Since the beginning of time, humanity has strived to understand the fundamental workings of the universe. How does matter come to emerge from the structure of space? How do the forces interact with each other? And most importantly, how did biology and eventually, human beings come into existence?
Nassim Haramein’s work attempts to solve some of the deepest and biggest questions about our universe. For over 35 years, Haramein has been researching and discovering connections in physics, mathematics, geometry, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology, and chemistry as well as anthropology and archeology.
These studies led Haramein to groundbreaking theories, published papers, and patented inventions in unified physics, which are now gaining worldwide recognition and acceptance; presenting the unification of all forces, all constants in physics, at all scales in the universe. By redefining humanity’s relationship with the structure of spacetime to produce energy and gravity control, there exists the potential to produce a sustainable world, and a capacity for humanity to truly colonize our solar system and beyond.
Kaibu by Killercats
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