New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

Summit of Greatness 2024 | September 13-14 | Los Angeles, CA


Lewis Howes

Start With Gratitude: A Simple Ritual That Will Change Your Life

Gratitude will change your life.

I’d like to kick things off today with a quote from Robert Braathe:

Gratitude and attitude are not challenges; they are choices.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I’m talking about gratitude today, and how it can absolutely change your life. Gratitude is something that we can all practice, regardless of our current situations, and when we focus on being thankful, we become happier as a result. 

When we appreciate everything that we already have, it puts us in a mindset of ABUNDANCE rather than scarcity. When we turn our focus off the negative and onto the positive, we call more positive things into our lives. We can then channel that positive energy into everything that we’re doing!

And I can’t speak for everyone, but gratitude just makes me plain happy! It brings me a ton of joy to pause what I’m doing and give thanks to someone else, or even just in my head. Many of the psychologists I’ve interviewed on The School of Greatness tell me that gratitude is PROVEN to create a happier life.

Here’s my suggestion for you: Don’t let gratitude be something you just do from time to time or on a holiday. Make it a RITUAL so that you can practice gratitude regularly and bring its full benefit into your life.

“When we appreciate everything that we already have, it puts us in a mindset of abundance!” @lewishowes  

So how do we implement gratitude in our daily lives? The simplest way to do that is this: add gratitude to the start of something you’re already doing.

Maybe on your drive to work, you take a moment and appreciate that you own a car, have a job, and a way to support your family. If you’re taking classes online, remind yourself of the gift of education, and how you are increasing your knowledge each day. And if you’re not doing much that day, rest and spend some time journaling what you’re grateful for in your life.

But it doesn’t have to be something at work or when you first wake up! Maybe when you first walk into the gym, you tell yourself, “Wow, I’m grateful the gym is open today for me and not locked down.” Or maybe it’s something you do while eating breakfast or whenever you spend time with your partner. The opportunities are endless.

Just choose ONE thing you do often and regularly, and add thoughts or actions of gratitude to the start of it. You’ll be able to love deeper, you’ll create more light for other people, and you’ll appreciate the little things around you more than ever. I’m telling you — a ritual of gratitude will change your life.

To learn more about how gratitude will change your life, join me on Episode 1,038!

Some Questions I Ask:

In this episode, you will learn:

Show Notes:

Podcasts that talk about gratitude:

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Lewis Howes

Transcript of this Episode

Music Credits:

Music Credit:

Next Galaxy by Extan

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