fought something, spoken into existence we made it happened through our actions and we manifest these things we get to celebrate them, that is incredible. We are like modern day alchemist that just create gold out of dirt and that’s what life is really all about. We have a blank canvass and we get to mold our ideas into reality every single moment of our lives. No matter what we’re going through, where we are from, what experiences we’ve had happened to us in the past, how setback we are than other people, we have an opportunity to shift the way we think and act and do and that’s what this life is all about.

Celebrate your wins I just want to emphasize this enough make sure you celebrate your wins and reflect on your losses. For me, losing is something that I focus on a lot I never wanted to lose, I was so competitive growing up I had to win at everything and I was the worst loser. I don’t even use the word losses anymore even though I put it in this title and I mentioned my biggest wins and losses of 2018, it is lessons it’s all lessons, everything in your life is a lesson; if you learn to reframe the lost as a lesson you tell yourself a different story because the story we tell ourselves dictate our life and it’s our interpretation of everything that shapes us. You know you think about the stories that you tell yourself that things that you did or happened to you or that didn’t happen, when you’re a kid you hold on to that story that interpretation.

So start telling yourself a different story start reshaping your story and your identity and I was talking about in Q about this as we were hanging out for dinner and said “I’m going through some challenges my personal life, I’m going through some challenges I made some mistakes and owning up to those mistakes and shouldn’t have done this things.” And I said “You know I’m focusing on right now because I’ve done so much of this work and I’ve had so many different coaches and done a lot of different just exercises and training and I’ve been through a lot of these experiences in life now.” That I said “Anytime you go through hardship in life or it seems like there’s no way out or anytime that you go through an experience that is painful, you’ve got to hindsight now.” So, we always talked about hindsight is 20/20 looking back I can see that mistake and how it unfolded and what I could have done differently and actually how it benefitted me by making that mistake or going through that pain. That experience has actually benefitted my life in such a significant way that I wouldn’t have had these other opportunities, I wouldn’t have able to do this without going through that challenge. So as much as I am going through that challenging moment right now because of the mistakes that I made and because of the actions that I took or didn’t take, I am telling myself ‘This is challenging, this is hard, this is painful I am experiencing it and learning it and I need to have hindsight now.’ You know in 6 months from now I’m going to be able to look back and it’s not gonna be as painful, I’m gonna be able to reflect back and learn. I’m going to be able to continue to learn and say ‘this need to happen for me to learn, to grow.’ So whenever you are going through a challenging time whether it’d be a breakup in your life, a business partnership breakup, an injury or you get fired or something happens. You need to have hindsight now, look into the future 6 to 12 months of your life from where you are in that moment and have hindsight. Start reflecting back on how I can be better, what are the action I’m going to take differently to change the situation and that’s probably what you’re going to ask yourself if something goes wrong embrace that the universe has your back or God has back or whoever has your back, there is someone out there that has your back and that you are exactly where you need to be right now. Being where you need to be is much better than beating yourself up for your mistakes, don’t be a person that beats yourself up has nothing comes for that, nothing good comes from you for your family or for those around you. Instead own your lesson, own your pain, recommit your intentions and actions moving forward and try not to make the mistakes again. We’re human beings living a human experience I think Oprah said that one time, be aware and continue to move forward in your life that’s the best you can do, do your best.

Now, I want to talk about my wins this was crazy because we forget all the times, all the things we do and all the things we created over a year’s time and although I’m celebrating on a daily and weekly basis you know when you look back over a 12 month period you can really see the full picture of the years of your life, everything you’ve learned all the experience now come into fruition for this year and you get to reflect and see what you created. So I’m just gonna list off some of this things to share the wins and then kind of go through a bunch of wins I want to talk about briefly, but the biggest win for me this year was launching the first talk show on Facebook watch. Facebook has a platform where they have original content now and I want to continue to elevate and grow up myself and push myself out on my comfort zone. Every year I do this and it took about a year to put this together to sell the show to Facebook, to find a production company, to produce the show, the edit the show. It took a lot of my time and energy and millions of people watch it every week and impacted a lot of life and it’s called “Inspiring Life with Lewis Howes.” And it was their first talk show, for me it was a great victory, it was a great win, it was everything. Yes, there was challenges that came with it and lessons and all these other things but it was a great win to continue to manifest my vision and our vision as a brand which is to impact and serve people and to help people overcome the challenges in their life and we got to do that with one of the biggest companies in the world and partner with them which is really cool experience.

Another win we had our best summit of greatness ever. Year 3 huge venue a brand new venue that is the Ohio Theater at Columbus, Ohio over 1,500 people came incredibly mind-blowing speakers, performers. Lindsay Sterling performed Wyclef jumping on balconies and the closing party going for 3 and a half hours and just epic dance parties, connections, community it was a game changer and I had so much fun. Our team loves doing this it’s our way to give back to the community and create an experience to people who never had and we do this at the summit of greatness. Make sure to get your tickets for next year go to you can learn about it, but it was such a powerful experience. We’re looking to blow this up in a huge way next year, we’re already planning for next year, in September it’s gonna be a game changer.

Next thing we had our documentary that complete. You know every year I’m trying to do bigger and better things and we made a movie, we made a freaking movie and I’ve never done that before, we screened it at the summit of greatness this year for our community and it got a standing ovation, half the room was in tears it was a powerful experience and so for me it was a big win and now we’re taking meetings with Netflix and looking to sell it to them or find the right partner to distribute it to. So stay tuned for the launch publicly of our documentary ‘chasing greatness’ we’re excited about this and a huge win and a lot of fun because it’s allowing me to be more creative and tap into a bigger media creation space.

Another win the greatness mastermind. Greatness mastermind year 2 was a massive success, this are the leaders of the school of greatness and entrepreneur community around the world. We had 40 members this year, people making multiple 7 figures, people launching best-selling books you know huge podcasts and big followings all these different things and we just did our final weekend retreat and almost everyone went around and shared their 3 biggest wins. Almost everyone said that they had triple their business and these are people that are already making millions when they came in. So for me it’s just so cool to see the growth of everyone, the success of everyone not only in business but also in their personal life. The freedom that they have because of their success in their business and so for us to be able to continue to elevate this experience the greatness mastermind is a blessing for me, it’s a lot of fun I love curating these individuals, I love getting them together and create an experience to help them see beyond what they even think is possible for themselves each year and we’re going into year 3 with this with an incredible lineup.

Next thing podcast growth. We almost doubled in downloads from last year to this year. So last year we had 22 million downloads for the year and this year we just hit 40 million downloads on the year on over 90 million total downloads. For me we are going into, in a few weeks this will be our 6 year anniversary, I believe its 6 years in a few weeks so I’m going to do an episode of recap of 6 years of the school of greatness podcast and we are growing guys almost a hundred million download total and we also decided this year to go all in as a media business. As a media business we want to make sure we bring in the right sponsorships that are smart, that fit the brand and everything else. And these sponsorships on this podcast they help us use that money to reinvest in video team, we’ve got multiple video editors now that our editing content helps distributing content with audio, with production and everything. So, we just been going all in on creating the best podcast ever and we have some of the massive big names this year we had so many great people, we had Kobe Bryant which is a huge win for us. We are always looking to bring in the most talented individuals in the world and share their stories that they don’t typically open up about and that’s been a big success and win for us.

Branding and Vision every year and all the time I’m meeting with experts people that know a lot more than me and that are just talented at what they do and I met with my good friend Rory who some of you probably heard on the podcast we had a while back that was just amazing and we’ll link that up on the show notes if you want to check out that full interview, where I went down with Rory’s spot in few months back maybe 6 months ago and just did a full day and a half brain dump of the branding and the vision and getting clear on my yes and no. You know as my business and brand continue to grow we’re getting hundreds of opportunities every week, people message me constantly asking to partner on things and asking me to hire me for things that people want me to speak launch new projects together and all these things. I was just so excited all the time and yes and too many yes’s took me away from my core vision. So getting clear on the vision and creating a list of yes’s and no’s, what I would say yes to and no to and this are non-negotiables. I would say yes to things that support my vision, that elevate me, that help my health. But no to the things that are distractions, maybe they’re big revenue generator but they don’t make sense for my brand and I have turned down millions of dollars this year alone that I could’ve made doing this other projects, doing this other partnerships and it sucks to think “Oh, I’m not making this other millions that I could be making.” But I’m also thinking long term over short term this is, life is a marathon of many sprints but you don’t want to burn out and I’m willing to not take a lot of money upfront to make sure I’m being an integrity for my vision and my mission and for bigger upside later down the line. So that was a really powerful one and if you guys want to listen to that episode I did with Rory you can just go to the show notes at

From that everything has changed because we had this bigger team internally and I was always trying to hire people and build this team and kind of build this culture and grow kind of more projects and opportunities came we needed more people. From this couple of days from training with Rory I realized that I wanted to have a lean core team, a powerful lean core team and hire out experts and agencies for support with growth. So instead of having everything in house we have a few core team members that are just rock stars and they support with different agencies and experts that we hire and we pay a premium for that expertise as opposed to hiring in house training, developing and all those things, but that’s the price I am willing to invest in to create a longer term and faster growth. So we got a full time podcast agencies that support us with the school of greatness podcast. We’ve got a full media buying agency and ad buying agency that supports us with all of our ads, we’ve got a PR firm that we use from time to time, we’ve got a social media management and growth agency and also brought on this rock star agent and I’m super excited about it and their whole team red WME and my entertainment lawyer Tod Weinstein who’s been really got my back the last year and a half with so many things. So having these experts who are top of their field and hiring them to be on the team has been a game changer, as opposed to just building and managing the team myself and scale internally I am not, that takes me personally away from executing a big vision, and instead I am hiring a big expert who can just be partners with me on building impact in the world that’s been a game changer.

Inner circle we have transition a lot of our business from a launch model to a recurring revenue model and that has change everything. It’s given me freedom, it’s given me time and energy and the inner circle is a big component of our recurring revenue model. We’ve got those 3,000 members entrepreneurs around the world who are growing tremendously on online business and we’re able to teach them by curating the top experts in the world to teach them how to get more lead into more sales, build their following to Facebook ads. Write books we’ve got lots of people to write books we’re just teaching all the things we know and allowing people to have that information at the fraction of the cost to be able to do things on their own. And this allowed me to take more strategic risk on media buying, you know when you have recurring revenue when you know there’s revenue coming in you can say ‘Okay, I know how much money is coming in I know the cost to acquire a new customer, I know the lifetime value of a customer.’ So you can start investing more in your brand, you can start investing more in ads and grow to scale and I was again bound by the one launch at a time, launch every week and every quarter and now this recurring model I can’t create and add more value in other places in my business in life. So that’s a big win you can check that out at if you are an entrepreneur or you have a side hustle or an author or coach or you’re looking to grow a business then to for that.

Speaking business I got very clear on my yes’s and no’s and I used to be like this is a cool event and just go speak and it feeds my ego and go on stage with thousands of people and now that I’ve been speaking for 9-10 years now, it was a big piece for me to create credibility in the different industry that I was working in and that was powerful. Now that I don’t need that as much you know I’m getting credibility, I’m getting press all the time, a lot of things that you know that support me you know I don’t need to be on stages because it’s a lot of time and energy and a lot of time and energy to travel. So, I did a lot of speeches this year and I was charging 50 grand per speech and we got clear on that this year when I was with Rory like I won’t speak unless it’s 50 grand. Now my price is going up to 75 grand next year and we already booked a speech for that and just continue to elevate as the brand grows as the value continues to grow. So speaking business has been great and that’s just a fun thing we get to do and continue to elevate my skills there.

Now, next big win is social media growth. We have exploded this year, I mean not as much as my friend Jay Shetty just like on another planet but we have exploded and we’ve done the biggest year on growth. You know we are at 400 thousand followers on Facebook last and now we’re just about to hit 2 million, we’re a million on Instagram and a lot of that is because our viral video explosion in the last 4 months. I brought on an agency to help with growth and we talked about it and he was like ‘the quickest to grow is through viral videos.’ That’s the quickest way and for years I’ve been slowly growing I’ve been growing very slowly 1 post creating tons of content over 8-9-10 years and it wasn’t until I said I am going all in as a creator now, not just a marketer but a creator that is just gonna add value and not try to sell anything just create amazing content that is designed to be viral it’s work. Every week we put out a video of the last 3 and a half months and the minimum they do is a million views but some 10-20-50 million views and they all take off in some way or fashion. So hiring the social media and growth agency has been a game changer for us and having a great, we brought in another video editor Tiffany Tyler is our core video editor for school of greatness podcast and other products we have and then she brought in a core group of other editors that she manages and we brought in another video director and producer, Sarah Snow who is helping me come out in craft and create this inspirational viral messages and that’s been a lot of fun to work with her in some of that. It’s a whole new challenge and learning thing for me but a lot of fun bringing on so many different things. You know we brought on an agency WME and their team, I am very excited about just partnering with people who are doing things at the highest level as opposed to thinking of hiring something from the ground and building them up, it’s starting from the top and working with people at the top and that’s what I am focus on moving forward with that.

Another big win USA handball, I haven’t played in a year and a half for the USA team and I got called up to go to Puerto Rico recently and got to play with them and now I am going to Israel and Germany this week. I am going to Germany with the USA team to play against some German pro team and playing against the Israel National Team in Tel Aviv for a handful of days in early January. So if you’re up there send me a message on Instagram and come watch a game I’ll be with the USA team it’ll be a lot of fun and I’m just excited to continue as one of the oldest guys in the team to continue to excel and succeed and thrive and it gives me a focus to work with my health even more. Every time I wear a USA across my chest I feel like one of the luckiest guys in the world so I am very grateful for that.

Another big win is I am constantly reinvesting in myself and my skills and my mastery of life and I hired a vocal coach so you know, I speak a lot and always on the mike, I am speaking on the podcast and doing workshops, mastermind, inner circle lessons all these stuff. You know speaking on stage and sometimes I lose my voice and I need to master my voice, I need to learn the skills on how to breathe better, on how to project everything. So, I hire one of the top singing coaches in the world who works with like the biggest artist any name you can think of. I’ve taken some lessons and man I am learning a ton and I’m loving it, it is terrifying I am literally sweating in this lessons because he’s having me sing these scales and I not that good and I just feel insecure and nervous like I am not this amazing signer at least yet. That’s my goal to be a better a singer and so that’s been powerful taking lessons investing in myself and doing this things to push myself to get better and improve. I hired a personal trainer full time and I work with different trainers to continue to push me, I hired a nutritionist that is not just like ‘here’s some food plan like here go do this.’ We are dissecting every part of my cells, we are doing all the testing and he is telling me exactly what I need to do and I tell you what I jumped on the scale yesterday and I was 219.6 pounds, I have been trying for 13 years since college to get under 220 pounds nothing has been able to work, I tried it all and for whatever reason I am hovering at 225 at best. When I am in shape I am 225 but for years at 1 point I was 255 this was like 6 or 7 years ago and I usually hover around 230-235 and this nutritionist has been getting me honest, I mean this guy is a wizard he like told me things and I’ve interviewed every top health nutritionist, doctors in the world, I’ve interviewed the most credible people in the world and this guy has told me things that I haven’t heard yet and I’m implementing them. I’m implementing them and I’m seeing the results and pretty crazy, so we’re working on that and I’m constantly reinvesting on my growth. I take my growth seriously, I take my mindset and growth mentality seriously and that’s why I continue to empower and plead with you to invest in your growth. Whatever is lacking right now, whatever you are not happy with you need to invest in it. If you want to grow you got to invest in you and that is something I do all the time and I’m doubling down on that, I am paying more people to support my nutrition and my training and my voice lessons, I’m gonna do on camera lessons just continue to develop myself, even though I can get away with certain things without it I know I can get better and when I improve and invest in myself I gain more confidence and that’s what you will do as well. So that’s been some of the big wins I am just going to list off a couple of things because I feel like I am going to rumble all these things now.

Here’s some of cool moments from this year. I did blue angels I went up in this navy jet and threw up twice but it was like top gun, it was a cool experience and I have a video of it and that was a lot of fun. I got on ridiculousness with Rob Dyrdek, he invited me to come on his show and I’m a huge fan of the show already so that was fun to be on MTV’s ridiculousness. On Good Morning America again the second time this year, I got the John Wayne award for the year which was pretty cool his family is non-profit annual awards, I contributed a big donation to [?] continue to build school for kids around the world, my book was published in several different languages ‘The Mask of Masculinity’ which has been a big hit. I did business on bike’s show with the CEO of Sam’s club, I interviewed Kobe Bryant which was a lot of fun for me, my friend Jessie Itzler had his 50th birthday party and I got a front row concert with Run DMC some like the legends of the rap world which was like a fun cool moment. I did his 29029 which is the equivalent of Mt. Everest we climb this me and Cesar, climbed this with Jessie Itzler and what an experience it was just a crazy moment. 29029 just type that in and put on Jessie Itzler on google and pop up and make sure you do this. But one of the proudest moments of my life was finishing this I felt so proud of myself when I finished that I was able to complete this in 33 hours.

I got inducted into my college hall of fame Principia College I’m an alumni of one of the smallest college in the country but they inducted me into the sports hall of fame. So that was just some fun cool moments, also speaking I did 13 speaking gigs all around the world that was a blast. I went to a prison a couple of times and led a workshop for inmates who had all read the mask of masculinity. I went to 33 cities this year I looked at all my travel schedules and my flights 33 different cities, 5 countries went to Guatemala, Greece, London, Toronto, Peru and then Puerto Rico and a bunch of other cities all over the country from Ohio to Vegas to California to Texas to Maui to New York everything just a great year overall with so many things.

Going into lessons so for me again important to reflect on all these things all the wins is important to just let it sink in and realize that from an idea this was created, from a thought, from an imagination that wasn’t a reality, reality was created by you. Everything happens to us is the result of what ourselves have thought, said or done we alone are responsible for our lives to quote from a heart of a Buddha fall from a thought. Now, lessons now I said losses in the title but I really look at losses as lessons. When you reframe your loss everything starts to make sense and one of the lessons I learned is that I can’t try to do everything, instead of trying to say everything focus on doing a few things at the best level. Before I was doing too much, I was doing too much because it was fun and because I could do it and because there are great opportunities and because I didn’t want to let people down and because I didn’t want to say no and hurt people and instead a lesson is focus on being great and a few core things you are working on, as opposed to trying to do too much and that is a big lesson for me.

Another lesson not enough delegation in systems this kind of ties into it, there’s only so much of me that goes around that I can’t personally do, there’s only so much time in a day that I can do. I spent way too much time on my phone and on social media this year that is a huge lesson way too much time and creating non-negotiable schedules and system in place and delegations in place for me not to be on my phone in social media as much. Now my life is about building relationships and about connecting people, about facilitating those experience with people. So I am going to be in communication often with people whether it’s texting, emailing, phone call or FaceTime or face to face. That’s the type of person I am that is the business I am in connecting people to ideas to solutions to things that help them improve their life. So it’s getting better at it you know it’s getting better at it and not just mindlessly being on social media but really better on it, and since I brought a social media team I’ve done a great job of saving so much time on every platform except for one which is Instagram, which I’m controlling and responding to people and commenting and posting and I was trying to figure out what’s the better system where I’m still involve and still me in there but I’m just not doing all of it, and so I am still figuring out that system, that’s my big lesson moving forward making sure there’s more delegation than systems so that I can have time to level up. I don’t want to breakdown and I don’t want you guys to breakdown so I want to level up.

Another lesson I lost consistency with my meditation, I do it but not as consistently as I know I need to. I’m going back to India to one world academy big shout out to Christian G who I had on the podcast couple of years back, I went to one world academy in India and it’s about 2 years ago and it was a game changer for me and I became certified in meditation and all these stuff and I was practicing consistently for a long time and then I allowed myself to get out of it and every time I do it I’m like ‘Man, I feel better and peaceful and calm’ and it’s staying in a beautiful state is key because when we are in a beautiful state we create from a place of beauty as opposed to a place of stress and anxiety and it’s hard to create something beautiful from a place of stress and overwhelm. It’s hard to get into the flow if you’re overwhelmed and not allowing my emotions get too low at times. So that’s been a big lesson like making sure that I stay consistent with that and focusing on meditation it’s one of the keys. Meditation for me is about 15-20 minutes a day but you can just meditate by being peaceful in nature, you know by not being connected at all times and disconnecting so you can connect to your heart and I think that’s the key.

Another lesson not being clear on expectations on partnerships or certain people upfront. Sometimes in the past I’ve just gone excited to do something but I forget to be clear about my partnerships, I forget to be clear about everything that is going on and that’s the key is being clear on partnerships.

Another lesson is we doubled our ad spend in our business and it worked, it worked in a big way as we doubled our net profit and not only did our business double overall it double our net profit, which was something I was concern about and as someone who has always been doing things organically for many years in my business we decided the last few years to start spending more money on ads in diving in deeper and this year we went more into that, we realized that organic route is only one way of growing but if you want to really scale faster than you need to, at some point start spending money on media and buying traffic and putting yourself in front of people so they’re aware of your product and service more. Sometimes people don’t buy what you have just from the first time you offering it, some people will buy right away and other people it takes them months, years to buy or for their timing to be right. So in order to really grow and build a brand and a business that is something we did, and I don’t like to promote organically on my social media channels and on my email list, I like to offer value public facing and behind the scenes do more marketing with ads and that is a powerful thing to get more people into our products and services and get massive results. So we doubled our ad spend and it worked in a big way, and this was the biggest lesson and I kind of talked about this in the winds already but this is the biggest lesson was we lost a bunch of team members this years and I talked about this briefly where you know there’s a lot of ups and downs when you hire people or bring people on to your team because you got to train people that takes many months for them to learn your business. Then they’ve got to learn the actual skill set, they’ve got to learn the application the software that are in place already and if they are not a good fit or after 6 months to a year and they learn everything and decide ‘I want to go now’ then you just built this, you put a lot of energy in the people who mastered certain skills by you paying for their skills and then it was time for them to go for whatever reasons. A lot of people transition off of our team this year and I don’t look at it as a lost I look at it as a great learning experience, I realize that I am not trying to build the biggest team internally, I am trying to build the right team internally and hire expertise through agencies who can support our current team. We used to have a lot of people on our team calls every single Monday we do a team call and there was a lot of people on and now there’s just a few people, and as we move on in this we get clearer and clearer on our vision and the impact we are making on the world we figure out what works for us and there’s no right or wrong, there’s no good or bad it’s just what is working for the mission of your business, of your health, of your relationship or your life and that’s the way I look at this things. I’m realizing that not everyone is not going to be around forever and that people will have different dreams and passion and allowing that to move forward. But we want to continue to build the best brand we can around the school of greatness and around impacting people in a positive way and we make mistakes, I make a lot of mistakes I’ve never claimed to be perfect in my life and it’s all learning, lessons and growth and that’s what we’re here to do.

So, I hope you guys enjoyed this you know this was kind of a deep dive on the winds and the lessons. If you enjoyed it please let me know what you enjoyed most about this, maybe you heard something you didn’t think you’d hear from me maybe you wish you wish something else I would’ve shared, feel free to let me know you can send me an email, a message on Facebook or twitter or Instagram @lewishowes. The link for this is and get ready for an incredible 2019 it’s going to be a big year if you choose for it to be one and no matter what happens you get to decide on the story you tell yourself around your experiences on the wins, the losses. If you look at life that way you can stop being a victim to the things that you did or other people did to you that didn’t work out in your favor and you can be responsibly empower to move forward in a positive powerful way and that’s the best we can do is give our best take ownership for the things that we have done well, the things that we haven’t done well and try to do better the next time. I love you guys so very much and you know what time it is, it’s time to go out there and do something great.


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