EP. 670


Rory Vaden

If you haven’t thought about your personal brand lately, listen up.

Building an Influential Personal Brand

There is something incredibly important in life that I don’t hear enough people talking about. It’s called your personal brand and it goes far beyond your career.

I started learning about personal branding over 10 years ago when I got into the entrepreneurial world. I noticed a big difference between some people’s brands and others. So I started taking notes.

Today, I credit a huge part of my success, both personally and professionally, to the personal brand I’ve created. It’s my reputation and much more.

There’s no one I trust more to teach on this topic than my good friend Rory Vaden.

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"Lack of revenue is not your greatest problem; a lack of reputation is."

Rory and I met years ago and would meet up every once in a while at different events. But it wasn’t until I felt the need to call him a couple of months ago that I truly learned about Rory’s genius.

I was feeling a little uneasy about what to do next with my personal brand and business. I knew I needed to get an outside set of expert eyes on it.

So I called Rory out of the blue and asked if I could come meet him to talk about it.

Rory not only gave me two days of his time and hosted me at his house, he gave me such valuable insight into my business and brand that I am shifting my entire focus as a result.

I want to share this same information and insight with as many people as possible, so Rory flew out to record a podcast episode all about how he thinks about branding (and what he helps his clients do).

He even offered free brand strategy calls to any School of Greatness podcast listeners if you are interested in becoming an influential personal brand.

This conversation is a goldmine, and I can’t wait for you to take tons of notes on it in Episode 670.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • What reputation actually is (Rory’s definition)
  • Why a lack of revenue is not your greatest problem
  • Rory’s reputation formula to create rock solid results
  • How to become unstoppable through your branding
  • What your brand DNA is made of
  • How to know if a decision is aligned with your ethics
  • What one of the biggest lures of compromise is
  • The DARES test to put all your business ideas through
  • How to figure out the actual business you are in
  • Plus much more…

Get a free brand strategy call with Rory’s team

photo of Rory Vaden

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Rory Vaden

The School of Greatness Podcast
The School of Greatness Podcast

The School of Greatness Show

The School of Greatness shares inspiring interviews from the most successful people on the planetโ€”world-renowned leaders in business, entertainment, sports, science, health, and literatureโ€”to inspire YOU to unlock your inner greatness and live your best life.