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New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!


Annie Särnblad

You Can be a Human LIE DETECTOR (How to Read Anyone!) | Top Facial Expression Expert | Annie Särnblad

Enhance Your relationships by improving your ability to read facial expressions & body language

Today we have a truly exceptional guest with us, Annie Särnblad. Annie is often referred to as a “human lie detector” due to her remarkable expertise in reading facial expressions. She’s a globally recognized speaker, strategic advisor to Fortune 500 companies, and the author of the captivating book “Diary of a Human Lie Detector: Facial Expressions in Love, Lust, and Lies.”

Annie’s unique insights into the world of facial expressions and body language offer profound wisdom on how we can build better and more meaningful relationships with others. In this episode, we’ll explore key non-verbal cues that signal trust and authenticity, universal facial expressions that reveal emotions and intentions, the role of empathy in interpreting these cues, and common misconceptions about reading body language.

“I’m not a mind reader but I’m a very good feelings reader. Clear as day, I can see your emotions. It is universal – it is our human species!” @annie.sarnblad  

And now let’s jump into episode 1520 of The School of Greatness!

“If we are in a relationship or starting a relationship, the most important area of focus on the face is not your eyes, it’s your chin! Believe it or not, the chin is the pathway to the heart!” @annie.sarnblad  

Some Questions I Ask:

  • Annie, you’re often referred to as a “human lie detector” due to your expertise in reading facial expressions. In your experience, what are some KEY NON-VERBAL CUES that can signal TRUST and authenticity in a person’s communication?
  • How can improving one’s ability to read facial expressions and body language contribute to building BETTER and more MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS?
  • Are there any universal facial expressions or body language cues that people should be aware of when trying to understand someone’s INTENTIONS?
  • Can you break down what Facial Action Coding Systems (FACS) is?
  • How quickly can you determine if someone has decent or indecent intentions through facial expression?

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How to identify psychopaths, narcissists, geniuses, or con artists based on their facial expressions.
  • Discover the key facial expressions to watch for on a first date to ensure your safety.
  • Uncover the red flags in facial cues that can appear during a relationship.
  • Understand how improving your ability to read facial expressions and body language can enhance your relationships, making them more meaningful and fulfilling.
  • Find out if there are universal facial expressions and body language cues that can help you discern someone’s intentions.
  • Plus much more…
Connect with
Annie Särnblad

Transcript of this Episode

Music Credits:


Kaibu by Killercats

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