New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

Summit of Greatness 2024 | September 13-14 | Los Angeles, CA


Bobby Hall a.k.a. Logic

How to Pursue Your Dreams Even in the Face of Adversity


What would you do if you reached the VERY top of your industry at 28 years old? How would you feel if everything you thought you wanted to accomplish in your career — from the most minor details to your wildest dreams — became a reality? 

That’s exactly what happened to my special guest today. You might know him as an award-winning artist whose music has touched millions of people around the world.  But despite all his talent and success, like many of us, he has suffered through periods of severe anxiety and depression and even contemplated taking his own life.

Thankfully, this was a turning point for him. He began to focus ONLY on the things that brought him true happiness, like his friends, family, and creative projects that filled him with joy, not on the negative comments constantly thrown at him on social media. Today, he’s in a much better place and he even recently finished publishing a novel and a memoir. Most importantly, he’s happier than he’s ever been! 

My guest today is the one and only Logic! In this interview, Logic gets vulnerable and opens up about everything he’s been through. We discussed the most important lessons he’s learned from his traumatic and abusive childhood. We also talked about what it takes to pursue your dreams and make them a reality under extreme adversity. He also shares the biggest lies around success. how he overcame his darkest place at the peak of his career and so much more!

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health or you’re curious about how Logic went from poverty to achieving his dreams, then I know you’ll find value in this episode. So what are you waiting for? Let’s dive in!

Who Is Logic? 

Bobby Hall, a.k.a. Logic, is a Grammy-nominated, platinum-selling recording artist, author, actor, streamer, and film producer. In addition to his three number-one albums, ten platinum singles, and billions of streams, Hall’s debut book, Supermarket, making him the first hip-hop artist to have a #1 New York Times bestselling novel. He has also written a new memoir called This Bright Future, where he gets vulnerable and opens up about everything he’s been through.

A tough childhood led to Logic’s success. His parents struggled with substance abuse, and they barely made ends meet for him due to the circumstances that surrounded them throughout his life growing up. One day, Logic decided enough was enough. He eventually released his first album, Under Pressure, after moving into another artist’s place where he was allowed to use the basement as a studio. The rest, as they say, is history.

The interview I had with him was such an inspiring, robust conversation, and I’m already looking forward to getting to know Logic better as a friend and person. Indeed, his insights and wisdom will leave us inspired to dream and become better people.

The Life That Made Logic

There are a lot of things that every child goes through in life. For some, growing up with no parents or having a disabled family member to take care of might make life more difficult for them than what’s expected at their age. These children have to grow up faster and face the world head-on. Some also grew up in impoverished households and with a lot of abuse and trauma.

Although many of us may expect that these kids will grow up to be disenfranchised members of society, some go in the complete opposite direction. This is what made me curious about Logic who came out with a kind heart, a good soul, and a moral compass, despite growing up in a place of so much trauma and abuse.

“I’d see my dad smoking crack and my brothers putting guns in my hand. I grew up seeing my mom drinking and getting beat by men. … A lot of my siblings fell into that kind of same trap and perpetuated that lifestyle. I don’t know, but I just knew it wasn’t right.” – Logic 

Logic’s story only shows that more and more children who grew up with childhood trauma are becoming successful people in the world. This only shows that even if you live through something difficult, then you can do just about anything. If you’re wondering how Logic was able to channel what he went through into something for the good of others, as opposed to repeating the pattern of abuse, he believes that it was because he wanted something that he lacked as a young child.

“As a child, I didn’t have anybody there to tell me that they loved me or that I was doing a good job. That message of peace, love, and positivity in my music is because I wasn’t actually surrounded by any of it.” – Logic 

This absence is what brought Logic to where he is today. After growing in a family where the lack of love and support was a norm, he chose to channel his childhood trauma into something positive and productive. He knew that music was his outlet, so he wrote and created more music for his own pleasure and for other people to be able to get that message of love and positivity just like he did.

“Once the music started to take off and I had a couple of hundred fans, I saw that they resonated with what I was saying — maybe because they felt like I was saying it to them. So then I was like, ‘Let me let them know that someone cares for them. I’m in this position of power, and I want to use it positively.’ That’s when the message just got bigger and stronger.” – Logic 

Growing up with childhood trauma can influence somebody in a lot of ways. Logic, who grew up seeing his entire family falling into the same drug abuse and alcoholism patterns, did not want to experience the same things. He chose to not let his past define him, and instead, he used it as a wake-up call to change his life for the better. And now, as an award-winning rapper, he’s been able to inspire countless people with his music!

Now, I want you to think about this. How can you channel your childhood trauma into something positive? What makes you want to make your life better, and how do you plan on getting there? If Logic was able to do it, then I know you can too.

Pursuing Dreams Amidst Adversities

At the age of 28, Logic pursued his passion as a rapper and has become one of the most successful rappers globally. Despite this success, Logic was still dealing with his personal demons.

“One of my darkest … times of feeling alone was when I was 28 years old, and I had the whole world in the palm of my hands, and nobody else understood what I was going through.” – Logic

Despite being surrounded by friends and other rappers, he knew people weren’t really able to connect with him at his level. They weren’t able to emotionally and vulnerably be able to resonate with him. But what exactly was he experiencing?

“I haven’t been on social media in two years and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.” @Logic301  

“There were many things, … but one feeling stood out. It’s the feeling that I’ve accomplished a lot, and I never appreciated it. I was always moving on to the next thing. I was exhausted. I was tired. But people just keep saying things like, ‘You ain’t never going to have fans.’ Now you have fans, and they say, ‘Oh, you will never be able to perform.’ Then you perform for 50 people to a sold-out in an arena or outside amphitheater or this or that. Then you finish a mixtape, put out an album. You even make it gold, then ten times platinum, … and it’s like, when is it enough? That’s how I felt in 2018. I felt I was not good enough, not black enough, not rich enough, not poor enough, not thin enough, not that enough.” – Logic 

Some might think that Logic’s problems are trivial because he’s successful. But he realized it was never about success and money. There was even a point in his life when he wanted to just stop and leave his fans in the middle of a concert.

“I was so tired. I was constantly on tour ten or eleven months out of the year, show after show, … but people you know would tell you, ‘You may never be here again. You gotta keep going.’ … So I went back and told the crowd, “I just want you to know that you’re worth it. That’s why I’m on stage right now because I’m here to spread that positive message of peace, love, and positivity. Even in your darkest of times, you can persevere. That’s what I’m going to do for you here tonight. I’m going to do my best to persevere and not just walk off this stage.” – Logic 

Although many would say that his vulnerability was commendable, Logic was distraught to learn that the internet made fun of him. It became a challenging year for him. He didn’t let that stop him, though. Instead, he realized that it wasn’t about succeeding or failing — it was about pushing forward.

“I’ve done every show one can think of. I’ve done shows I shouldn’t have done. I’ve done shows with 103-degree fevers. I’ve done shows where I’m intermittently puking my brains out on the side. I’ve done shows hawking up blood from my throat, but I’m glad I did it because I’m now financially capable and I can do whatever I want.” – Logic 

Logic’s story of perseverance and pursuing his dreams is beyond inspiring. It only showed that not only is it your childhood, but there will always be people who will try to taint your dreams. However, your response is ultimately up to you.

Just like Logic did, I encourage you not to allow anything or anyone to take away your passion and power of choice. It’s not always easy because there are obstacles along the way, but all of those road bumps can be used to your advantage. Let Logic’s words be a reminder that you’re capable of anything because you have the strength and power within yourself to persevere. 

The Biggest Lies About Success

Now that he’s accomplished pretty much every goal for himself, Logic has also realized the biggest lies around success.

“The biggest cliches — that money doesn’t make you happy and success can’t make you happy — are so true. But at the same time, they’re a bit of a double-edged sword because we all want to feel worthy and accomplished.” – Logic 

Logic wants to say that focusing on money and success as motivation to be successful is flawed. Instead, we should promote and respect passion and drive to be the best that we can possibly be.

“If your goal or motivation is money and success, you’re not going to be happy. You’ll be successful, but you won’t necessarily be happy. So with music, my goals are to make a bunch of money and be really famous. But none of that mattered when I was writing my raps, making beats, or in the studio with my friends. All that mattered was that we were creating something genuine from our hearts. We were having fun. We were making the music we liked and loved.” – Logic 

In the end, Logic encourages us to not put too much emphasis on money and success as motivation. After all, we don’t know how long we have here to live life on our terms and love what we do. 

Why You Should Listen to This Logic Podcast Episode Right Now…

Guys, I know that you’re going to love this interview. The story of Logic’s life is beyond inspirational and humble. It’s genuinely impressive how he went from being a product of a not-so-ideal home to becoming one of hip-hop’s finest. He proves that you can do anything you want when you put your heart into it!

Here’s his definition of greatness,

“I think my definition of greatness is happiness and finding success in yourself and in your life.” – Logic

I don’t know about you, but hearing this from rappers like Logic makes it even more impressive. This is why I highly encourage you to listen to this podcast episode right now and tag Logic,  @logic, and me, @lewishowes, with your key takeaways. And don’t forget to check out his work on Twitter or Facebook.

I hope that you’ve enjoyed and learned a ton about yourself and Logic after this podcast episode. If you’re ready to grow and learn with us, then I highly encourage you to listen to this entire episode of The School of Greatness!

To Greatness,

Lewis Howes - Signature

“I want you to know that you’re worth it. That even in your darkest of times, you can preserve.” @Logic301  

Some Questions I Ask:

  • What has been the toughest age for you?
  • What are your 3 biggest lessons from your childhood?
  • What would you tell your 9-year-old self?

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The biggest lessons he learned from his traumatic and abusive childhood.
  • What it takes to pursue your dreams and make them a reality.
  • Why he doesn’t go on social media anymore and how that’s affected his mental health.
  • The biggest lies around success now that he’s made it to the top.
  • And much more…
Connect with
Bobby Hall a.k.a. Logic

Transcript of this Episode

Music Credits:


Kaibu by Killercats

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