New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

Summit of Greatness 2024 | September 13-14 | Los Angeles, CA


What would it feel like to be the author of a book that topped the bestseller charts and sold thousands of copies year after year?

Our next guest on the School of Greatness can show you how…

If you are an aspiring author looking to understand the changes of the new publishing world and how to sell thousands of copies without a major book deal and still want to hit the New York Times list, then this interview is for you.

Welcome to episode 78 with #1 New York Times Best Selling author, Tucker Max.

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The School of Greatness Podcast

Book Marketing by Tucker Max on the School of Greatness with Lewis Howes

“The most important thing for marketing anything is having something that people want.” ( Tweet )

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • What Tucker Max, Malcolm Gladwell and Michael Lewis have in common with the New York Times list
  • Why leading authors come to Tucker Max to market their books
  • The most important thing to ask yourself when planning to write a book: “Does anyone else care?”
  • The 3 Keys to knowing if people will care about what you’re book is about

“It took me years to understand this because it’s such kooky non-sense; but that’s the way publishing works.” ( Tweet )

  • The writing tool Eckart Tole and Tim Ferriss used to become best selling authors
  • When to use a mainstream publisher
  • The keys to a professional book when self publishing
  1. Cover
  2. Book Description
  3. Social Proof/Blurbs
  4. Content

“There’s a lot of talented people who don’t do shit. They don’t hustle and they don’t work on their skill.” ( Tweet )

  • How publishers are still making money despite the fact that they aren’t “making money now”
  • Deep dive into publishing industry disruption:
  1. Where is Barnes and Noble going?
  2. Who will Amazon buy next?
  • How to write a great book without being a great author
  • A process for writing a book without the cost of a ghost writer and getting it done quickly
  • The basic tactics for compelling book marketing
  • How to build an audience
  • Three main things to focus on if you don’t have much time or money
  1. Biggest ROI = Your Audiences’s Niche Blogs
  2. 1 or 2 Big Ideas in Your Book
  3. Build marketing into the book: Who is going to care? Who is the audience? Why will they care? Where am I going to find them?

“Find the people that will care and present your material in a way that benefits them, not you.” ( Tweet )

“That’s how all business works. Find a problem someone has, solve it, get them to pay you for it.” ( Tweet )

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  • Music Credit: Inertia by Nick Thayer

Did you enjoy the podcast?

Did you enjoy this episode with Tucker?  If so what was the main thing you took away about marketing you book?  Please share your thoughts in the comments section below and let me know what you think.  Thank for listening, and be sure to stay tuned for the second part of this interview with Tucker coming soon! 

“Publishers have finally realized that they don’t know how to sell books. The only thing that sells books now are author platforms.” ( Tweet )

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