New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!


Steven Kotler

Hack Your Brain & New Technology to Reach Peak Performance

Wow, buckle up for today's episode on The School of Greatness.

If you’re a longtime fan of the show, you already know this guest.

He sat down with me years ago to discuss my fascination with flow and how to get into it.

If you missed that first conversation with NYT bestselling author and human performance expert Steven Kotler, check it out.

Steven is one of the smartest, most interesting guys I know.

His chosen profession has him working with the top minds, athletes, and organizations in the world to uncover how to perform at our very best as humans. (Think Navy SEALS, Red Bull, Olympians, etc.)

“Creativity is probably the most important skill in the 21st century.”  

But his newest book is about another branch of this work – how we tap into creativity and healing by re-wiring our brains after experiences like trauma, PTSD, and more.

We’ve all experienced some level of this by the time we’re adults, which is why this episode applies to everyone.

I can’t wait for you to hear Steven’s fascinating explanations of what is going on in the research world around creativity, technology, mind-altering substances, and more in Episode 448.

“Reading books is the number one thing anyone can do to improve their lives.”  

Some Questions I Ask:

  • What do you mean by “altered states of consciousness”? (1:46)
  • In your research, what is the best way you found to tap into these states? (11:50)
  • Why do we need all these therapy treatments? Why can’t we live and heal without them? (19:12)
  • What is the most important thing you want people to understand from your research? (22:14)
  • Are we capable of accessing these mind-altering states without substances? (27:28)
  • What do you think is missing for people in their lives right now? (31:30)
  • Will people get out of balance by getting addicted to these methods? (This is Christine, my podcast editor asking) (47:26)

In this episode, you will learn:

  • About the largest revolution most people have never heard of (happening right now) (1:00)
  • The remarkable effects of psychedelic therapy to treat PTSD (12:45)
  • Why we think differently about the government-supported mind-altering substances we already use (20:02)
  • How bad we are at training people to be creative (24:15)
  • Why the drive for intoxication and mind-altering substances is inside all of us and reflected in nature (25:30)
  • The line between using drugs for good and when it goes south (29:38)
  • What Steven learned about himself working as a professional magician early in his career (35:40)
  • The 4 emerging forces in human development (41:00)
  • Music’s power to shift consciousness (44:25)
  • How marketers are using these methods already to sell to us (49:40)
  • Plus much more…
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Steven Kotler

Transcript of this Episode

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