Summit of Greatness 2025 Early Bird Now Open! | September 12-13 | Los Angeles, CA


It is my pleasure to bring you an amazing guest host for this 5-Minute Friday episode of  The School of Greatness.

My man John Lee Dumas is a BOSS in the world of podcasting and entrepreneurship.

He recently told me about a new book he came out with called the Freedom Journal. It was inspired by the reality that we all have big dreams and fall short of accomplishing them . . . often because we get distracted by the rest of life.

It sounded awesome and I was more than happy to have him come on the show to share with you who it’s for.

It’s the start of the year. We all have big goals. You might be feeling overwhelmed with all the things you want to do.

So where to start?

The answer may be more simple than you think.

This is exactly why John created this book and he tells a great story to explain its use in a real life scenario in Episode 274.

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The School of Greatness Podcast


“Start the chain reaction of greatness by knocking over your one big domino.”

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Ready to tackle your one big goal in 100 days? Pick up John’s book!


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