Interested in learning how to build a life and business around doing what you love? So am I. Let’s connect.
Usually I just talk about the hustle.
You know I am a big believer in working HARD for what you want.
But today, I’m going to follow up my hustle talk with the counter-balance you need to do (just as important).
So much of what me and my guests talk about on The School of Greatness is how to show up.
There’s no way around it. If you want to be great, you have to show up, make connections happen, and then follow up.
This is a huge part of my own success.
But equally important is the opposite – resting up.
No matter how hard you push, you are going to hit a wall if you don’t take care of your mind and body.
So, in honor of the crazy amount of showing up I’ve been doing prepping for my book launch later this year, I am taking the weekend off and resting up.
I share more thoughts on this in Episode 138, on 5-Minute Friday. Let me know what you think!
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The School of Greatness Podcast
“Sometimes you have to say no to everything so you can say yes to yourself.”
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- Music Credit: Some Time by Slo Dogz
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Most of us are either showing up or resting up too much. The balance is tricky. How have you found ways to do this in your life?