Fame, Finding Purpose, and Emotional Healing

There’s a slight chance you haven’t heard of today’s guest on The School of Greatness.

However, even if you aren’t into popular music from the past twenty years, you’ve probably still heard of Alanis Morissette.

That’s because she is an incredible human being, beyond being an incredible musician and artist.


When her first major album came out in 1995, she couldn’t have known that it would go on to sell 30 million copies or that she would eventually win multiple major awards for her work.

Whether or not she wanted to however, Alanis had to ride the wave of fame, including the dark side of it, for the next couple of decades.

What she has learned from that journey, along with her own education in emotional healing, multiple intelligences, finding her way through relationships, and her work, has shaped her into one of the most beautiful souls I have ever met.

I had the privilege of meeting up with her in her studio (she’s a new podcast host as well!), and it was a delight to hear her perspective and stories on her findings along the way.

We connected on a lot of levels, including relationships, struggling in school, and feeling unnoticed. But by the end of our conversation, we connected more than anything on the importance of each person finding their unique purpose and following it relentlessly.

It is my honor to share this deep and inspiring conversation with the lovely and talented Alanis Morissette on Episode 266.

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The School of Greatness Podcast


“Greatness is self-knowledge expressed.”

Some questions I ask:

  • Who was the most influential person in your life before you were 22?
  • What does “unschooling” mean?
  • What was your biggest heartbreak from your teen years?
  • Why were you pursuing over-achievement in your teens?
  • How do you heal in relationship?
  • What is a love addict?
  • How do you emotionally deal with the idea of the best results from your music being behind you?
  • How important is it to you to be relevant and known?

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • The importance of physical touch (and the lack of it in the U.S.)
  • The idea of multiple intelligences and how the education system doesn’t make room for those
  • Alanis started a record company when she was 10 years old
  • What it was like to live a double life as a teenager going to school during the day and recording music at night
  • Alanis was also a competitive swimmer in school (the beginnings of work addiction)
  • The basic stages of development (and how significant it is if they are missed)
  • How Western society has allowed for men and women to have both beta and alpha roles in recent years

“The blueprint for your growth lies in the requests of your partner.”

  • The difference between catharsis and healing in music
  • What Alanis learned from the success of Jagged Little Pill (30 million albums sold!)
  • Alanis’ advice to young artists who are trying to make it big today
  • The difference between being in macro service and in micro service
  • Alanis’ mission now versus 20 years ago
  • Alani’s definition of love (it’s a drawing)
  • Plus much more…

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Wow, what a beautiful soul Alanis is. What was your favorite part of this episode?

“The soul is very shy.”

The School of Greatness Podcast
The School of Greatness Podcast

The School of
Greatness Show

The School of Greatness shares inspiring interviews from the most successful people on the planet—world-renowned leaders in business, entertainment, sports, science, health, and literature—to inspire YOU to unlock your inner greatness and live your best life.