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Lewis Howes

The Secret to Building Bulletproof Confidence

Are you breaking the promises you make to yourself?

There’s a lot of chaos, uncertainty, and overwhelm in the world right now, and you might be feeling that on your shoulders. I know I’ve been feeling that. For me, I’m feeling the need to check in with everyone in my circle to ensure that they are OK. And while it’s good to care for others, you’ll become exhausted if you don’t care for yourself too.

There’s always going to be chaos around you whether it be in politics, health, relationship drama, work, etc. You’re going to be triggered in some way, shape, or form. You can’t escape uncertainty. So what can YOU do about it to make sure you’re sending out positive vibes to yourself, your community, and the world? How can you set yourself up for greatness and have a positive influence on everybody that you come into contact with? 

On this 5-Minute Friday episode, I’m going to tell you the secret to building bulletproof confidence in yourself that will keep you grounded in chaos and help you be a light for others.

Make wellness goals and stick to them. That’s it. That’s my secret.

So every week, my team and I have been setting wellness goals for ourselves. What is something that we can commit to it can be small or big that will help us feel better? Some people are committing to running 20 miles a week. Others are doing 100 pushups a day or going on a 30-minute walk. 

For you, it might be going on a bike ride every week, making yourself homecooked meals, or practicing meditation in the mornings and evenings! But here’s the important thing — whatever you choose, you have to stay true to it 100%. It’s not an optional goal. If you don’t make these commitments and don’t stick to them, you’re ultimately going to lose confidence in yourself.

If you struggle with keeping the commitments you make to yourself, then find an accountability partner to help you stay on track.

We make and break promises every single day. Most of the time, we break them, and every time we break one, we lose confidence that we are capable of achieving great things. But if we accomplish the things we set out to do, then the opposite happens — we build bulletproof confidence.

Not everyone is going to be perfect at keeping the promises they make to themselves. Life happens, things get crazy, and things fall by the wayside. The important thing is that you pick them back up and keep at it. The more goals you meet, the more energy you’ll have to accomplish even bigger and greater things.

Want to learn more? Join me on Episode 978 to learn how YOU can have bulletproof confidence and set goals for yourself!

Some Questions I Ask:

In this episode, you will learn:

Show Notes:

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Lewis Howes

Transcript of this Episode

Music Credits:

Music Credit:

Next Galaxy by Extan

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