Summit of Greatness 2025 Early Bird Now Open! | September 12-13 | Los Angeles, CA


“No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again.” Buddha

As one calendar year is ending, we begin again.

I love new beginnings.

Like each new morning, our eyes open to the present moment, letting the past fade into the distance behind us.

We are hopeful in the morning.

We are hopeful on the first day of a new year.

Start with where you are right now.

Maybe driving in your car on your morning or evening commute. Waking up slowly after celebrating long into the night. On vacation with family.

2015 is done. It was an amazing year. Filled with victories, filled with losses. Each with its own precious moments and discoveries.

After all is said and done, though, and no matter where you are in your life right now or who you have or don’t have with you–

Begin within.

What exactly does that mean? It means connect to YOU.

However you can, connect with your deepest self, your highest self.

Set aside distractions for five minutes or as much time as you can today.

Even if you are going hard towards a certain goal and you have been for a long time, ask yourself again if it is in alignment with the vision you have for your life. Make sure it is. If something inside of you says no, take some time to look at that no and ask why. Have the courage to change course if it no longer sparks joy in you.

We don’t need anyone else to tell us what we need or want with our lives. We already know.

There is so much content in this Age of Information that our own voice can get lost in the noise. We can start to think that maybe someone else knows better than we do about what we need. Or someone has the answers we don’t. Of course continue learning and lifelong education, but remember too that inside of you is an infinite well of insight waiting to be drawn upon.

Ask yourself when the last time was that you got centered and in touch with you.

Maybe you are good at this and you meditate every day, but chances are if you are like most of us, you don’t take that time consistently to check in with yourself and make sure you are on track.

This isn’t about resolutions.

This is about revelations.

Revealing the real you.

Just like 2015, this year will be gone before you know it.

“There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” C.S. Lewis

Be sure you are living the life you want to live.

Not the life your parents told you to lead, not the life the media feeds you or the life you were told you were limited to.

This is your life.

“It’s never too late to be who you might have been.” George Eliot

Begin again.

Happy New Year, my friends.

May you find and follow the passion inside of you and reveal the gifts that only you can bring to the world.

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The School of Greatness Podcast

Lewis Howes on the School of Greatness

“We don’t need anyone else to tell us what we need or want with our lives. We already know.”

Continue Seeking Greatness:


  • Music Credit: Memories by SNDR & Joey Shigrov

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