And today, it’s easier than ever to find yours. Tons of people are building their dream jobs from scratch and creating big, beautiful lives for themselves. Intrepid entrepreneurs all over the world are bringing new products and services to excited consumers.
Does that sound like something you want to do? Are you ready to say “Goodbye!” to your 9-to-5 desk job and build a business for yourself? Do you want to start growing your personal wealth? Do you want to have the career and lifestyle of your dreams?
If you’re reading this post, I’m sure you do! But you probably have a lot of questions. How should you manage your money? What financial and entrepreneurial strategies do you need to learn? How do you build relationships that support you and your business?
Most of all — how do you even get started?
My guest today is going to tell you exactly how. Patrick Bet-David is a business expert, and he’s joining me today to teach you how to have the money mindset you need to win in business.
Who is Patrick Bet-David?
Patrick Bet-David is a true business guru. He has built a business empire from scratch, while routinely overcoming the criticism tossed his way. I really admire the way this guy gets up every day and continues building no matter what!
Patrick has been building and hustling his whole life. When he was just ten years old, he fled to America from Iran. Then after high school, he joined the military and served in the 101st Airborne before launching his business career. Before he was 30 years old, Patrick had started his first company, PHP Agency — the fastest growing financial services company in America.
Today, Patrick Bet-David is an amazing content creator, investor, producer, author, and CEO of both PHP Agency and Valuetainment Media, with a fanbase of over 10 million followers across five media platforms. And he’s getting set to release a new book, Your 5 Next Moves: Master the Art of Business Strategy, on August 18th! This book is a practical and effective guide for thinking more clearly and achieving your most audacious business goals, and I highly recommend grabbing a copy when it’s released!
Patrick Bet-David is an inspiring guy. He truly embodies the American Dream. His business genius is uncanny — he tells it like it is, and I always learn a lot from my conversations with him. And if you’re curious, check out my interview with Patrick about my book The Mask of Masculinity on Valuetainment Media!
If you’re ready to level-up your business game, grow your wealth, and achieve the success you’ve been dreaming about, read on!
The Inspiration Behind Patrick Bet-David’s New Book: Your Next Five Moves
As I said above, Patrick’s got a new book coming out on August 18th called Your Next Five Moves, which is a must-have for anyone who wishes to accomplish their business goals. In the book, Patrick outlines how everyone needs to find the next move when it comes to business. His inspiration from the book came from one very simple but challenging question:
“Everybody talks about, ‘What is the key to success?’ The key to success is [to] marry the right person, save money, work hard, go to school, get a degree, love people, faith, God — you hear so many different things. … Years later, I said … the biggest key to success … the difference between [successful people] and other people is their sequencing.” – Patrick Bet-David
What does he mean by sequencing? Let me break it down for you: Two people may have the same vision of what they want to do in life. Let’s say they both want a career in the NFL. There are going to be countless steps and options to get to that level of success, but the person who chooses the right order (the right sequencing) is inevitably going to get to that point faster. The other person, while they might have the same dream, does not have efficient sequencing, so they may never get there.
Patrick experienced this sequencing firsthand when his life started falling apart around him. When he was around 26 years old, his girlfriend broke up with him because he loved his business more than her. After that, he got a message from his mom, asking him what happened to her little son who used to love his mother? THEN he read an email from a client, from whom he was expecting a $15,000 auto commission, saying that they were backing out at the last minute. All of this happens before 6:10AM.
“I [had] no idea what to do in that moment. All I thought about is, ‘What are my next five moves? What do I need to do next?’ From that moment on, everything I did with business, I would ask myself, ‘[What are] my next ten, 15 moves? … What can I do to be better than this guy? What can I do to be more efficient than him?’… Everything came down to [my] next five moves.” – Patrick Bet-David
I asked Patrick what next move we should all be thinking about, and he went the extra mile, giving me the three next moves in forming your dream career and personal life:
- Ask yourself, “Who do you want to be?”
If you don’t know the answer to this question, it will take you WAY longer to actually become great. Take some time to sit and reflect on your dream job or the best version of you. Don’t compare yourself to others you see around you. Get really clear on who YOU want to be.
2. Discover your natural talents.
Patrick says that after you’ve identified who you want to be, you can start figuring out what talents you have. Are you naturally gifted at public speaking? Are you a creative problem-solver? Are you data-driven? Once you do that, you can start using your talents intentionally to give your sequencing an upper advantage.
3. Start sequencing.
Sequencing can happen at a macro and micro level. If you’re not sure where to start, begin with standardizing your morning routine. Then move onto bigger things — relationships, business deals, etc. You’re going to make mistakes, but these are opportunities for you to rework the sequence and find a more efficient flow.
If you want to learn more about the next moves you can take in your career and relationships, definitely check out Patrick’s book, Your Five Next Moves, which is coming out on August 18th!