With so much information on money and building wealth, it can feel overwhelming. Today’s Masterclass episode is all about how you can start and continue to build your personal wealth. Five experts walk us through common misconceptions about money and why changing your mindset is step number one of building wealth.
In this episode, Tony Robbins, entrepreneur & best-selling author, shares his advice on how to strategize and invest in a looming bear market, Dave Ramsey, author and businessman, shows inspiring ways to answer the phone when the world is trying to give you a wake up call, Jaspreet Singh, investor, CEO of Market Briefs, explains the ways you can prepare yourself for a future financial crisis, Ray Dalio, billionaire investor and hedge fund manager, elaborated on the importance of diversifying your portfolio when starting to invest and Grant Cardone, entrepreneur and investor, illustrates the mindset you need to turn 1K into 100K.
And now, let’s jump right into Episode 1,363 of The School of Greatness!
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