I’ve performed a lot in my life. Not in theatre (sorry to disappoint) or dancing (except at salsa clubs) but in sports.
There is one kind of performance I used to be TERRIFIED of though. As in, I would do anything to avoid it.
I was absolutely scared to death of public speaking.
As I started to get into business after my sports career ended, I realized that this fear was going to hold me back big time.
So it had to go.
I did the unthinkable and joined the local Toastmasters chapter where I was living, which was a group of professionals who would get together once a week to practice giving their pitches.
I was terrible at first. Honestly, it was probably really painful to watch.
But I kept going back week after week and a year later, I did my first paid speaking gig.
That was just the beginning though. I’ve spoken at more events and on more stages than I can count at this point, but there’s still a lot of room for improvement.
That’s why I turned to my friend Michael Port when I was preparing for a big speech I gave this summer at World Domination Summit.
Michael is, in my opinion, the best speaking and performance coach in the world.
He was a professional actor, on big shows and films, previous to becoming a coach, and now he is coaching hundreds of incredible speakers in person and through his programs.
In fact, he and I hosted a speaking on stage workshop this past week that was amazing.
I could watch Michael coach for hours – he’s that good.
In this episode of the The School of Greatness, Michael talks about his new book, which is all about how to steal the show by crafting an incredible speech.
I know you are going to learn so much from him, so get ready to take notes and start practicing with Michael Port in Episode 236.
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The School of Greatness Podcast
Some questions I ask:
- How do we shift from an approval mindset to a results mindset?
- What about introverts on stage?
- Is there a similar structure to performing in front of 1,000 people versus just one?
- How do you craft an amazing opening to your performance?
- What’s the process for crafting a 15 minute talk?
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
- Why Michael left the acting business while he was a successful actor
- How performance doesn’t always mean “fake”
- Why what you wear really matters in performance, pitches, branding, etc.
- If you want to be a better performer, stop criticizing
- The importance of a big idea as the foundation of your performance
“The more rehearsed you are, the more spontaneous you can be.”
- You need to demonstrate that you know how the world looks according to the individuals in the audience
- How to tell if you should include a certain story in your performance
- The power of using contrast in your speech patterns and body language
- Why it’s so important to get volunteers for audience participation after you’ve built trust with them
- Why not to curse at the beginning of your performance
- The 5 Key Components in Every Speech:
1. The big idea
2. The promise
3. The demonstration that you understand the audience worldview
4. The consequences of not adopting this promise
5. The rewards that come with achieving it
- Consumption is king in performance (in contrast to content)
- Frameworks to organize your talk with – numerical, chronological, contrast
- Just because we lived a story doesn’t mean we’re ready to tell it
- The power of rehearsal
- How to use the 3 act structure of a play in your storytelling
- Plus much more…
Continue Seeking Greatness:
- Steal the Show: From Speeches to Job Interviews to Deal-Closing Pitches, How to Guarantee a Standing Ovation for All the Performances in Your Life
- Michael’s Steal the Show podcast
- Check out Onnit and their optimal performance products. Use the code “greatness” to get 10% off your next order:
- Music Credit: Xenoexpedition by Naardvark
You may also like these episodes:
- Public Speaking Secrets from TED Talks Top Stars with Carmine Gallo
- How to Craft, Communicate, and Cash In On Your Personal Story
- How to Make the Case for What You Want with Kimberly Guilfoyle
Did you enjoy the podcast?
Michael is the best speaking coach I know (and an amazing performer). I learn so much from him every time we talk. What is your biggest weakness or strength when you are public speaking?