I want to begin today’s 5-Minute Friday with this quote from Gary Ryan Blair: “Many will start fast, few will finish strong.”
What people remember about anything is usually two things: the beginning and the end. That’s right — even with everything ABSURD that happened in 2020, you’re going to remember how you started the year … and how you finished it.
Guys, it’s no secret that this year has been TOUGH.
You might not be happy with how it’s gone so far, and maybe you’re even disappointed in yourself. Maybe you’ve gotten sidetracked from your fitness goals and gained some extra pounds during quarantine. Or perhaps your business isn’t where you want it to be. Don’t fret — there’s still plenty of time left on the clock.
No matter how crazy this year went for you, we ALL have the opportunity to finish strong by taking the actions and making the changes we need to make to become our best selves.
So don’t wait until January 1st of next year. Fight off complacency. I want you to be as productive and purposeful as you can, from now until the end of the year and beyond. And today, I’m going to share my 3&1 exercise so you can do just that!
If you’re having trouble finding the motivation to finish the year strong, do it for the things that matter most to you in life! It doesn’t have to be work-related either! Finish the year strong for your relationships — do something special for your loved ones and let them know you care. Finish the year strong for your family — make a little extra time to read that bedtime story, or video chat those far away.
Finish strong and show up for the things and people that matter to you the most!
Because I want you to finish the year strong, here’s something you can do — a quick exercise I call the “3&1”. Do it right after reading this post! It’s simple enough that you’ll remember what to do.
Take a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle
On the left side, write everything that you did WELL in 2020 so far. For example, maybe you worked out consistently, stayed connected with friends, etc.
On the right side, write out everything you DIDN’T do well this year. For example, perhaps you watched too much Netflix, scrolled constantly through social media, did things last-minute, etc.
Now pick three things from the WELL side, and keep doing those things!
Then pick one thing from the other side, and make a plan to change that habit.
There’s your action plan to crush it for the rest of this year — three good things to keep doing no matter what and one bad thing to change. I want you to COMMIT to it! DM me your plan on Instagram, @lewishowes, or tell two friends about it.
I’ll finish this post with a quote from Oprah: “Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.” Follow this plan and you’ll end the year on a high note — and go into next year looking ahead!
To learn more about my 3&1 exercise to help you finish this year strong, tune into Episode 1,041!
Music Credit:
Next Galaxy by Extan
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