New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

Summit of Greatness 2024 | September 13-14 | Los Angeles, CA


Josh Altman

Find Your Calculated Confidence


Confidence is so important.

But you have to earn it.

If you’re confident without putting in the work, it can come off as arrogance or even insecurity.

So how can you have calculated confidence?

Learn from your mistakes.

Put in the hours.

And believe in what you’re doing.

Once you’ve worked hard for your confidence, you’ll be able to look your clients in the eye knowing you’re an expert in your field.

For this 5-Minute Friday, I revisited a conversation I had with the hit show Million Dollar Listing’s Josh Altman where he shared what makes him one of the best realtors in the world.

Learn how to earn confidence and become unstoppable on Episode 819.

“In order to become a successful salesperson, you have to know your product. That’s the single most important thing.” @TheJoshAltman  

Some Questions I Ask:

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How to be a successful salesperson (2:05)
  • Why you should surround yourself with a dream team (3:00)
  • The importance of getting a mentor (4:00)
  • The four keys to Josh’s success (5:30)
  • Plus much more…

Show Notes:

Connect with
Josh Altman

Transcript of this Episode

Lewis: This is 5-Minute Friday!!

Thank you so much for joining me today my name is Lewis Howes and it’s always fun to connect with other football players, people that play collegiate football and Josh Altman a college football player at Syracuse University turned real estate mogul and one of the top realtors in the country.

He is the start of million dollar listing in Los Angeles, he’s sold homes of tens of millions of dollars, worked with some of the biggest celebrities and has a new book out called ‘It’s your move: my million dollar method for making risk with confidence and succeeding at work and life.”

A big thank you to our sponsor design crowd. Now, design crowd has been my service that I go to for all design with website, book covers, any type of design that you need you can get all your personal design needs at

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Right now you can go to for a special $100 VIP offer for our listeners. Again, design is the key to differentiate yourself in your space.

Josh: I always say whether it’d be a successful salesperson you got to know your product. You got to know it like the back of your hand, otherwise, you can’t truly sell it and you got to believe in it.

Lewis: You can’t believe in it if you don’t know it.

Josh: Exactly.

Lewis: Got you.

Josh: I am very good and I can look anybody in this business in the world in the eyes and say ‘I am an expert in Los Angeles real estate.”

Lewis: Yeah.

Josh: I know more than 99.99% of the people out there. So, I’m very confident because I’m very good at what I do because I’m an expert and I work very hard on it.

Lewis: You do the work.

Josh: It’s a passion of mine, so I don’t consider it work but I literally study. I think number 1 what I like to call surround yourself with your dream team.

Lewis: Yeah.

Josh: It consist of a good amount of support from people that I trust and value their opinion and who I surround myself with. I always say that ‘you are the average of 5 people that you surround yourself with.’

Lewis: Yeah.

Josh: So, I think it is super important to do that. In real estate, for example, I have the best mortgage broker who’s available 24/7 for me and we’ve worked our way up the business together. I have everybody from the best title guy and escrow guy and all that. So, I surround myself with this team of people who I can trust and they can guide me in the right directions in whatever I do.

So, that’s one way in any business just surround yourself with people who support you, more importantly, get a mentor.

Lewis: Right.

Josh: I am big on that, I am now a mentor to many people, I even have a mentor program coming out soon which I am super excited about.

Lewis: Really?

Josh: Whatever businesses you’re doing unless you’re inventing something that’s never existed before you are not typically reinventing the wheel.

Lewis: Someone has already done a great job at it.

Josh: Exactly. No matter how many billions I sell there’s always somebody before me who’s been very good at it. When I started real estate I walked in the company I work for and I went up to the biggest and bad real estate in that company, and I said: “My name is Josh Altman and I work for you.”  

I started sitting open houses that no one would even want to go to anymore. Eventually, I ended up working my way up for you know better open houses. My first 8 out of 10 deals were from people who walk through those, and then I had my own deals going so then I was successful.

Lewis: What year is this?

Josh: This was 2008.

Lewis: When you were out in L.A right?

Josh: Yeah, I came out in 2002 or 3. But that’s how I work my way up, attached yourself to a mentor and learn from them and there will be good times and bad times in any business and you’re gonna make mistakes in any business. In the book I talked about is being able to bounce back from those mistakes and redirect your route and finish strong.

Lewis: Hey guys if you enjoyed this inspirational clip from a past episode of the show then you’ll love the free book I’m giving away right now It’s called the millionaire morning and it includes some of my best tips for starting off your day with a millionaire mindset. Get your free copy at the and just pay shipping, again check it out right now the


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