This episode is a masterclass around relationships. Three experts on love & relationships share their perspectives and advice on why your relationships aren’t working out the way you want and all the things to look for in a compatible partner.
Faith Jenkins, attorney & author, elaborates on the main causes of divorce and shows us how we can better understand our partner’s love language. James Sexton, divorce lawyer & author, teaches how we can solve the problems in our relationships and not be victimized by the idea of divorce. Lori Gottlieb, psychotherapist & author, shares the truth about finding love and why it’s so important to embrace change in your relationship.
Today’s episode is a masterclass around relationships. Three experts on love & relationships share their perspectives and advice for why your relationships aren’t working out the way you want and all the things to look for in a compatible partner.
In this episode,
Kaibu by Killercats
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