If you want to make real change in your life, you have to know it’s going to be uncomfortable.
Everything has its process.
You’re going to feel scared. You’re going to have growing pains. That’s part of being a human.
But your ability to make mistakes and still stay true to your goals will determine whether or not you make it.
You have to take it one step at a time.
You have to surround yourself with people who share your belief system.
And you have to be honest with yourself.
Little by little, your self-confidence will grow, and you’ll be miles away from where you started.
For this 5-Minute Friday, I revisited a conversation I had with Gabrielle Reece where she shared strategies to increase your belief in yourself.
Gabby is a world-renowned athlete, New York Times bestselling author, wife, and mother. Together with her husband, surfing legend Laird Hamilton, Gabby is an avid proponent of empowering people to take responsibility for their health and a truly authentic example of healthy living. Gabby has become a role model for women worldwide regarding how to achieve peak fitness, good health, and overall well-being for themselves and their entire family.
Gabby says that you need to create the infrastructure around yourself to be successful. Learn how baby steps will help you reach your goals in Episode 837.
LEWIS HOWES: This is 5-Minute Friday.
LEWIS HOWES: We have one of the greatest women’s beach volleyball players of all time, Gabby Reece, here. And she’s also a successful model, actress, writer, and fitness expert.
And a big thank you to our sponsor, DesignCrowd. Now DesignCrowd has been my service that I go to for all design. With website stuff, with book covers when I’m coming out with a new book, with t-shirts, with logos, with graphics, with social media stuff. Any type of design that you need, you can get all your personal design needs at designcrowd.com/greatness. They’ve got hundreds of thousands of designers from all over the world that will create designs for you. All you have to do is fill out the form of what you’re looking for whether it’s a logo or a website or t-shirt graphic or whatever it may be, you submit what you’re looking for and you give the details of what it is that’s inspiring you for this, and then designers will start creating branding for you. You can give feedback on them, and then when you want to pick a winner, you choose one of them, and then you just pay that.
And right now, you can go to designcrowd.com/greatness for a special $100 VIP offer for our listeners. Again design is the key to differentiate yourself in your space, in your industry—check it out right now at designcrowd.com/greatness. That’s D-E-S-I-G-N-C-R-O-W-D dot com slash greatness.
GABBY REECE: This is the thing, is how do you create infrastructure around you to be successful? Know your weaknesses. If you don’t want to eat it, don’t buy it at the grocery store and have it in the house, right? Say, “Okay, that’s it. I’ll go out to get [inaudible].” So I always say, “On the nutrition side, take out your worst thing.” So if you’re a smoker, would I say to you, “Stop smoking?” No, I’d say, “Could you smoke less? Just today, could you smoke less?” If you eat Twinkies, “Could you take that out of your diet?” And just substitute, like the three sodas— “Could you have one and drink water?” It’s finding ways, baby steps to kind of deal with the pillars. I got to move consistently and eat. Eat well to support my belief system. Because I can’t get there through here and through here if I fail miserable. I just think it’s very difficult. So I think that that’s one thing.
I think having the understanding that everything sort of has this process, and so nothing happens easy. I have not had one thing in my career, in my relationships, parenting or otherwise, just happen easily. Now, they happen, and they’re pretty good. They’ve never happened easily, right? So it’s going into things when you’re integrating your belief system, know that it’s going to be a little bit of work. Doesn’t mean you have to beat yourself up. That’s the other side, though. When it can be easy, allow it to be easy. And who you surround yourself with. Your belief system is still the reflection of the people around you.
So I’ll give you another example. Laird will have people around him if they’re his same age or younger and then will go, “Oh, well, yeah, because now I’m 48, I don’t do that.” They got to go. They’re in the way, they got to go. Because for Laird and his belief system and what he’s trying to accomplish, he can’t be around those kind of people. So if you are trying to create a situation where you feel good about yourself, you’ll have to have people around you that their messaging is similar.
LEWIS HOWES: Kind of nagging you or talking—
GABBY REECE: Or like, “Why do you think you can do that?” or, “That’s going to be really hard.” They could say, “It’s completely doable. What’s your plan of action? It’s going to be tough but you can do it.” You cannot have people go like, “Why do you think you can do that?” I mean—
LEWIS HOWES: Questioning you.
GABBY REECE: Correct. They got to go. So I think it’s all these things and seeing these, but then understanding that—and I’m not a particularly religious person, but there’s a verse in the Bible that says like, “God knows each hair on each of our heads,” right? It’s that understanding each of us is special and has a special voice and a special mission, but we just have to believe in that and understand what that is, but be honest with ourselves. Not, “Hey, I’m going to do X to make this dollar.” Or if you are, be honest about that.
GABBY REECE: Cool. Or, “Hey, I’m going to do X so I can get this attention.” It’s just about understanding why you’re doing things. And sometimes, like for example, I do photoshoots that I know why I’m doing it. It’s to get attention. And certain jobs, it’s to get money.
LEWIS HOWES: To make money. Right.
GABBY REECE: Right. But be clear and be honest because if you’re not, then don’t—you’ll lose control and you don’t really know why you’re doing things and then you’ll lose yourself. You got to be straight up. So I think it’s that, too. But creating a really good environment. And when you feel scared and you doubt, know that that’s part of being a human. And having a safe place—
LEWIS HOWES: Don’t beat yourself up, right?
GABBY REECE: No, have a safe place. It’s like people are trying to eat better and they blow it one day. Get over it, it’s okay. Tomorrow’s another day. That’s the great thing.
GABBY REECE: It’s like we don’t need to wait till New Year’s to start over. You can start tomorrow. You can start over.
LEWIS HOWES: Everyday is a New Year. Yeah, I love the approach.
LEWIS HOWES: Hey guys, if you enjoyed this inspirational clip from a past episode of the show, then you’ll love the free book I’m giving away right now. It’s called The Millionaire Morning. It includes some of my best tips for starting off your day with a millionaire mindset. Get your free copy at themillionairemorning.com and just pay shipping. Again, check it out right now: themillionairemorning.com.
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