Lewis sits down with Rob Dial, a high-performance coach, author of his new book “Level Up,” and the creator & host of the Mindset Mentor podcast. Rob has over 17 years of experience in personal development and is a leading expert in unlocking human potential. Today, we dive deep into the topics of manifesting your desires and achieving true happiness.
Meet Rob Dial, a high-performance coach, author of Level Up, and creator & host of the Mindset Mentor podcast. With over 17 years of experience in personal development, Rob empowers individuals to overcome mental limitations and unlock their hidden potential. He’s the creator of transformative coaching programs, including “The Mindset Mentor University” and “Business Breakthrough,” which guide people to take control of their futures and succeed in online coaching. Rob’s teachings are a go-to source for mindset transformation. Drawing from neuroscience, psychology, and his own journey, he helps his listeners, and readers, make meaningful changes and master their mindset for a more fulfilling life.
Buy Rob’s book Level Up: How to Get Focused, Stop Procrastinating, and Upgrade Your Life: https://amzn.to/3ZR7wRe
Rob’s podcast:
Rob’s coaching programs:
Kaibu by Killercats
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