Do you remember the movie Yes Man with Jim Carrey?
He is a guy that says “no” to so much because he doesn’t want to be tied down to anything. Then he takes on a new journey to increase his happiness by saying “yes” to everyone and everything.
He has amazing experiences, does outrageous activities and his life changes for the better by the end of the movie.
Seems fun in theory, but saying yes to EVERYTHING and EVERYONE is really saying no what you want and living your dreams.
We live in a culture where “yes” is the considered the right answer. But it’s not always the answer that will help you achieve your vision in the world.
In this episode we talk about the power of no, and what it will do to bring you abundance (and keep your sanity). Welcome to episode 79 on the School of Greatness with James Altucher.
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The School of Greatness Podcast
“People who believe in angels need to also pay the bills.” – James Altucher (Tweet)
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
- To see a new side of No
- How to choose the stories that serve you
- About gratitude meditations
- A voicemail strategy for cultivating abundance and gratitude
“If you’re not choosing, your excusing.” – James Altucher (Tweet)
- The power of negative chatter and the three keys to to say NO to it
- What came up for James while co-authoring a book with his wife, Claudia
- Stories of relationship dynamics on a silent retreat
“Gratitude is actually the same thing as abundance.” – James Altucher (Tweet)
- James Altucher’s strategy for identifying the best people to engage with
- What Ice-T‘s gastroenterologist taught James about NO
- All about The No Complaint Diet and how to implement it for instant abundance
“Explaining is draining.” – James Altucher (Tweet)
- What James means when he says, “I’d rather be healthy than right.”
- The “Right Disease” and why it causes lost life through disease and war
- Plus much more…
“We reach god much more easily through other people’s ears.” – Claudia Altucher (Tweet)
Continue Seeking Greatness:
Buy the book:
- Listen to Tucker Max discuss the success of Eckhart Tolle
- Pick up a copy of The Power of No by James and Claudia and Others:
- Have you read the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle?
- Learn about the business Marie Forleo has built
- Pick up the book James mentioned, Show your Work by Austin Kleon
- Connect with James Altucher:
Facebook | | Twitter
- Music Credit: Unsaid a Big Sandz Remix
Did you enjoy the podcast?
Where in your life are you not getting what you want because you say “yes” to something else or many other things? Do you often find yourself saying “yes” to so much that you feel overwhelmed, or resentful that you aren’t going after what you want? Post in the comments section below what is coming up for you and make sure to pick up a copy of this book as some of the exercises are extremely helpful. Make sure to share this on Twitter and Facebook so all of your friends who overcommit to everything can join in on the fun as well 🙂
“Abundance has a tendency to compound.” – James Altucher (Tweet)