Take a minute to ask yourself this question: Do you love yourself unconditionally? Be honest. With everyone’s lives always on full display with social media, it’s easier than ever to compare ourselves to others, feel inadequate, and unhappy. We think that we can only be happy when we get that new job, make more money, or be in a relationship with someone amazing. While it’s completely normal to want some of these things, happiness shouldn’t be a reward you give yourself for reaching a goal — it is something you can achieve now.
I know this is easier said than done. I also experience times when my self-confidence and self-love come into question. However, there are moments when we all need to dig even deeper for that inspiration to move forward.
One way to build unbreakable self-love is to become more empathetic. By cultivating empathy, we not only create more love for others but ourselves as well. Today, our returning guest will tell us how we can grow a deep, unwavering love for ourselves and achieve our highest potential. Let’s welcome back, Erwin McManus!
My conversation with Erwin was powerful. We discussed how we are all born geniuses, but most of us grow out of it in adulthood. We also dove deep into cultivating our fullest potential in life, why empathy is the highest form of intelligence, and so much more.
No matter where you stand when it comes to spirituality, I think you’ll gain value in the principles and lessons Erwin lays out. So if you’re ready, let’s get into it!
Who Is Erwin McManus?
Erwin McManus is a best-selling author, entrepreneur, fashion designer, filmmaker, and founder of Mosaic, a church movement based in the heart of Hollywood with a community that spans the globe. He committed his life to the study of genius and the pursuit of God never knowing that the two worlds would one day collide.
He is also the acclaimed author of The Way of the Warrior, The Last Arrow, and other leading books on spirituality and creativity. Currently, he’s written a new book called, The Genius of Jesus: The Man Who Changed Everything.
McManus finished his degree in philosophy at Elon University and earned a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He also earned a Master of Divinity from Southwestern Theological Seminary, and a Doctorate of Humane Letters from Southeastern University. He currently lives in Los Angeles, California, with his wife, Kim McManus.
Erwin is truly a remarkable man, and I’m honored to have him on the show!
We Were All Once Geniuses
Would you believe it if I told you that we’re all geniuses as children? However, most of us grow out of our genius as we get older and start to conform. This mind-blowing claim is what Erwin shared in our conversation.
“98% of us are born geniuses. 2% of us live out that genius. … We lose this capacity the same way we do with human creativity and imagination. A part of the mistake of adulthood is that we see maturity as equivalent to standardization. If I can make you the same as everyone else, you’re now an adult. If I can teach you to be standardized and to conform, you are now an adult.” – Erwin McManus
What Erwin is saying is we stop our innate capacity to be geniuses when we start conforming. As young kids, we have it within us to be the genius we were meant to be — a musician, a writer, an artist — whatever it is. As we grow up, some of us are blessed to encounter different opportunities that help us cultivate it. But for some, a lack of opportunities limits them from achieving greatness.
For example, I’ve always been in love with the Spanish language. I see it as a language of love, and I’m currently taking classes to learn to speak it. Erwin believes that if I were given a chance to move to Spain or other places as a young kid, it would have been effortless for me to speak it today.
“If you’d had the benefit of moving to four or five places from the age of one to ten, you might’ve learned different languages. Americans only speak one language because their brain knew they only needed one language to survive, to thrive. … Our brain will only learn and hold the capacity for what it needs to survive.” – Erwin McManus
I felt that these words of Erwin were true. We are all geniuses, but sometimes, our current environment doesn’t allow us to be who we are. However, this doesn’t have to be our story. When we’re open to being inspired, we can grow back to being geniuses again and achieve our highest potential in life.
What Is a Genius? How Can You Be One?
When you’re trying to figure out if you’re a genius or not, you may think that it’s all about having a high IQ. However, in my conversation with Erwin, we agreed that it can come in multiple forms — music, sports, literature, anything! Even more, we agree that a genius actualizes the limitless potential within them. Now the big question is, how can that be done?
“I would say it’s a matter of focus. Don’t focus on your potential because that becomes incredibly self-centered. Rather, focus on making sure that you do the best in the world and for others.” – Erwin McManus
Now, this might be easy if you know what your potential is. But how can you tap into your most actualized self if you don’t even know where your greatest potential lies in the first place? Erwin has different advice when it comes to this.
“Some people say, ‘Follow your passions,’ right? But some people can be passionate about ten different things. Then some people say, ‘Do what you’re good at,’ but some people are talented at multiple things, or some feel like they’re not talented at anything. … I think it’s not even about these two things. … It is an intersection of being passionate and [having] natural talent. Passion gives you the energy that fuels you to do something you love. Now, your talent is those abilities that you seem to be predisposed to be good at.” – Erwin McManus