EP. 746


Jay Shetty

Who are you trying to impress?

Small Changes for Lasting Results

We are constantly trying to be what we’re not.

We’re trying to look like someone else, perform like someone else, or spend our time in ways that make other people happy.

This is an exhausting way to live.

Like Einstein says, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

You are the most powerful when you’re tapped into what makes you unique.

On today’s episode of The School of Greatness, I’m sharing a Summit of Greatness presentation from a former monk and master storyteller: Jay Shetty.

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“You become successful by what you get, but you become happy by what you give.” – @JayShettyIW

Jay Shetty is an award-winning host, storyteller and viral content creator. Since launching his video channel in 2016, Jay’s viral wisdom videos have garnered over 1 billion views and gained over 3 million followers globally.

He explains the three lies that people tell us and why it’s much more important to listen to your opinions than anyone else’s.

If you take the time to write, reflect, and learn about yourself, you can learn to celebrate what makes you great. No one will be able to hold you back once you do.

So get ready to learn about passion, pain, and purpose on Episode 746.

Some Questions I Ask:

  • How do you figure out what “you are?” (7:08)
  • How do you help people with ADD focus? (8:25)
  • What’s your advice for people who are struggling with their past? (13:17)

In this episode, you will learn:

    • How to look at small incremental changes (8:47)
    • How healing others’ physical pain and help your mental pain (10:00)
    • The power of journaling (14:07)
    • Plus much more…

photo of Jay Shetty

Connect with:

Jay Shetty

The School of Greatness Podcast
The School of Greatness Podcast

The School of Greatness Show

The School of Greatness shares inspiring interviews from the most successful people on the planet—world-renowned leaders in business, entertainment, sports, science, health, and literature—to inspire YOU to unlock your inner greatness and live your best life.