EP. 825


Lewis Howes


Give Your Dreams All You've Got

Are you giving all youโ€™ve got?

Or are you afraid to go all in?

So often we give up before weโ€™ve even begun.

You are worthy of going after your dreams.

You are worthy of fighting for what you want.

Youโ€™ve got to commit to yourself so that you can succeed at the one thing you can control- your effort.

For this 5-Minute Friday, Iโ€™m doing a special solo episode where I share where Iโ€™m at in my journey to become an Olympic athlete.

I received some difficult news about six weeks ago about the Pan American Games. But Iโ€™m still training with the team for the next ten days.

I need to give everything I can so that I donโ€™t have any regrets.

Learn what it takes to really go after a dream on Episode 825.

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โ€œDreamers are the ones that move the world.โ€ – @LewisHowes

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Why Iโ€™m leaving for Brazil for the next week (1:30)
  • The physical sacrifices Iโ€™ve made for handball (3:00)
  • The reason Iโ€™m going even though Iโ€™m an alternate (3:50)
  • What it takes to accomplish a goal (8:00)
  • Plus much more…
photo of Lewis Howes

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Lewis Howes

The School of Greatness Podcast
The School of Greatness Podcast

The School of Greatness Show

The School of Greatness shares inspiring interviews from the most successful people on the planetโ€”world-renowned leaders in business, entertainment, sports, science, health, and literatureโ€”to inspire YOU to unlock your inner greatness and live your best life.